Large spot on hand

Human skin is very sensitive and reflects changes occurring in the body. You cannot ignore any signals, even seemingly insignificant ones like a red spot on your hand.

Red spots appear on the arm that itch: reasons

If you immediately contact a dermatologist and take action, you can not only eliminate the visual defect, but also help the body overcome a serious illness, because the causes can be different.

Skin diseases

Skin diseases are a serious problem that is often difficult to cope with. The main reason for their development is usually nervous exhaustion and stress. They can also “grow” in the advanced state of minor symptoms indicating poor hygiene and exposure to allergens on the body.

The most common diseases that may cause redness on the hands are the following:

  1. Dermatitis. Symptoms begin with small blisters, then itchy hands, and red spots appear.
  2. Eczema. Normal redness causes severe itching and pimples appear. Scratching them provokes the formation of wounds that are difficult to heal.
  3. Psoriasis. Pink raised spots appear on the back of the hands, in the area of ​​the elbow joint, and on the wrist. They gradually increase in size, then they cover almost the entire body. The redness is accompanied by mild itching, or the affected area does not itch at all.
  4. Scleroderma. A disease in which, due to a disorder of the immune system, cells are replaced by fibrous tissue. Causes may include previous infectious diseases, organ transplantation, hereditary predisposition, blood transfusion, administration of low-quality serum or vaccine. Manifests itself in two clinical forms:
  5. Focal. Symptoms are expressed locally. First, the affected area swells, then thickens, then the cells atrophy, forming a white, brown or red spot (sometimes several), which has a smooth surface. The disease can go away on its own.
  6. Systemic. A severe form in which the disease disrupts the functioning of internal organs. It manifests itself by the appearance of compacted red spots on the hands and neck. Then they spread throughout the body.
  7. Lichen. The disease varies in form and is usually localized on the arms, stomach, and between the fingers. You can become infected from infected people and animals. Symptoms include dark or light, irregularly shaped, scaly patches that are very itchy.
  8. Scabies. An infectious disease that occurs through contact with a sick person. The causative agent is the scabies mite, which is activated in the evening. An infected person begins to experience severe itching, the skin on the hands turns red, and when scratched, it develops pustular formations.

Diseases of internal organs

If your hands are covered with red spots and the area around them itches, this may be a manifestation of a disease that is hidden inside the body.

  1. Diabetes. The skin on your hands dries and cracks. This is especially noticeable in the areas between the fingers, where it is thinnest and most vulnerable. The affected skin should never be scratched, because instead of red spots, painful ulcers will form on the hands. Be sure to protect your skin from the sun and do not go to the solarium. To eliminate itching, you can make lotions with a decoction of chamomile, string, and oak bark.
  2. Diseases of the liver, stomach and pancreas. Rashes of various types may indicate disruption of the digestive system. They appear on the arms, legs, back, and stomach. In chronic liver diseases, red, compacted plaques form on the skin. They have a raised edge and a whitish center. Periodically, the red spots disappear, but then appear again. You can get rid of them completely only by eliminating the root cause.


Allergens (sensitizing agents) can be both external and internal. The first type includes artificial clothing fabric, washing powder, cleaning products, caring cosmetics, and animal hair. Red spots usually appear on the hands and wrists. Getting rid of symptoms is quite simple if you identify the allergen and do not contact it anymore.

It is more difficult to eliminate the body’s predisposition to “internal entry” of agents with sensitizing properties. Some foods can cause red spots and itching on your hands. In most cases these are: citrus fruits, milk and eggs. But each organism is individual, so allergies can appear to products that are considered completely harmless and have not previously caused any discomfort. They are determined by examination or gradual exclusion from the diet one product at a time. But the last option is quite lengthy and not always effective.

The next allergen may be components of the medication you are taking. Sensitivity to the drug quickly makes itself felt. On the second day after starting treatment, the red spots that appear on the hands itch and peel, so it is not difficult to determine the pathogen. In this case, the doctor must select an analogue of the drug or prescribe a course of treatment consisting of other procedures.

Sun spots

When exposed to the bright sun for a long time, redness appears on the body, especially the hands and face. This could be a burn or photodermatosis. In any case, the symptom is a signal for more scrupulous skin care and protection from direct sunlight. Before going outside, you should apply sunscreen to your face, hands, and other exposed areas of your body.

In case of severe irritation, which manifests itself in the form of a rash, itching and burning, you should consult a doctor.

Other reasons

  1. Hormonal changes. Red itchy spots often appear on the hands during puberty in adolescents, during pregnancy, and during menopause. You cannot expect the spots and itching to go away on their own. Inaction can provoke the development of serious skin diseases.
  2. Decrease in air temperature. It negatively affects the condition of the skin. When exposed to cold, even for short periods of time, the face and hands suffer. The skin becomes dry, red, and later severe itching appears. Especially when a person enters a heated room from the street.
  3. Stress. This is another cause of skin problems that is difficult to protect against. It acts unexpectedly and instantly, but the condition does not go away so quickly. The problem is further aggravated by the unwillingness to understand and accept the problem and begin treatment. As a result, the skin reacts to internal nervous exhaustion, it turns red, and peeling appears. These symptoms can be the onset of psoriasis and eczema.
  4. Insect bites. They provoke swelling, redness and itching of the damaged area. The condition depends on the sensitivity of the skin and the body’s ability to resist damage. Bite marks may disappear without a trace or, conversely, cause a complication requiring immediate hospitalization.


If a spot on your hand itches and peels, this is a reason to think about your health. You definitely need to see a dermatologist. Especially if the problem concerns a child. A child's body is more sensitive and susceptible to pathogens, and it is equally difficult to cure them, big and small.

First, the doctor conducts an examination and asks about your lifestyle a few days before the visit: what you ate, what environment you were in, what medications you took. After this, he prescribes laboratory tests and diagnostics using medical equipment:

  1. blood sampling for general examination and biochemistry;
  2. immunological study;
  3. allergen identification test;
  4. scraping from the affected area of ​​skin;
  5. Ultrasound of internal organs.

If the doctor finds it difficult to make a correct diagnosis and has unanswered questions, the patient is sent for additional examination in a hospital setting. The doctor will prescribe treatment only after making a diagnosis.

Treatment for itchy red spots on the arm

The course of treatment often includes drugs that target the disease and eliminate symptoms. Antihistamines help relieve irritation: Suprastin, Gistan, Fenistil.

The doctor may also prescribe antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, heating, and ultraviolet exposure. To defeat skin diseases, you need to commit to long-term treatment and follow all doctor’s recommendations.

Allergies from external irritants can be eliminated on your own. You need to choose hypoallergenic cosmetics, clothes made from natural fabrics, and use household gloves while cleaning. In winter, you should apply protective cream to your hands. It should be well absorbed, then you can put on mittens.

Redness and rashes cannot be ignored. Timely diagnosis and initiation of treatment for the disease at an early stage are the “key” to full recovery.

Video on the topic

Such a phenomenon as redness of the skin on the hands cannot but alarm a person, since such manifestations are often accompanied by pain, itching or other discomfort. In order to get rid of this phenomenon, it is necessary to find out exactly why red spots appear on the hands, what this is connected with, and, perhaps, the patient will be able to prevent a serious disease that has a significant threat to the body.

Main reasons

A sudden red spot on the arm can signal numerous disorders of both an infectious and non-infectious nature. This can be closely related to manifestations of the nervous system, it can be provoked by fungi, or serious internal disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Manifestations of allergies

Allergy is a typical immunopathological process, expressed by the hypersensitivity of the body's immune system upon repeated exposure to an allergen on an organism previously sensitized by this allergen.

According to modern medical research, allergies can occur in response to absolutely any component of food or cosmetics of natural and synthetic origin.

Red spots on the legs and arms are a very common manifestation of allergies. According to doctors, this symptom may not appear immediately after the allergen enters the body, but as a result of its gradual accumulation. In order to identify this disease as the cause of redness on the skin of the hands, feet and other parts of the body, it is worth taking the following measures:

  1. see a dermatologist and allergist to do tests for various allergens;
  2. analyze your own diet, use of new medicines or cosmetics;
  3. refrain from consuming and using suspicious products and drugs.

If you are allergic to a substance, it is not enough to simply prevent it from entering the body. Since allergies occur to several allergens at the same time, it is very important to find out what exactly the body reacts to in this way.

Read about the types of allergic spots and the reasons that cause them at the link

Unbalanced diet

Sometimes red spots on the hand may indicate that a person is overly addicted to eating:

In this case, the body reacts with the appearance of skin irritation on the arms and legs, since the liver and kidneys cannot cope with removing harmful substances from the body. In this case, it is enough to simply adjust your diet by introducing as many vegetables into your diet as possible and giving up unhealthy foods.

Temperature changes

Sometimes itchy red spots on the arms and legs are nothing more than a simple reaction of the body to temperature changes. There is even a cold allergy syndrome, which manifests itself in the form of skin irritations.

In this case, the patient is recommended the following measures:

  1. warm baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  2. strengthening the immune system in the form of a contrast shower.

If the patient reacts painfully to heat and cold, to changes in air humidity and other weather conditions, and there is no possibility of the body adapting with the use of strengthening agents, it makes sense to change the climate to a more suitable one.

Nervous disorders

Often a red spot appears on the hand, which itches and flakes as a result of certain nervous diseases, such as neurodermatitis.

Neurodermatitis is a chronic skin disease of the neurogenic-allergic type, occurring with periods of remission and exacerbation.

This disease manifests itself during nervous stress and severe stress. As a rule, after the patient gets rid of neurodermatitis, the red spots on the hands also disappear.

In order to alleviate the patient’s condition, you can take simple sedatives based on herbs such as:

Of course, with frequent manifestations of this kind, it is worth contacting a neurologist.


When a spot on the hand is flaky and itchy, and also covered with white scales, this may be a manifestation of a disease such as psoriasis. This disease is autoimmune in nature and manifests itself as a systemic disease. Unfortunately, itchy red spots on the arms, scalp, and back are not its most dangerous manifestations.

Since psoriasis threatens serious damage to internal organs, it requires careful examination and treatment by a specialist.


With pyoderma, small red spots that appear on the hands are accompanied by itchy skin and painful sensations.

This disease is infectious in nature, caused by streptococci and, in the absence of adequate treatment, threatens to develop into a significant inflammation of the skin, in which purulent rashes and blisters will form on the skin.


The main characteristic of this disease is damage to the connective tissue. If a red spot appears on your hand, which itches and noticeably rises above the surface of the skin, this is a reason to consult a doctor, since in the future the disease will progress and develop into significant changes in the skin, nails and joints.


Ringworm is a skin disease that is caused by a fungal infection and causes various types of red, scaly patches on the hands.

Depending on its variety, lichen has very different manifestations.

  1. Tinea versicolor. With this type of disease, red spots appear on the hands and others, often surrounded by brown or dark spots. Later the spots turn white.
  2. Pityriasis rosea. This type of disease is characterized by the fact that the hands and other parts of the body become covered with red spots and itch. The spots have different shapes and gradually disappear on their own, since the disease does not require independent treatment, as it occurs due to immune disorders. Patients are advised not to eat heavy foods or use cosmetics.
  3. Ringworm. With this disease, the hands and other affected areas itch and red spots appear on them. This disease causes significant discomfort in the affected areas of the body, as they itch, especially at night.
  4. Palmar erythema. This skin disease has the main symptoms when red spots form on the hand and itch. The localization of the rash is usually concentrated on the inside of the palm. This disease has no cure. It manifests itself in acute periods and periods of remission.
  5. Red spots on the hand, similar to a burn, can also appear as a reaction to ultraviolet rays, or when staying in a solarium for too long. With these manifestations, it is necessary to reduce exposure to ultraviolet radiation to a minimum.

Ringworm is a disease that is very dangerous for others, so it requires immediate treatment.

Infections of various types

There are a number of diseases that manifest themselves in the form of red spots on the hands and body that do not itch or bother the patient, as, for example, with syphilis, or, on the contrary, manifest as itching on the skin, as, for example, with chickenpox. You need to know that if red spots appear on your hands and body, this may be a sign of the following diseases:

The likelihood of the above diseases is very high if skin manifestations are accompanied by symptoms such as:

  1. pain in the throat, neck, head;
  2. elevated temperature;
  3. chills;
  4. general weakness.

This symptomatology should seriously alert you, especially if the sick person is a child.

Treatment methods

If red spots appear on your hands and are flaky or itchy, of course, the very first step should be to see a doctor. It is he who will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe therapy that is adequate to the given case.

As a rule, the described manifestations are treated with the use of local drugs, namely ointments. This form of drug release is very popular because it has a local effect, that is, it minimizes the likelihood of side effects.

  1. Antiseptic ointments. This type of medicine effectively relieves irritation and also fights its main cause - infection.
  2. Hormonal ointments. These drugs are used against fungal skin infections, autoimmune diseases, and eczema.
  3. Healing ointments. This type of ointment can have an exclusively regenerating effect, or combine it with an antiseptic effect.

It must be remembered that ointments are medications that can only be used on the advice of a doctor. If you use them yourself, you can cause significant harm to the body.

Folk remedies

Sometimes it happens that red spots appear on the hand and itch, and it is necessary to relieve the symptoms immediately. In this case, folk remedies for topical use can help, which will not get rid of the causes of the disease, but will help temporarily eliminate the feeling of discomfort on the skin.

These products include baths prepared on the basis of:

  1. table salt, which will help relieve itching and inflammation;
  2. a decoction of chamomile or oak bark, which has a soothing and disinfectant effect.

Red spots on the hand that itch and peel cannot be treated on your own. This should be done by a specialist - a dermatologist.

Red spots on the hands are a nonspecific symptom of a certain pathological process in the body. In addition, red spots on the skin of the hands can form as a result of severe stress or nervous strain. In any case, treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor. Unauthorized use of medications can only temporarily relieve symptoms, but does not guarantee the elimination of the root cause.


A red spot similar to a burn is present in the symptoms of many infectious, dermatological and inflammatory diseases. In some cases, the occurrence of such a symptom may be a consequence of a psychological disorder. In general, the following etiological factors can be identified:

  1. temperature changes;
  2. insect bites;
  3. diseases of bacterial, parasitic, fungal nature;
  4. autoimmune pathologies - psoriasis, systemic lupus erythematosus;
  5. atopic dermatitis;
  6. acute allergic reaction to food, personal care products or household chemicals;
  7. side effects of certain medications;
  8. hormonal imbalances;
  9. oncological processes;
  10. stress and severe nervous strain;
  11. scabies;
  12. pityriasis rosea;
  13. STD;
  14. too dry skin.

It should be noted that this is not the entire list of etiological factors under which this symptom can be observed. Assuming the etiology, the localization of the rashes should also be taken into account - on the hands, fingers, elbows or scattered throughout the body.

Quite often, a red spot on a child’s arm may indicate an allergic reaction or lichen. Since children often come into contact with street animals, such a disease is quite likely. However, only a doctor can make a diagnosis, just like prescribe treatment.


In this case, it is difficult to identify the overall clinical picture, since red spots on the hands or locally can be a manifestation of both an allergic reaction and a systemic autoimmune disease.

Red spots on the fingers may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. itching;
  2. peeling;
  3. local increase in temperature;
  4. irritation;
  5. the formation of crusts or bubbles with white liquid on the surface.

If red spots appear on the entire surface of the hands, the clinical picture may be supplemented by the following signs:

  1. dry skin;
  2. severe itching, burning;
  3. over time, the spots begin to peel off;
  4. local temperature increase.

The appearance of red spots without any additional irritant symptoms (like a burn) may indicate an allergic reaction or severe nervous tension. In this case, the clinical picture may have the following additional signs:

  1. itching;
  2. headache;
  3. irritability, sudden mood swings;
  4. malaise, drowsiness;
  5. nausea, sometimes with vomiting;
  6. deterioration or complete loss of appetite.

Red, scaly spots can be a symptom of the clinical picture of more than a hundred diseases. Therefore, taking any medications on your own, without examining a doctor and establishing an accurate diagnosis, is strongly not recommended. This can lead not only to the development of complications, but also to a blurred clinical picture, which complicates diagnosis.


If you have such a symptom, you should initially consult a dermatovenerologist. First of all, the doctor conducts a detailed physical examination and finds out the general history, the patient’s lifestyle over the past few days - how he ate, what medications he took. After this, a laboratory and instrumental examination is carried out:

  1. general and biochemical blood test;
  2. immunological studies;
  3. blood test for the presence of an allergen;
  4. STD test;
  5. scraping from the affected area of ​​skin;
  6. Ultrasound of internal organs.

Additional methods for diagnosing the disease depend on the clinical picture and general condition of the patient.

The doctor prescribes treatment only after identifying the etiology and making a diagnosis. If before the examination the patient used any medications to relieve symptoms, the doctor should be notified about this before starting the diagnosis.


Treatment will depend on the diagnosis. If the red spots on the arms and legs are itchy, the doctor may prescribe topical medications that will relieve the inflammatory process. In general, therapy is aimed at reducing symptoms, since this can significantly complicate a person’s life, and eliminating the root cause. The treatment regimen in this case will be combined.

Drug therapy may include the following drugs:

  1. antibiotics;
  2. anti-inflammatory;
  3. antihistamines;
  4. antifungal.

Therapy with pharmaceutical drugs can be supplemented with substances of various effects, depending on the cause of the appearance of red spots on the skin of the hands.

The duration, dosage and regimen of taking the medication is determined only by the attending physician, based on the diagnosis and current clinical picture.

Treatment with folk remedies is also possible, but only after consultation with a doctor and as an addition to the main course of therapy. In this case, you can use baths with a decoction of herbs that have an antiseptic and sedative effect.


There are no specific methods of prevention. In general, you can prevent the formation of red spots on your hands if you follow these rules:

  1. use only high-quality skin care products;
  2. maintain personal hygiene;
  3. promptly and correctly treat all ailments, especially those of an infectious and fungal nature;
  4. eliminate stress and frequent nervous tension.

In addition, you need to systematically undergo preventive medical examination and not self-medicate. Following these simple rules will help minimize the risk of developing ailments whose clinical picture includes a symptom such as redness in the hands.