Boric Acid Alcohol Solution

Boric acid alcohol solution: properties and application

Boric acid alcohol solution is an antiseptic drug that is widely used in medicine to treat various diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. It has many manufacturers, including the Astrakhan Pharmaceutical Factory, the Borisov Medical Preparations Plant, the Vologda Pharmaceutical Factory, the Ivanovo Pharmaceutical Factory, Iodine Technologies and Marketing, the Krasnozavodsk Chemical Plant and the Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory.

Boric acid, also known as boric ointment, boric acid solution in glycerin or boric petrolatum, is an alcohol solution with varying concentrations of the active substance. Dosage forms of boric acid alcohol solution include 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 3% solutions, as well as 3% substance.

The main active substance in the solution is boric acid. Boric acid has antiseptic properties and exhibits a pronounced antimicrobial effect. It has the ability to inhibit the growth and reproduction of many microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi.

Boric acid alcohol solution is used for various diseases, including conjunctivitis, weeping eczema, dermatitis, pyoderma, diaper rash, acute and chronic otitis, colpitis and pediculosis. However, there are some contraindications to its use, such as hypersensitivity to the drug, impaired renal function, pregnancy and infancy (up to 1 year).

Some side effects may occur when using boric acid in alcohol solution. Acute and chronic intoxication can manifest as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes, epithelial desquamation, headache, confusion, oliguria and, in rare cases, shock. The interaction of the drug with other drugs has not yet been studied in sufficient detail.

It is not recommended to rinse cavities using boric acid and alcohol solution, since the active substance can be absorbed through the mucous membranes.

An overdose of boric acid in an alcohol solution may cause symptoms of acute poisoning, such as nausea, vomiting, diarboric acid in an alcohol solution: properties and application

Boric acid alcohol solution is an antiseptic drug that is widely used in medicine to treat various diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. It has many manufacturers, including the Astrakhan Pharmaceutical Factory, the Borisov Medical Preparations Plant, the Vologda Pharmaceutical Factory, the Ivanovo Pharmaceutical Factory, Iodine Technologies and Marketing, the Krasnozavodsk Chemical Plant and the Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory.

Boric acid, also known as boric ointment or boric alcohol, is a solution of boric acid in alcohol with varying concentrations of the active substance. Dosage forms of boric acid alcohol solution include 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 3% solutions, as well as 3% substance.

The main active substance in the solution is boric acid. Boric acid has antiseptic properties and exhibits a pronounced antimicrobial effect. It has the ability to inhibit the growth and reproduction of many microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi.

Boric acid alcohol solution is used for various diseases, including conjunctivitis, weeping eczema, dermatitis, pyoderma, diaper rash, acute and chronic otitis, colpitis and pediculosis. It can be used to treat wounds, burns, ulcers and other skin problems. Boric acid is also used as an ingredient in cosmetic and hygiene products such as lotions and creams.

However, there are some contraindications to the use of boric acid alcohol solution. It is not recommended for use on large surfaces of the skin, especially if its integrity is compromised. It is also not recommended to use boric acid alcohol solution in children under 3 years of age and pregnant women. Please consult your doctor or pharmacist before use.

When using boric acid alcohol solution, some precautions should be taken. It is not recommended to use it on open wounds or deep skin lesions. You should also avoid getting the solution into your eyes or mucous membranes. If side effects or allergic reactions occur, you should