Boro plus for acne

Boro Plus for acne has become one of the most popular products among pharmacy cosmetics. It is aimed at eliminating imperfections and defects of the skin. Due to its natural composition, it has virtually no contraindications and is considered a safe drug. In addition, the fight against acne is not the only advantage of this cream, because with its help you can cope with many dermatological problems.


To understand whether Boro Plus helps with acne, you should take a closer look at its components. All of them are of natural origin and have a healing effect:

  1. Aloe – helps relieve inflammatory processes, cools painful areas. Suitable for the treatment of subcutaneous acne, resolves pustular lesions.
  2. Sandalwood – has an antiseptic effect, relieves irritation and itching.
  3. Vetiver – eliminates feelings of discomfort, prevents excessive sebum production.
  4. Harida – heals abrasions, eliminates marks and scars from acne.
  5. Talc – dries out rashes, absorbs excretory products, removes oily sheen;
  6. Herbal extracts – soothe inflamed tissues, suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.
  7. Nim – tones the skin, activates the body’s own regenerative processes.
  8. ginger lily – relieves redness, helps to quickly reduce the size of acne.

Beneficial features

Boro Plus cream is considered universal, as it has many positive properties that allow you to cope with various kinds of skin problems. The effectiveness of the drug lies in the following effects on the epidermis:

  1. promotes rapid healing of open wounds;
  2. relieves inflammation, soothes the skin;
  3. prevents the decay of mechanical lesions;
  4. used against acne of various types;
  5. moisturizes well, suitable for sensitive skin;
  6. used in the rehabilitation of burns and frostbite;
  7. eliminates blemishes, scars, and scars that appear after acne;
  8. normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, suppresses their hyperactivity;
  9. relieves irritation, itching, discomfort, pain;
  10. protects the epidermis from aggressive environmental factors;
  11. fights some dermatological diseases, in particular copes well with various types of dermatitis and eczema.

Types of the drug

Boro Plus is available in two tubes, the difference between which lies not only in the color of the packaging, but also in some characteristic features. Let us present the comparisons of these drugs in the form of a table.

Properties Green cream Purple cream
Consistency tender, liquid fatty, thick
Compound herbal extracts predominate predominantly flower extracts
Smell sharp, rich with floral aroma
Absorbency good, completely penetrates the dermis bad, a greasy film remains
For what skin type problematic, oily, combination normal, dry, sensitive

Despite all the differences presented, both products help equally with acne and other dermatological pathologies.


There are several ways to use Boro Plus cream for acne. Which one is better and more effective depends on the degree of damage and individual characteristics. In any case, before applying, the face should be prepared:

  1. remove surface contaminants with a special gel intended for problem skin;
  2. Carry out a deeper clean with a cotton pad soaked in lotion.

After such preparation, they begin to apply the medicinal product. Let's consider several options for using Boro Plus for acne and its consequences:

1 way

If there is increased activity of the sebaceous glands, then only individual lesions are treated with cream. For dryness or extensive rashes, you can apply a thin, even layer to the entire face. Rub in with massage movements until completely absorbed. The procedure is carried out once or twice a day. More frequent use may make the drug ineffective or cause allergies.

This product has a very greasy consistency and, if careless, can leave stains on clothes or bedding. To prevent this from happening, before going to bed or changing clothes, you need to wait until the cream is completely absorbed.

Method 2

Boro Plus helps against acne that is accompanied by severe inflammation and occupies large areas on the face. Then a mask based on it is recommended. The drug in a purple container is suitable for this, as it is thicker and denser. Apply to the required areas and leave for twenty minutes. Then remove with a dry cloth (without using water), and the remains are thoroughly rubbed into the skin.

3 way

For those with dry skin prone to acne, the medicinal cream is suitable as a base coat for decorative cosmetics. It is recommended to use a green tube; it is less greasy, so the makeup goes on much better. This method is useful for facial skin, as it protects against environmental factors and irritants.

4 way

This remedy can be used as a preventative measure. To do this, it is enough to smear your face once before going to bed. As a result, fatigue and lethargy of the skin will disappear, and the skin will take on a fresher appearance. You don't have to do this every day, three to four times a week is enough.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to use the cream constantly without breaks, whether such therapy will become addictive. You should not be afraid of these consequences, the drug is intended for long-term use, and there are no manifestations of dependence of the epidermis on its components.

Side effects

Despite the fact that the cream has a completely natural composition, it can also provoke negative skin reactions.

Allergies to the contents of the drug most often occur due to the herbal and flower extracts included in the composition. Therefore, it is important to use Boro Plus for facial acne no more than five times a day to avoid overdose. Otherwise, you may experience itching, irritation and other unpleasant consequences.

If there are concerns when using the drug, it is recommended to conduct a standard test for an allergic reaction.

Similar means

If for some reason Boro Plus is not suitable as a treatment for acne and its scars, you can select analogues with similar properties:

  1. Klivrin - a cream, the main components of which are herbs such as Lodhra, turmeric, kafal, kharad, aloe vera.
  1. eliminates skin problems by penetrating into the deep layers of the dermis;
  2. fights acne and its consequences;
  3. tightens the oval of the face, rejuvenates, tones;
  4. moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  5. regenerates mechanical damage and open wounds;
  6. removes stretch marks and large scars;
  7. The consistency resembles an ointment and is applied pointwise. Requires daily use for a month.
  1. Biotic – cream based on plants of barberry, hulteria, milkweed, neem. Designed to care for oily skin prone to rashes.
  1. dries out small pimples, fights ulcers;
  2. suppresses inflammatory processes, kills microbes;
  3. improves skin metabolism, increases tone;
  4. can be used as a prophylactic agent;
  5. Apply only to the affected areas in the morning and before bed. The course is completed when the problem is completely eliminated.
  1. Clean line – cream for problem skin, consists of zinc, tea tree and grape seed oils, aloe vera.
  1. suitable for chronic rashes;
  2. eliminates acne and blackheads;
  3. reduces sebum production;
  4. removes acne spots;
  5. can be used as a base before applying makeup;
  6. Suitable for daily use, including as a prophylactic agent. Not addictive.


“I actively use Boro Plus for my face in the winter. Pimples are a constant concern, and with the onset of cold weather, the skin becomes dry and flaky. I prefer the purple product, it has a thicker texture and moisturizes well. I apply before going outside and in the evening after a shower. This use helps maintain skin balance and reduces the number of breakouts.”

“Acne appeared at the beginning of puberty, and it was from that moment that the search for a suitable remedy began. I often saw advertisements for Boro Plus for acne, reviews of which were positive. It is not difficult to purchase, this cream is very common and inexpensive. I tried both colors and preferred green. It is easy to apply, pimples and abrasions go away quickly, and due to the dense consistency it lasts for a long time.”

“I noticed the drug Boro Plus on display in many pharmacies. I decided to try it because I have not only acne, but also cracks and wounds. I bought the purple bottle. I started applying it several times a day. The skin became much cleaner, but the cream was poorly absorbed and was noticeable on the face. I changed it to a green tube. Its effect is not inferior to the previous one, but it is more convenient to use.”

Although Boro Plus cream is an effective and safe remedy against acne, it is not able to completely cope with serious skin problems. It is necessary to eliminate the very cause of the rash. Severe forms of acne may require more aggressive medications, such as antibiotics or hormones. In this case, you cannot do without a dermatologist’s prescription, and the described cream will be a good addition to treatment.

The beneficial effects of nature on the human body have been known for a long time. For thousands of years, the wonderful properties of plants have been used to improve the skin of the face and body.

Indian herbalists are especially successful in this, using exclusively natural ingredients in their practice. Based on recipes proven by centuries of use, Boro Plus acne cream was created.

How it works

Boro plus acne cream has a wide range of effects on the skin. It is classified as an antiseptic, antimicrobial and antibacterial drug. The problem of acne is also successfully solved with its help.

Here is the main scope of action of the cream:

  1. Treatment of furunculosis, pimples with purulent filling, acne.
  2. Accelerated healing of the skin occurs due to any damage to the skin: wounds, abrasions, cuts.
  3. This ointment can protect the skin from frostbite or other adverse weather conditions, thanks to the protective layer of ointment components.
  4. Prevents tissue death and restores skin regeneration after burns.
  5. Inflammation, itching and swelling after bites of bees, mosquitoes and other insects are noticeably reduced. This cream can replace a repellent when traveling to the country or on a hike.


Obviously, the main difference between the cream and other similar preparations is its unique, tested by more than one generation, set of plant and herbal extracts.

Each variety of Boro Plus has its own individual content, depending on the purpose of its creation. But there is a common, basic set of components.

This includes:

  1. Aloe vera. Familiar to many from various hygiene products. Contains a large amount of vitamins and amino acids. In this case, the main properties of this plant are used - to tone, refresh and disinfect the skin. Thanks to it, skin tissue regeneration occurs more actively.
  2. Turmeric. Widely used in cooking, but very effective as an antioxidant and antiallergic agent.
  3. Sandalwood oil. Relieves inflammation, neutralizes the work of the sebaceous glands, cleanses and tightens pores.
  4. Vetiver. Increases skin regeneration, promotes its rejuvenation.
  5. Neem tree. Cleanses skin pores and prevents further occurrence of inflammation.
  6. Talc. Creates the necessary structure of the cream, absorbs harmful substances and unpleasant odors.

Release form

Boro Plus cream is available in tubes of 50 ml and 25 ml. There are varieties of this product, differing in composition, effect on the skin and color design.

To solve problems such as acne, cream is used in purple and green tubes. Both of these options successfully cope with their task and have the same basic composition.

But there are also some differences between them. And now about them in more detail.

Purple Boro plus

The basis of this cream is made up of flower extracts of specially selected plants. It has a traditional thick consistency and a delicate, subtle aroma of flowers. This composition has the most beneficial effect on the upper layers of the epithelium.

It is best used for:

  1. Moisturizing, nourishing and toning the skin.
  2. Softening and eliminating dry skin on heels and elbows.
  3. Apply to the face as a base for makeup.

This option can be used for delicate children’s skin: it will help with minor damage or with an insect bite. It will not cause rejection in the child due to the absence of an irritating odor.


The cream in a tube with a green design has a more liquid structure and a rich herbal aroma. This option is distinguished by the presence of additional components that determine its specificity.

Special exotic plants have been added here:

  1. ginger lily. Promotes effective healing of wounds and abrasions, tones the skin and emits a pleasant subtle aroma.
  2. Ushir, chandan, estimahdu. Plants specially selected by Indian healers are good antiseptics. They do not allow inflammatory processes to develop on the skin and reduce existing ones.

Due to its features, Boro Plus Green is used for:

  1. Damage or injury to the skin in the form of scratches, abrasions, burns.
  2. The presence of acne, pimples with pus, comedones.
  3. The appearance of diaper rash, as well as to prevent its occurrence.
  4. Insect bites, to eliminate inflammation and pain.

This cream effectively eliminates dryness and various damage to the lips, promotes their constant softness and beautiful appearance.

Application Features

There are some points to consider.

Unlike other creams, in this case, applying the product to the face requires a little more time:

  1. It is recommended to gently but thoroughly rub it into the desired areas. This guarantees maximum penetration of beneficial elements into the skin epithelium.
  2. Only regularity and consistency can guarantee success. Using the drug from time to time will most likely not give the desired result.

Activated charcoal against acne. More details here.


Based on many years of experience in using the components included in the composition, we can safely say that such a cream has practically no contraindications.

True, one cannot exclude:

  1. Individual intolerance to one or more components of the composition.

Attention! Before using the cream for the first time, you should do a screening test to ensure there is no allergy. To do this, a small amount of the contents of the tube is applied to the crook of the elbow or the back of the hand. If after half an hour no response appears on the surface of the skin, the cream is suitable for use. If this occurs, you should not use this product. You should contact a specialist and choose an analogue.

Side effect

During its presence on the pharmacological market, no side effects of this cream were observed. If any skin reaction occurs, you should simply wash the contents off your face with running water.

It is noted that Boro Plus does not cause addiction. Even if you use it for quite a long time, the strength of the drug does not decrease.

Precautionary measures

Otherwise, there is no need to take special precautions when using this drug.

If the tolerance test (the procedure for conducting it is described above) showed that there is no allergy to it, then Boro Plus can be safely included in your therapeutic arsenal.

An additional precaution would be an experimentally developed method of applying the product to the skin. Perhaps for some it will be more effective to apply the cream to specific areas.

A consultation with a dermatologist will also not be superfluous. To enhance the effect of treatment, additional funds may be needed.

Use during pregnancy

The use of the drug is allowed for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. No negative manifestations were noted in such cases.

However, every pregnant woman should decide for herself the issue of using Boro Plus cream and only after consultation with a specialist.

Even if there are no direct contraindications for use, you should still exercise caution and evaluate the possible risks.


If intolerance to the drug occurs, it is proposed to replace it with a drug of similar action.

The list of analogues includes:

  1. Dermosten – 85-145 rub.
  2. Seprcytil – 96-105 rub.
  3. Lazolisten – 115-185 rub.


Boro plus ointment belongs to the category of drugs available to any category of the population. The cost has a certain range, depending on the place of sale and the pricing policy of the pharmacy. On average, it ranges from 50 to 75 rubles per 25 ml tube.

Video: Doctor's review of the drug

It is already possible to analyze the opinions of patients who have had experience using Boro Plus. The vast majority note the positive effects of the cream from the very first days of use.

Even if there was no radical cure, there was a noticeable change in the condition of the skin:

  1. reduction of inflammatory foci;
  2. disappearance of itching and peeling;
  3. restoration of skin tone and elasticity.

Negative reviews are mainly associated with intolerance to the components of the proposed product. Their number is small, about 2%.

Photo: Before and after

Perhaps for some, Boro Plus cream, due to the presence of rare effective components in it, will become a lifesaver in solving their problem.

About using aloe for acne. Find out further.

How to use aloe for acne on the face? The answer is here.

Boro Plus for acne is a universal product with a lasting antiseptic effect. The benefits of the cream include its action against pathogenic fungus and acne. The drug is popular and is often prescribed to treat skin after injuries.

Composition and description of Boro Plus cream

The beneficial properties and effectiveness of treatment, in particular for acne, are due to the composition of Boro Plus:

  1. turmeric, used to treat various skin diseases, such as dermatitis;
  2. glabra, which is characterized by a pronounced regenerating effect;
  3. aloe extract, which is a natural antiseptic with disinfecting and moisturizing properties;
  4. sandalwood, used in oriental medicine in the treatment of allergic reactions and diseases due to its cooling properties;
  5. tulsi, which has an antiseptic effect;
  6. vetiver, which relieves burning sensation and regulates sweating;
  7. talc, used as an auxiliary component and acting as a deodorant to absorb liquid and eliminate unpleasant odors;
  8. lily, which dries out acne, smoothes out fine wrinkles and strengthens local immunity;
  9. neem, which has antifungal, astringent and tonic effects;
  10. estimahdu, designed for rapid skin regeneration.

What is the difference between green Boro Plus and purple

The advantages of Boro Plus include:

  1. natural composition;
  2. elimination of acne, scratches;
  3. reasonable price;
  4. Possibility of use on sensitive skin;
  5. relieving itching after a mosquito bite or an allergic reaction;
  6. Use as a protective base for makeup during the cold season.

Boro Plus for acne is available in green and purple packaging. Acne creams differ in the concentration of substances. Boro Plus in the green acne package contains several other ingredients. The cream is produced in India, and therefore some components are not used in the Russian Federation.

Boro Plus in green contains an antiseptic and a humectant called neem. The composition has a pleasant herbal smell and liquid consistency, allowing the cream to be easily absorbed into the skin. Boro Plus purple contains a disinfectant and healing substance - margose. The anti-acne cream has a floral aroma and thick consistency.

How does Boro Plus work against acne?

The mechanism of action and therapeutic effect are due to the unique components of the cream against acne. According to the instructions for the drug, Boro Plus is made for the treatment of inflammatory and purulent processes of the skin. The cream provides:

  1. healing of cuts, wounds, scratches;
  2. eliminating irritation;
  3. preventing the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms living in the ducts of the sebaceous glands;
  4. prevention of acne formation on the skin of the face;
  5. getting rid of itching or unpleasant burning that occurs as a result of being bitten by various insects;
  6. restoration of skin after exposure to low temperatures;
  7. relieving dryness and flaking.

Boro Plus against acne is suitable for continuous use. The ointment can be applied instead of regular care creams. After direct application to the affected skin, a protective film appears, which prevents exposure to aggressive factors from the external environment. Regular use allows the skin to look healthy, toned and fresh.

How to use Boro Plus correctly

The cream is suitable for skin prone to oiliness and acne. The following indications for the use of Boro Plus are given:

  1. mechanical damage to the skin, such as irritation, abrasions or wounds;
  2. burns, mild frostbite;
  3. acne, comedones, pimples and boils;
  4. diaper rash;
  5. cracked lips;
  6. dry skin.

Boro Plus for purulent acne is applied to previously cleansed skin. It is recommended to wash your face using foam or gel. Then a cotton pad is moistened with alcohol-free tonic and gently wiped over the face. You can apply Boro Plus cream after the skin has completely dried using massage movements.

For oily skin, pimples and purulent elements need to be treated pointwise. The cream can also be used to treat shallow wounds.

Acne masks based on Boro Plus cream

Masks are recommended if you have a significant amount of acne. Apply the cream in a thick layer to the skin of the face and wipe off with a paper napkin after 20 minutes without using water. To increase effectiveness, you can add other ingredients to the mask.

With lemon oil

Since the drug has a pronounced odor, it can be muffled with a few drops of fresh lemon. Good effects are expected from consuming lemon essential oil. The component dries the skin and evens out the complexion.

With mumiyo

It is known that mumiyo contains many useful components that help fight acne and age-related changes. The basis of the mask is Boro Plus cream, to which a crushed mummy tablet is added. Duration of exposure to the mask is 20 minutes.

Can Boro Plus be used during pregnancy?

The drug is produced in India according to ancient Ayurveda recipes. The product contains useful and natural ingredients that are safe for the body of a pregnant woman.

During pregnancy, the cream can be used to treat acne and skin rashes. Boro Plus is effective for minor burns and frostbite, peeling of the skin. The antibacterial effect is manifested when applied to the area of ​​cuts and abrasions. The cream eliminates itching and burning.

Boro Plus acne ointment can be used during pregnancy if there is no individual intolerance to the components included in the composition. This is the only significant contraindication for use. Otherwise, an allergic reaction may occur.

Contraindications to the use of Boro Plus cream

The drug is considered completely safe due to the content of natural ingredients. The ointment may be contraindicated in case of individual hypersensitivity reactions in response to the effects of the essential oils contained in the composition.

Side effects and overdose

Boro Plus for acne, the photo of which is presented below, is a safe drug. According to statistics, adverse reactions occur in 2% of cases. As a rule, we are talking about mild side effects that do not require contact with a specialist.

Before applying the medication to the skin of the face, you should make sure that there is no intolerance to individual components. This will help reduce the risk of unwanted reactions.

The test involves applying the composition to the bend of the elbow. You can also use the skin on your wrist or behind the ear. The test results are assessed within 24 hours. You can use the acne remedy if there is no burning, redness or any other negative symptoms.

Precautionary measures

The product is intended for external use and does not have a general effect on the body. That is why the medication is considered a safe drug. However, you should remember the following precautions to avoid causing discomfort and allergic reactions:

  1. before first use, it is advisable to perform a test to determine possible intolerance to individual components of the ointment;
  2. the product should be applied to previously cleansed skin to achieve maximum effect in the treatment of acne;
  3. using the mask in its pure form is recommended if there is a significant amount of acne;
  4. The ointment is used no more than 5 times a day.

If all recommendations are followed, the effect can be expected in approximately 2 weeks.


The modern pharmaceutical industry produces many drugs based on natural ingredients. Some analogue drugs also belong to Ayurvedic medicine.

Cosmetologists call the following analogues, similar in pharmacological effects:

  1. Clearvin lotion and cream for scars, pigmentation and acne;
  2. Svatiyuverda cream to eliminate acne, oily shine, and narrow the pores of problem skin;
  3. Himalayan Herbs creams, lotions and foams designed for oily skin types.

Analogues of Boro Plus for acne are Panthenol, D-Panthenol and Bepanten.


Boro Plus cream for acne has established itself as an effective and affordable remedy. The drug for external use can be used for a long time due to the absence of side effects and contraindications.

Reviews of Boro Plus cream