Botox for the face - what not to do

Doctors have been waging a war against wrinkles for a long time. In any case, not for one century. The old exotic methods have been replaced by scientific achievements. You can, for example, undergo plastic surgery. But there are also non-surgical methods. They will perfectly smooth your face.

Mimic grooves

Wrinkles respond well to Botox, especially those that appear due to the motor activity of the facial muscles.

What happens during injections

Botox is injected intramuscularly into wrinkles. There he temporarily extinguishes their sensitivity to nerve impulses. The muscle relaxes and no longer contracts. Skin folds are smoothed out.

This requires great skill as a doctor. It is impossible to make the muscles completely motionless, otherwise the natural facial expressions of a person will be disrupted. The injection only relieves the increased tone of these shallow grooves on the skin. In this case, neither muscle nor nerve fibers are damaged.

You should know that soon - after 4-6 months - the effect of the drug will end. And all muscles will be freed from the blockade.

Prepare for surgery correctly

It is very important. After all, the result should be excellent!

So, three days before the injections, you should stop taking antibiotics and medications that prevent blood clotting. For example, “Heparin”, “Aspirin”, “Phenindione”.

On the eve of your visit to the doctor, do not even think about drinking. Vodka, wine, and beer are strictly prohibited!

On the morning of the operation, cancel your usual light exercise, as well as heavier exercises.

How it all happens

You have come to the doctor. First – examination, consultation. The specialist evaluates your appearance: the nature and depth of wrinkles, the role of facial expressions in their formation. It also talks about the condition of the tissues. Finally, he outlines the points where the drug with a dose of Botox will be injected.

The skin, of course, is immediately disinfected. Then, with the thinnest syringe, the drug solution is injected into the very muscles whose activity must certainly be reduced. The procedure is short. Just for three to five minutes. Then again antiseptic for the face and cooling the skin.

In this case, the doctor is obliged to enter all data on the batch number of the drug and its expiration date in the patient’s medical record.

There is practically no or little pain during injections, and you can endure it. Just a mosquito bite! So it is not at all necessary to ask for pain relief. However, many cosmetologists still prefer to perform local anesthesia with a special cream. After all, when correcting wrinkles, the patient may worry, suddenly flinch, twitch. And this is completely undesirable for such jewelry work.

It's all behind

So it's over. You safely left the office. You can't wait to look at yourself in the mirror. What do I look like now?

But the muscles do not relax immediately. And in five days. Or seven. Maximum - in a couple of weeks.

True, we are all different, each with its own characteristics of the body. Therefore, for some (in extremely rare cases), botulinum toxin begins to work already on the second day. And for other people – as much as a month later.

"Botox". What to do after the procedure

Don’t worry, don’t panic, but calmly wait for the visible result. This does not apply to those who are generally insensitive to the drug. There are very few such immune people. Somewhere less than one percent.

A similar effect can occur in those who have suffered from botulism in previous years. Or he was treated with large doses of Botox (purely for medical reasons).

How long will I be beautiful

“Good question!”, you say. But in reality, how long will the effect of these injections last? After the very first session, facial unevenness and skin folds will not appear on your face for up to six months. But then the neuromuscular connections that were blocked will be restored. The fibers will contract again. And the wrinkles will inevitably return. Therefore, after four to six months you need to have a series of injections again.

And after three to five such “meals” of the drug, the aging grooves will not appear for a long time. Ten or even twelve months. That is, a whole year - no problems!

There is one interesting point. While you are “walking under Botox,” your muscles are constantly weakened. And you involuntarily begin to wean yourself from this bad habit of squinting your eyes and frowning. And those facial wrinkles that arose only because of this will probably not return. With this turn of events, repeated injections will no longer be needed.

If Botox is administered, the contraindications after the procedure are as follows. If you yourself begin to spoil your appearance by shifting your eyebrows, refusing to wear sunglasses and squinting, then you will soon really need repeated visits to the cosmetologist.

What is strictly prohibited

Now read the article carefully to the end. We will tell you what you absolutely cannot do after the Botox procedure. No one ever!

Once you have been injected with botulinum toxin, it takes several hours for it to distribute throughout the tissues. And more than a day will pass, only then will there be complete healing. And for everything to go quickly and smoothly, the patient should limit himself to some things.

So, Botox has already been administered. The rules after the procedure are as follows. You came home and wanted to lie down to rest. No need! While Botox is absorbed, the contraindications after the procedure are as follows. It is not allowed to sleep or just lie down for 3-4 hours.

You need to stay straight and upright all day long. And, of course, don’t sleep face down.

Don't buy shoes (you'll have to bend over all the time). Do not iron clothes. That is, you can provide for such things yourself. The principle is clear to you.

Also try (for one day) not to take medications that affect blood clotting. This also applies to alcohol.

You have Botox in your body. How to behave after the procedure?

You cannot touch the same areas of skin where the injections were given with your hands for two days. Otherwise, an infection may occur. And don’t even think about massaging your face!

The medicine Botox has already entered your body. What else should you not do after the procedure? Go to the dentist, for example. If you have had injections in the lip area (or nasolabial folds), then the best thing is to postpone your planned trip to the dentist for 2 weeks. Because opening your mouth wide (as required in the dentist’s office) is not yet very recommended. Of course, if you are pierced by an acute toothache, then, of course, it is contraindicated to endure and linger at home.

No charging or tilting

Always remember about Botox. There are also some recommendations after the procedure. Avoid sports and fitness. The break is short - only 48 hours.

It is also forbidden to tilt your head down for at least two days. For example, sweeping the floor, washing it, vacuuming. That is, doing homework in which the body is bent. So - two days.

If Botox was injected around the eyes, then from the very first days we advise you to drink less of any liquid. Especially in the evenings.

Very healthy, you just need food that is not spicy or salty. It usually retains water in the body. Hence the swelling. And if you yourself are inclined to the latter, then these simple measures should be strictly observed. Two whole weeks.

This is life outside the heat - for at least seven days.

Botox began to work in the body. What you should not do after the procedure is sunbathing under the bright rays of the sun, at least for the next three days.

And, of course, do not direct heated air from a hairdryer directly onto your face. And this ban has already been long – 10 days.

The Botox injection has ended. Restrictions after the procedure include not driving your car. You should also not use decorative cosmetics in the places where you received injections on the day you came to the clinic or the next day.

What is allowed

The question arises: “What procedures can be done after Botox?” For two whole hours (after returning home) you need to make grimaces, frown strongly, and articulate. Then the drug will be distributed very evenly throughout the muscle.

What cosmetic procedures can be done after Botox? It is necessary to apply soothing and anti-edema masks to the injection site.

"Harmful" drugs

Well, the story called “Botox” has ended. What else should you not do after the procedure?

Put away medications that can neutralize the effect of treatment. Thus, drugs of the tetracycline group and aminoglycosides are not indicated in this sense. They not only reduce, but actually negate the achievements of Botox.

If you drank them regularly before visiting a cosmetologist, then it is better to wait. Just a few weeks and you can go for “beauty injections”.

Let's say that suddenly, some time after the correction, you develop herpes on your lip. How to get rid of it? As usual, treat with special ointments. But in the chronic form of this disease, it would be good to take a course of prevention before starting Botox.

The most suitable age

The effect of “beauty injections” fully depends on everything we have listed above. But there is another component – ​​the patient’s age.

A good treatment result depends not only on purely individual characteristics, but also on age:

  1. Until the age of 25, most people have no indication for such interventions. Their skin is elastic. If there are wrinkles, they do not pose a serious problem.
  2. At the age of 30–40, for many, these small grooves on the face are already quite visible. And using Botox, you can count on excellent results.
  3. If you are 50–60 years old, the fiber tone is already weak. And the consequences of using the drug are not as brilliant as among young people.
  4. After 60, the muscles lose a lot of tone. Therefore, the area for using Botox is very small.

Summarize. This cosmetic intervention is most effective between the ages of 30 and 40, after which the skin no longer responds so well to Botox. What to do after the procedure to consolidate the effect? No additional masks or medical care are required, since the serum is resistant to any external and internal factors. Wrinkles will not bother you throughout the entire cycle of action of the drug.

Botox injections, also known as “beauty injections,” are perhaps the most popular cosmetic procedure. Millions of women (and men) around the world resort to it, knowing that it is absolutely safe. But there are a number of opinions and myths that you cannot do the usual things after Botox.

This scares many and makes them change their mind about going to a specialist. But is there really any reason to worry? Does the procedure really affect the subsequent quality of life?

How do Botox injections work?

Botox was first used by US doctors back in the 1970s. Then this procedure was of a slightly different nature. Injections were used exclusively on the recommendations of the attending physician. The patients were people with real health problems.

They treated strabismus, torticollis and other diseases with Botox. Only in the early 2000s did such injections begin to be used in cosmetology without the appointment of a specialist.

The injected drug may have different names. The “working” names of the substance are:

  1. Botox;
  2. Dysport;
  3. Xeomin.

The basis of all is the substance butulinum toxin type A. Each manufacturer uses its own methods of cleansing the product and fillers. Hence the difference in the final composition of the substance used for the injection.

But, despite the differences, the basic principle of action remains the same: through an injection, the muscles are affected. Neuromuscular connections are blocked, causing them to stop contracting and remain at rest. As a result, facial wrinkles are completely smoothed out.

How the procedure works

Firstly, the procedure can be carried out only after a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist. There, the specialist will study the patient’s request in detail and outline possible solutions to the problem. Also, at the appointment, the patient is given a personal card, which will describe in detail the entire history and procedures.

Before you start giving the injection, you need to calculate the amount of the drug. Botox has its own unit of measurement - units.

Approximate volume of the drug required to treat a certain area of ​​the face:

  1. Horizontal folds on the forehead: 10-30 units.
  2. Fold in the space between the eyebrows: 10-25 units.
  3. Zone called "crow's feet": 5-15 units.
  4. Wrinkles above the upper lip: 2-4 units.
  5. Corners of the mouth: 4-6 units.

Average approximate indicators are given. Specific volumes are determined by a specialist based on the patient’s data.

Procedure steps:

  1. Disinfection. The entire surface of the face is pre-treated with a special antiseptic.
  2. Anesthesia. Used exclusively at the request of the client. For this procedure, local anesthesia is used. The areas where the drug will be injected are treated with a special cream or gel.
  3. Injection. For this, the doctor uses a special syringe and needles no more than 0.3 mm thick.
  4. At the end of the session, the skin is again treated with an antiseptic and a cooling agent to dull any possible pain.

The entire process usually takes about 5-10 minutes. Upon completion, a description of the procedure and the drug used is entered into the client’s card. This is the name, batch number, expiration date. There are certain things you should not do after Botox, but it is also important to note that there are instructions before the procedure.


  1. Antibiotics should not be taken at least 3 days before the procedure. And also avoid taking medications that prevent blood clotting.
  2. You should stop drinking alcohol within 1-2 days.
  3. It is not advisable to engage in physical activity before the procedure. Intensive house cleaning is also prohibited.

Also, before the procedure at the treatment center, the patient must be tested for contraindications, including an allergy to the drug.

This type of recommendation should be made by a specialist at the first consultation.

Botox injections in summer

Summer is the time for vacations and a golden tan. Many representatives of the fair sex, planning to conquer hot countries, prepare “to the fullest”, not losing sight of a single cosmetic procedure. Botox injections including.

After Botox injections, you should not immediately go sunbathing. It is recommended to give injections a month before the planned trip.

Experts unanimously declare that summer is almost the best time for injections. But in order for the result to exceed even the highest expectations, it is worthwhile to carefully approach the procedure. However, this advice applies at any time of the year.

The main advantage of botulinum therapy in summer is an even tan. In the sun, even the darkest protective glasses do not eliminate the “work” of facial expressions. People wince, and often there are stripes on the face where the skin folds (forehead, nasolabial folds, fold between the eyebrows). To avoid this, you should get an injection before leaving for hot countries.

However, you should still not make an appointment with a cosmetologist several hours before departure.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure at least a month before the start of the hot season. This time is enough for the drug to distribute evenly, harden and begin to perform its functions.

Restrictions in the first hours after the procedure

Once the procedure is completed, the following restrictions come into force:

  1. It is forbidden to lie down, sleep, or take a horizontal position in the first 4-5 hours;
  2. It is undesirable to touch the injection sites once again;
  3. do not use decorative cosmetics;
  4. you cannot tilt your head down for 2 days;
  5. you can’t drink too much alcohol;
  6. It is prohibited to take medications that affect blood clotting;
  7. a trip to the sauna or bathhouse can be planned no earlier than 10 days later;
  8. trips to the solarium, to the beach and spending a long time in the heat under the influence of hot air are also excluded;
  9. airplane flights are prohibited;
  10. no sports and other physical activities. loads;
  11. control (if possible minimize) the amount of liquid you drink.

When do the bans end?

It is important to understand that not all bans last the same amount of time. For example, you are allowed to fly on an airplane after 2-3 weeks. But you can apply makeup after 1-2 days. This is due to the fact that a favorable outcome of the procedure depends not only on the experience of the specialist and the quality of the drug used.

It takes time to distribute the product evenly. To do this, it is necessary to exclude any negative influence both from within and from without. On average, all restrictions end 3-4 weeks after the injections.

Alcohol ban

After the injection (as well as a few days before), you should not actively drink alcohol. The fact is that alcohol causes the development of acid imbalance in the body. Also, under its influence, blood vessels dilate. Such a state of the body can lead to the entry of a foreign substance (in this case, butulinum toxin) into the blood.

It is worth taking into account that the drug is not frozen in the first few days; it is still distributed over the treated areas. Therefore, the risk of getting into the vessels occurs after 2-3 days after the end of the procedure.

However, some experts do not recommend focusing too much on this point. They believe that it is quite acceptable to drink a strong drink in small quantities. For example - a glass of dry red wine the next day will not cause unwanted reactions. However, it is better to discuss this issue immediately before the injection, in consultation with a cosmetologist.

Why you can’t go to the sauna and solarium

A visit to the sauna also provokes profuse sweating and the removal of the resulting substances from the body. In addition, staying in a place with elevated temperature for a long time (the same applies to a solarium) helps speed up the blood circulation process.

This in turn can affect the uneven distribution of the drug and its release into unplanned areas. You can visit the sauna and solarium after 10 days.

Why you shouldn't play sports

Sports activities provide increased stress not only on the muscles, but also on the body as a whole.

During training, metabolic processes “accelerate” occur. Together with sweat, not only toxins are removed from the body, but also other substances obtained.

After entering the muscle, the unnecessary amount of the drug is naturally eliminated.

Additional “stimulation” can lead to the fact that the entire composition can leave the body, negating all the previously done work by the cosmetologist. You can start training after 3-4 weeks.

Why you shouldn't be in the sun

After the Botox injection procedure, spending time in direct sunlight is also excluded. At first, you should not sunbathe, as sunbathing (as in the case of a bath and solarium) can lead to unplanned distribution of the product and its entry into undesirable places.

In addition, tanning is determined by a long lying position, which is highly not recommended after the procedure. You can bask in the sun after 7-10 days.

Ban on dental procedures

A trip to the dentist is characterized by 2 points:

  1. staying with your head thrown back for a long time;
  2. injection of painkillers.

After Botox, you should not schedule an appointment with the dentist, as the composition of the anesthesia may adversely affect the botulinum toxin. You can treat your teeth no earlier than after 14-20 days.

Why you can't fly on an airplane

Firstly, any flight is stressful for the body. Just like a Botox injection, which, despite the safety and painlessness of the procedure, is an atypical condition for the body, and therefore stressful.

Additional pressure and emotional tension can lead to dilation of the vessel and a rush of blood. That's why You should buy tickets for a flight no earlier than 3-5 days later.

What medications should you not take?

Both in preparation for the procedure and after it, you should not abuse medications. Tablets can provoke unwanted reactions, the most harmless of which is the absence of any result after the injection. The interaction of Botox with a certain group of drugs can cause the development of paralysis.

These include:

  1. antiarrhythmic drugs (quinidine alkaloid);
  2. antibiotics of the tetracycline group;
  3. succinylcholine;
  4. magnesium sulfate;
  5. antibiotics belonging to the group of lincosamides and polymyxins.

Intramuscular injections of vitamins B1 and B2 should also be avoided.

After the procedure, the specialist must list a list of prohibited medications. You should pay attention to the list and if an urgent need arises, be sure to consult a doctor.

What foods should be excluded from the diet in the first days

In the first days, you should also slightly reconsider your diet and limit your consumption:

  1. liquids, including soups;
  2. hot dishes;
  3. food that promotes the active retention or removal of fluid from the body;
  4. salt and salty foods;
  5. very spicy food;
  6. large meals, which involve active jaw work. It is recommended to eat small pieces.

Facial care after Botox injections

As mentioned earlier, it is not recommended to touch your face a lot and use decorative cosmetics in the first days.

After Botox, you should not massage your face for the first 3-5 days. The distribution of the composition may be accompanied by unwanted swelling.

1-2 days after the injection, you can use a cooling mask to improve the condition of the skin. It is advisable to use fabric masks, as they provide the most gentle contact with the surface of the skin. You can also use your favorite folk method - walk over the swelling with an ice cube.

Several recommendations for facial skin care after Botox injections:

What can you do after the procedure?

Botox injections do not mean that you can forget about daily care. You should take care of your skin as before, but cosmetics (especially in the first days) should be as gentle as possible.


  1. All stages of care (cleansing, moisturizing, toning) should be carried out using soft means, without the use of cosmetic brushes;
  2. You should wash your face with cool summer water;
  3. In order to “invigorate” the skin and even out the complexion, you do not need to resort to a contrast shower. It is enough to use the favorite folk method - wipe your face with an ice cube.

Refusal of cosmetic procedures

The following procedures are contraindicated for the first time after “beauty injections”:

  1. Harsh cleansing of the skin with rough products (peelings based on stones or containing large granules).
  2. Go to beauty salons for various skin care treatments.
  3. Chemical or laser peeling. You can use the service in 14-30 days. Under no circumstances should you resort to performing this procedure yourself!
  4. Injections with other drugs (hyaluronic acid, fillers).
  5. Mesotherapy, biorevitalization.
  6. Ultrasound and other procedures of a similar type of influence.

After Botox, you cannot ignore the recommendations and turn a blind eye to prohibitions. Botulinum therapy, although a fairly simple procedure, does not exempt you from following a number of recommendations.

The client's face is not only the responsibility of the doctor, but also of the client himself.

The cosmetologist is responsible for what happens in the office. What can happen outside its walls is controlled solely by the person himself.

Author of the article: bov-bov

Article format: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: what you can and cannot do after Botox injections

What not to do after Botox: expert recommendations:

The Botox injection procedure involves performing injections containing botulinum toxin. The injections block the neuromuscular transmission of nerve impulses, helping to relax facial muscles and preventing the formation of wrinkles. Botox is considered a quick procedure that takes no more than 10 minutes. General or local anesthesia is not required. Girls experience minimal pain. Pain may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the body. To determine what manipulations are required after injections, you should understand the important nuances of the Botox injection procedure.

Who can you trust with the popular Botox procedure?

Many women do not take Botox seriously: the procedure does not require the intervention of a plastic surgeon or serious preoperative preparation. Such manipulations should be entrusted to a plastic surgeon or cosmetologist who knows the nuances of plastic surgery and facial features. There are cases when the procedure ended unsuccessfully: the patient chose a doctor who does not understand the intricacies of the anatomy of facial muscles.

What issues concern women?

When agreeing to Botox injections, every girl is concerned about many features that may arise after the procedure:

  1. presence of bruising, pain, swelling. The appearance of discomfort is considered normal; patients usually experience minimal discomfort. Sometimes redness and slight swelling are observed in the places where injections were given. Factors may depend on the girl's skin type. Most patients stop experiencing discomfort an hour after the procedure;
  2. manifestation of the result of Botox. If you follow the specialist’s recommendations, the first skin changes can be observed the very next day;
  3. side effects. Complications can arise after the procedure is performed incorrectly. To avoid sagging and swelling of the skin, you should ask your doctor about his education and work experience.

If a woman is concerned about possible side effects from Botox, she should consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon or esthetician before the procedure. The doctor will tell you how to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Recommendations before the Botox procedure

The first consultation with a doctor involves providing comprehensive information about the characteristics of the body. The plastic surgeon will determine if the patient is a good candidate for Botox. Possible information that needs to be provided to the specialist:

  1. what medications, supplements, medications the patient takes;
  2. presence of allergies to any drugs;
  3. what diseases and medical contraindications are there;
  4. pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  5. number of previous Botox procedures.

The important point is to discuss every detail in great detail. The girl should be told which areas of her face concern her. Sometimes experts recommend resorting to other anti-aging therapies that can give the patient the best result. The patient is advised to have a frank conversation with the doctor to avoid misunderstandings.

Typically, plastic surgeons recommend that patients stop taking blood thinners a week before receiving injections. This could be aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E, fish oil, or other medications that contain ginseng. Their exclusion will help minimize the occurrence of bruising and possible complications. Patients should also avoid drinking alcohol several days before the Botox procedure.

If a woman wants to get the expected result, it is necessary to ask every worrying question to the attending physician. For example, what the consequences may be, how to care for the skin after injections, the best option would be to draw up a list of such questions, then come with it to a consultation with a surgeon.

Recommendations during the Botox procedure

The patient must strictly follow the recommendations before and after the procedure. However, even during Botox, experts require compliance with certain wishes:

  1. Women must be present without makeup during the injection. There are times when girls neglect this rule. It should be noted that makeup will be removed during the operation: cleansed skin will be treated with an antiseptic, so such patients only delay the process of administering injections and pre-irritate the skin with cosmetics and makeup removers;
  2. the muscles must be relaxed during the operation. There are a lot of people who are afraid of injections. Botox injections are done with small needles, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Experts advise thinking about important matters or small things in order to relax;
  3. Apply ice to your face before, during and after surgery. Ice can reduce the risk of bruising and swelling.

After completing the injections, the patient is under the supervision of a plastic surgeon for about 30 minutes. Then the doctor prescribes recommendations for facial skin care.

Tips after the Botox procedure

This stage is considered the most important. The woman will take care of her facial skin after the injections. The correctness or incorrectness of the manipulations will depend on the quality of the Botox result:

  1. During the day after the operation, any touching of the facial skin, rubbing, or massaging is excluded. Following this advice will prevent Botox from spreading to other parts of the face;
  2. Active physical activity is excluded for several days after surgery. Otherwise, the blood will intensively rush to the skin, which will cause bruises;
  3. Avoid drinking any alcoholic beverages for several days after Botox. Also, do not use other procedures for facial skin, for example, peeling, micro-resurfacing;
  4. stop taking the above blood thinning medications.

By following the rules, you can avoid unpleasant side effects, achieve the desired result, and see yourself several years younger. You should actively discuss the nuances of the procedure that interest you with the plastic surgeon, and in case of discomfort or complications, immediately contact a specialist.

What benefits can you get from Botox?

It is worth noting that Botox is intended for both women and men. Regardless of the patient's gender, each person receives the following benefits:

  1. smoothing out all facial wrinkles on the skin. After Botox wears off, the skin will remain youthful and elastic for a long time;
  2. the procedure allows you to avoid complex plastic surgeries, while achieving effective facial rejuvenation;
  3. used as a correction of neurological disorders;
  4. injections can help against excessive sweating.

Botox injections can be administered at almost any age. The best option would be the age of 30-40 years. During this period, the skin remains elastic, and maximum expression wrinkles appear. The age of 50-60 years is considered difficult, so a thorough consultation with a plastic surgeon is necessary. Ages over 60 years are less suitable for Botox: wrinkles are deeper and difficult to smooth out.

You can learn more about plastic surgeries that help rejuvenate the face from the sections “Eyelid surgery” and “Lipofilling”