Botox for the face from what age

Many people are interested in the age at which Botox can be injected, because such a procedure significantly prolongs youth. Anti-aging injections eliminate existing wrinkles and prevent the formation of new ones. They eliminate other skin imperfections and make it more even and smooth. The drug is based on an active substance, which, after injection into the facial muscles, improves the general condition of the skin.

Botox for hair is no less popular. The product enriches curls, returning them healthy shine and silkiness. We will talk about the difference between the procedures and at what age the drugs can be used in this article.

The difference between Botox for face and hair

Many people have heard about Botox for the face, while only a few know about Botox for hair. These procedures have nothing in common.

The main differences between Botox for the face and curls are indicated in the following table:

Botox for face Botox for hair
The main component of the drug is pure botulinum The basis of the product is botulinum toxin
Botox for the face is a rejuvenating injection The product is available in the form of masks and serums
The drug is injected under the skin using a needle The product is used externally; contact with the scalp and hair roots is not allowed.
Anti-aging injections can only be administered by a qualified specialist. The procedure can be carried out independently at home
A positive result can be observed from 4 months to 1 year The effect will be noticeable from 3 months to six months

Injections for facial rejuvenation are injected into the muscle, which causes temporary paralysis. This leads to smoothing of the skin and elimination of facial wrinkles. And the product for curls penetrates the structure of the strands, fills voids and creates protection.

At what age can you start getting Botox?

It is important to know at what age you can inject Botox. Theoretically, anti-aging injections are allowed for people from 18 to 65 years old. In practice, doctors do not recommend resorting to the procedure unless necessary.

The optimal age for eliminating wrinkles by injection is from 30 to 45 years. During this period, the skin has not yet lost its elasticity, there are no deep wrinkles on it. Therefore, the desired result will be obtained.

At an earlier age, beauty injections are used only when absolutely necessary. After 50 years, the effect of injections will be weak.

Age characteristics of injections

You need to know at what age it is legal to use Botox for the face. Before administering anti-aging injections, a specialist assesses the general condition of the skin and studies its individual characteristics. At the first session, the doctor determines how much of the drug will be needed for the procedure. Its volume depends on the depth of the wrinkles.

The specialist takes into account the patient’s age. If it is necessary to give an injection to a woman who has not yet turned 30, the doctor uses a product with a lower concentration of botulinum. 2 weeks after the first injection into the muscle, the cosmetologist performs intradermal correction.

From 25 to 30 years

Injecting Botox under the skin between the ages of 25 and 30 is an excellent way to prevent the formation of wrinkles. Injections eliminate existing facial wrinkles.

Anti-aging injections paralyze muscles. As a result, a person gets used to less active facial expressions. Therefore, new folds are formed in fewer numbers. The likelihood of crow's feet and nasolabial wrinkles is minimized.

Doctors use lightweight medications for patients aged 25 to 30 years. A positive result can be observed from 6 to 12 months. Therefore, it is enough to resort to the procedure 1-2 times a year.

From 30 to 40 years old

When answering the question at what age can Botox be injected, doctors indicate precisely the period from 30 to 40 years. During this period, existing wrinkles become deeper and new facial wrinkles are actively formed.

Since the skin has not yet lost its elasticity, injections will give quick results. The frequency of anti-aging injections is determined by the doctor. The results of the drug last from 5 to 9 months. Therefore, it is enough to perform the procedure once every six months. You must follow the regularity of injections recommended by your doctor. In this case, the effect will be consolidated and the skin of the face will remain young for a long time.

From 40 to 50 years old

In women between 40 and 50 years old, signs of aging are already clearly visible. It is at this age that Botox should be injected. Crow's feet form on the skin in large numbers, wrinkles appear in the area of ​​the lips, bridge of the nose and forehead. The complexion becomes dull.

The skin is no longer so elastic, but beauty injections will still give results. The effect after the drug will be noticeable from 4 to 7 months. Wrinkles will become smaller, the contour of the face will be evened out. To maintain youth, it is enough to undergo the procedure 3-4 times a year. The exact frequency of procedures will be determined by a cosmetologist.

After 50 years

After 50 years, the skin ages irreversibly. Collagen and elastin are produced in smaller quantities. The skin becomes thinner and begins to sag, wrinkles deepen.

When Botox is administered after 50 years, the results will be less pronounced. In some cases, anti-aging injections can cause facial asymmetry.

The effect of beauty injections at this age will be noticeable if the woman has already been administered the drug. The product will make existing wrinkles on the forehead and around the mouth less deep, improve the contour of the face, and remove crow's feet. To preserve the beauty of the fair sex after 50 years, it is enough to inject the drug once every six months.

At what age can you get Botox for your hair?

It is important to know at what age you can do Botox for hair. Although the procedure is much safer than anti-aging injections, it is not suitable for everyone.

ABOUTGirls under 18 years of age should not use Botox for curls. The use of the product is contraindicated for elderly people.

It is recommended to refrain from the procedure in the following cases:

  1. During pregnancy and lactation;
  2. For diseases of the skin, the presence of damage to the scalp;
  3. In case of individual intolerance to the components of the product.

The use of the product is contraindicated within a week after hair coloring.

Cosmetologist's answers to questions

The most common question cosmetologists are asked is: how often should Botox be injected? Experts are of the same opinion: it is better to do the procedure more often, but use a small amount of the drug.

The frequency of injections is determined individually for each patient. In the first year, it is recommended to administer anti-aging injections once every 3-4 months. Gradually, the facial muscles get used to low mobility. After a year, the drug can be injected once every six months. After 5 years, injections must be administered no more than once a year.

At what age should Botox be injected into the forehead?

Just like any other area of ​​the face, Botox can be injected into the forehead from the age of 30. Some cosmetologists recommend injecting when the first wrinkles appear. Beauty injections at an early age will significantly slow down the aging process of the skin.

The individual characteristics of the skin should be taken into account. Some people develop wrinkles much earlier than 30 years of age. For prevention purposes, you can use the drug as early as 25 years of age.

At what age will Botox no longer solve aging problems?

You need to understand that Botox cannot completely solve the problem of aging. It is recommended that older people avoid anti-aging procedures. Injections after 50 years will not give the desired result. The effect will be very weak.

Beauty injections after 60 years are contraindicated. The drug at this age threatens with negative consequences. The procedure is fraught with facial asymmetry and other complications, which can only be eliminated surgically.

What will Botox do at 20?

Many girls get hooked on beauty injections from the age of 20. Botox at such an early age is a good prevention of wrinkles. The injection of the drug into the facial muscles leads to the girl developing the habit of different facial expressions.

Cosmetologists use a minimal amount of Botox for clients over 20 years of age. The injections are not administered too deeply. Taking into account individual characteristics, injections at an early age are recommended 1-2 times a year.


Having found out at what age you can inject Botox, and having decided on the procedure, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a specialist. It is recommended to ensure that you have the appropriate certificates. The slightest mistake by a cosmetologist can provoke serious health problems. It is important to know that the procedure has contraindications. Anti-aging injections are prohibited during pregnancy and lactation, skin and eye diseases, pathologies of facial muscles and blood diseases. Injections are contraindicated for acute infections and skin lesions.

A product for eliminating wrinkles has been the dream of beauties of all times. For just over 10 years, cosmetologists have been practicing “youth injections.” A special substance is injected into the facial muscles - botox. The procedure has gained enormous popularity. But most women do not have detailed information about the beauty procedure.

What is botulinum toxin?

The base of the medicine for “beauty injections” is called “botulinum toxin”. The drug is made from pathogenic bacteria. These are microorganisms that cause fermentation in jars of homemade products and spoil expired factory canned food.

In high concentrations, Botox is one of the most powerful poisons. High concentrations of the substance cause infection with an incurable disease - botulism. With it, respiratory failure rapidly develops, and death occurs. The power of the toxin is so great that 2 kg is enough to destroy the entire population of the Earth.

Various muscle diseases are treated with small doses of botulinum toxin. It blocks nerve activity in muscles. The injection of Botox relieves spasms and muscle immobility. Cosmetologists use this property of the drug to rejuvenate human faces.

Botox effect

The action of the medicine is aimed at the most “capricious” parts of the human face – facial muscles. Botulinum toxin limits their mobility. The less the face moves, the longer the skin remains young on the forehead, under the eyes, around the lips. Temporary suspension of the muscles smooths out old wrinkles and inhibits the appearance of new ones.

The benefits of “youth injections” have been proven many times by cosmetologists. At the Beverly Hills cosmetology center they conducted an experiment with volunteers - twin sisters. The experiment began when the girls were 25 years old. For 10 years, one of the sisters was periodically injected with Botox. Throughout the experiment, she lived in Malibu, where the sun is very damaging to the skin. The second sister, without injections, was in Munich with a temperate climate. At the end of the experiment, the woman from Malibu looked 5 years younger than her sister.

The speed of action of the drug on the skin depends on the characteristics of the face. It takes several hours after the injection for the medicine to be absorbed. Suspension of tissue activity occurs after 3 hours. The muscles are blocked, smoothing the skin, for 1-3 days. After a week or two, a person sees the full result of rejuvenation.

The face remains smooth from six months to a year. During this time, the nervous system grows new nerve endings. The muscles become able to move again, so another dose of Botox is needed.

For the best effect, cosmetologists advise making injections in small doses, but every 3 months. Over time, the facial muscles become trained. They retain low mobility even when the effect of the drug wears off. Then injections are required less frequently - once every six months.

How does the procedure work?

“Injections of Youth” begin with a preliminary conversation and collection of data about the patient’s health status and chronic diseases. If the doctor believes that there are no contraindications, the procedure is carried out in the following order:

  1. External examination of the face by a cosmetologist in different facial positions;
  2. Photographing;
  3. Marking;
  4. Cleansing the face with a bactericidal solution;
  5. Injections into tense muscles.

A powder preparation of botulinum toxin is diluted in a sodium chloride solution and injected into a muscle or under the skin (elimination of wrinkles around the mouth and eyes). The patient sits or lies in a chair during Botox injection. The syringes for the procedure are disposable, diabetic.

After injections you cannot:

  1. strain your face (laugh, wince) – 4 hours;
  2. bend over – 3 hours;
  3. lie down – 4 hours;
  4. lift weights – 3 hours;
  5. visit the beach, baths, saunas – 14 hours;
  6. massage the face – 2 weeks;
  7. Drink alcohol – 1 week.

You can put on makeup and fly on an airplane.

Feelings from the procedure

No special anesthesia is performed before Botox injection. Injections in the face do not cause noticeable discomfort. Some cosmetologists rub anesthetic gels into the skin. When botulinum toxin is fixed in the tissues, a burning and tingling sensation occurs. After the first injection of the drug, numbness and tightness in the face are felt.

Dark spots from the needle remain for several days. There is pain in these places. People with sensitive skin sometimes experience bruising and swelling of the eyelids. After a week, all the consequences of the procedure disappear. A correctly selected dose and strict adherence by the doctor to the rules ensure the absence of discomfort for the client.

The dangers of Botox and contraindications

Botulinum toxin is, in most cases, well tolerated. Rare unusual reactions to the drug are determined by a person's genetic predisposition. In approximately 1% of people treated with Botox, the body produces antibodies to the toxin. This causes undesirable consequences. These include:

  1. migraine-type headache;
  2. nausea;
  3. temporary drooping of the eyelid, displacement of the eyebrows;
  4. double vision, blurred vision, blurred vision;
  5. weakness of the neck muscles;
  6. stitching pain in shoulders;
  7. runny nose;
  8. hoarse voice;
  9. skin rash;
  10. feeling of weakness, fatigue;
  11. dry mouth.

Before conducting a course of injections, the cosmetologist finds out the contraindications for each case. Botox is prohibited for allergy sufferers and people with skin diseases. Other prohibitions:

  1. chronic blood diseases;
  2. acute infections of any kind;
  3. severe ophthalmological diseases;
  4. pathologies of the facial muscles;
  5. alcoholism.

Botulinum toxin should not be administered to pregnant and lactating women. The course is postponed to another time if the client is taking antibiotics, muscle relaxants, or medications that slow down blood clotting.

At what age can injections begin?

The anatomical structure of the face and the properties of the skin are individual for each person. Some people at 30 look 45 because of the many wrinkles on their face and neck. Cosmetologists note that people express a desire to undergo a course of Botox when the date of their age ends with 9 - 29, 39, 49. This is due to psychological attitudes, the desire to gain a second, third youth.

Experts say young women from 25 to 28 can remove the first wrinkles on the forehead. They are offered a lighter version of injections, the so-called “baby Botox”. If the folds on the forehead are weakly expressed, the procedure should be postponed until 30–35 years of age.

On the one hand, “youth injections” are a relatively inexpensive way of rejuvenation. The standard course costs less than Louboutins and the latest killer pants. On the other hand, their effect on the body as a whole has not been fully studied. It is worth remembering that in the United States such procedures are allowed only in large cosmetic clinics.

It’s a shame when you’re not even 30, and the hated wrinkles are already clearly visible on your face. Apparently, you are a very emotional person with active facial expressions. Do not frown! A couple of Botox injections - and all imperfections will disappear. By the way, are young girls allowed to get botulinum toxin injections? Experts will tell us about this.

Anti-wrinkle toxin

Botox is the name of the drug produced by the Allergan company. It is based on botulinum neurotoxin type A, which is secreted by the organisms Clostridium botulinum in the laboratory and human serum albumin. The drug is used in cosmetology and aesthetic medicine to eliminate facial wrinkles, correct drooping eyebrows, corners of the lips, crow's feet, and signs of hyperhidrosis.

The toxin is injected under the skin using a thin needle. Under its action, muscles relax and wrinkles smooth out. The effect appears 2-3 days after the procedure and lasts from 4 to 9 months. Some clients claim that the results last up to 2 years, but this period may only be due to muscle memory. Over time, the wrinkles will return, and the procedure will need to be repeated.

How to achieve maximum effect

The best results can only be achieved with correct injections. Before performing the procedure, the cosmetologist asks the patient to frown, close his eyes, and grimace. These manipulations help identify areas with facial wrinkles and correctly place injection points.

The procedure is quick (up to 30 minutes) and painless.

By following these rules, you can increase the duration of the drug and reduce possible side effects:

  1. one week before your appointment, you should not drink alcohol, smoke, or take blood thinning medications;
  2. two to three days before the injections, it is recommended to start taking “Arnica”, which is a homeopathic medicine and reduces the likelihood of hemorrhages;
  3. you should pay attention to the menstrual cycle: the procedure is prohibited during menstruation;
  4. Before visiting a cosmetologist, it is recommended to drink a cup of strong sweet tea and eat a slice of dark chocolate; it is not recommended to come to the procedure hungry.

After the session, you should refrain from playing sports, massage, visiting the bathhouse, sauna. It is forbidden to take antibiotics or drink alcohol. On the first day after the injection, it is important to remain calm so as not to disrupt the correct distribution of the drug.

Is the drug dangerous?

Botox is a safe drug. The volume of the dangerous substance contained in the injection is negligible. The neurotoxin acts only in the area where the injection is given. The toxin does not accumulate in the body; after 21 days it is completely eliminated through the genitourinary system. The drug is not addictive because it is administered and works on new synapses each time. The dosage of the drug is selected individually.

Side effects or overdose are rare. The most common side effect is headache during the day after the procedure. This is fine.

Drooping eyebrows or changes in articulation develop not because the drug is dangerous, but because the cosmetologist violated the technique of administering or preparing the solution. Therefore, you need to take injections responsibly and visit only a specialist with a medical education who knows anatomy well.

When to start injections

The use of botulinum toxin is allowed for patients from 18 to 65 years of age. For people aged 21-25 years, cosmetologists recommend using a lighter version of the drug - “baby Botox” to correct the first wrinkles on the forehead or between the eyebrows.

It is recommended to start injecting Botox at the age of 25-35 years. Scientists note that the use of neurotoxin at a young age helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles, slowing down the aging process and reducing excessive activity of facial muscles.

The injections also reduce the negative effects of genetic and environmental factors of aging. To avoid the “freezing” effect, use a minimal amount of the drug and inject shallowly. The time interval between procedures at an early age ranges from 6 months to 1 year.

Botox up to 25 years

The drug is approved for use from 18 years of age. But! Botox injections at an early age provoke the formation of antibodies to botulism toxin. At first, the effect of the procedure decreases, and later the toxin stops working altogether. The effect is reversible, but recovery of the reaction can take up to 15 years. Therefore, you should not get carried away with beauty injections before the age of 25.

Age characteristics

At any age, the goal of the Botox procedure is not only to reduce wrinkles, but also to prevent the appearance of new ones. But with age, the duration of the toxin changes, as does the recommended frequency of the procedure.

At the initial appointment, the specialist will assess the condition of the skin, the individual characteristics of the client’s facial expressions, and determine the required amount of the drug.

From 20 to 30 years

An excellent period to prevent the appearance of age-related wrinkles by reducing the activity of facial expressions. For prevention, lighter versions of the drug are recommended. The introduction of the toxin is more superficial than in adulthood. The effect lasts from 4 to 12 months. It is recommended to undergo the procedure no more than 1-2 times a year.

From 30 to 40 years old

Optimal age for injections. The skin is still elastic, but the first signs of aging are becoming visible. Pregnancy and childbirth change a woman’s hormonal levels, provoking the appearance of the first deep wrinkles. To maintain a permanent effect, it is important to follow a regular injection regimen, which is determined by a cosmetologist. The effect lasts from 4 to 8 months.

From 40 to 50 years old

The results of the procedure are less pronounced as the skin becomes less elastic with age, but the correction is still very successful. At this age, cosmetologists recommend combining botulinum therapy with other cosmetic procedures, for example, mesotherapy. The duration of the toxin is reduced to 4-7 months; it is recommended to undergo the procedure no more than 4 times a year.

After 50 years

At this age, the skin thins, becomes flaccid, and deep creases appear. As we age, the loss of collagen causes sagging and decreased elasticity, creating hyperfunctional lines. During this period, Botox is used to minimize these signs. However, the injection of botulinum toxin can cause facial asymmetry.

Additionally, biorevitalization is recommended to eliminate skin dryness and hyperpigmentation.

Treatments for young skin

Botox injections are a radical way to combat wrinkles, which is not suitable for everyone. For young skin, cosmetologists recommend more gentle methods of rejuvenation and healing.

Creams and serums with muscle relaxants

A popular alternative to the drug are muscle relaxants - creams and serums with the Botox effect. These products are based not on botulinum toxin, but on a peptide complex. Peptides displace the protein responsible for muscle contraction from tissues. Regular use of this product activates metabolic processes in tissues, renews and nourishes the skin, smoothing out wrinkles.


Juvederm Volbella filler based on hyaluronic acid from the company that created Botox will also be an excellent replacement for injections. The drug is designed specifically for young skin and helps fight the first shallow wrinkles. The composition contains lidocaine, which reduces all pain to a minimum. Fillers are also used for non-surgical rhinoplasty, correction of the shape of lips, cheekbones, and hair restoration.


These are injections of nutritional cocktails with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and plant extracts. Such injections are carried out in a course and help solve several problems associated with young skin at once. Non-injection mesotherapy reduces negative consequences to a minimum.


Chemical and acid peels help renew the skin and activate regenerative processes.

The burn caused to the skin by the drug activates the regeneration process, preventing premature aging and the appearance of facial wrinkles.


Injections of hyaluronic acid, a natural component of our skin, are very beneficial. They not only supply hyaluron, but also enhance the production of their own collagen and elastin fibers. Injections are recommended at a young age to prevent aging and improve skin quality.


Alena Sukhovarova, 19 years old, Nizhny Novgorod

“Very early they started making comments to me that I already had wrinkles. I smile a lot, in general I am a very emotional person. I work part-time as a fashion model, as they noticed at work, I immediately ran to the cosmetologist. They recommended Botox because there were already very deep wrinkles between the eyebrows and nothing else would help. Awesome drug! A week later the creases completely disappeared. You can’t do it often, otherwise your body gets used to it. I will repeat it in six months.”

Irina Pautova, 26 years old, Moscow

“I have severe hyperhidrosis, and I work in an office. Always in white blouses, and sweaty armpits are not needed at all. No ointments helped, I tried deodorants from pharmacies. Then a friend told me that they were injecting Botox for this problem. The first time the result lasted for six months, now almost 9 months have passed and it’s still working.”

Natasha Ibragimova, 23 years old, Rostov-on-Don

“The first time I heard about Botox, I thought I would never do it, my friend said so much negative things about it. Then I went to a cosmetologist and wanted to get hyaluronic acid injected into my forehead, but the cosmetologist recommended Botox. She said it’s a useful drug, it helps you stop frowning. I thought about it for several months and finally decided. I don't regret it at all! In fact, I just stopped frowning over time.”