Botox for frown lines

The cosmetic procedure of introducing Botox to the forehead and in the area between the eyebrows allows you to prolong beauty and youth. Reviews from cosmetologists and clients show how effective the procedure is and has a long-lasting result for facial rejuvenation.

What is Botox and how does it work?

The uniqueness of Botox injections to eliminate eyebrow wrinkles allows you to even out the skin or adjust its depth. Botox is a toxin that blocks nerve impulses that regulate muscle contraction. As a result, facial movements are inhibited for a certain period. The muscles are in a relaxed position, do not wrinkle or stretch the skin, and the wrinkles themselves are smoothed out. Botox is a safe drug for health, which is completely eliminated from the body some time after the injection.

After the procedure, side effects may occur, which manifest themselves in symptoms:

  1. swelling;
  2. hematomas;
  3. headache;
  4. nausea;
  5. allergy.

If injections are given too close to the eyes, dry eyes may occur. Over the course of some days, all symptoms disappear, after which the final result can be seen. And if the drug is administered incorrectly, there is a risk of drooping eyebrows or eyelids, muscle paralysis, and impaired facial expressions. Complications disappear after 2 months. To speed up the improvement in appearance after complications occur, it is necessary to do lymphatic drainage massage or other procedures under the strict supervision of a physiotherapist.

The formation of wrinkles between the eyebrows indicates negative events in life. Therefore, it is not surprising, but such folds are most often called “wrinkles of anger” or “wrinkles of suffering.” Thus, to change the frowning appearance, Botox injections are recommended.

Interesting! Complications after Botox appear due to incorrect dosage or non-compliance with the technique of administering the drug.

Techniques for Botox injections between the eyebrows

Before injections, the correction area is numbed with a special cream, the effect of which begins to last after 15-20 minutes. The injection procedure itself takes no more than 30 minutes, with the patient in a sitting position with the back of the head fixed. Botox is injected between the eyebrows with thin short needles at 4 or 6 points. Injections are made at an angle of 45 0 or 90 0. To determine the injection points, you need to grimace a little. Then a cold compress is applied, which helps to constrict the blood vessels.

There is a certain method of administering the drug, during which the forehead is completely immobilized or injections are given with further preservation of facial expressions. A classic injection is given deep into the muscle at the point of greatest tension. The action of the drug spreads over a diameter of 1 - 1.5 cm. As a result, the muscles relax and the skin remains motionless. Another type of technique is done to a depth of 2 mm into the subcutaneous layers. In some cases, the 2 techniques are combined.

It is recommended to follow certain rules to prevent complications:

  1. do not lie down or bow your head for 4 hours;
  2. do not touch the injection area with your hands;
  3. do not use cosmetics for 24 hours;
  4. exclude all activities (sports, physical activity, sex) for a few days;
  5. exclude all thermal procedures (saunas, sunbathing) for a week;
  6. do not drink alcohol for 15 days;
  7. avoid massage and facial myostimulation for 30 days;
  8. refrain from taking antibiotics and B vitamins.

Important! If, after finishing the injections, hematomas appear, then it is necessary to apply a special cream.

Indications and contraindications

Injections are made for early and middle signs of aging, the age period covers from 30 to 60 years. Indications for the use of Botox are the presence of:

  1. horizontal and vertical wrinkles on the bridge of the nose;
  2. facial asymmetry;
  3. horizontal wrinkles in the forehead;
  4. crow's feet (wrinkles in the outer corners of the eyes).

Botox to eliminate glabellar wrinkles is contraindicated for:

  1. pregnancy or lactation;
  2. diabetes mellitus;
  3. up to 18 years old;
  4. diseases in acute form or in the presence of inflammatory processes;
  5. allergies to a drug component;
  6. epilepsy;
  7. blood clotting problems;
  8. autoimmune disease;
  9. cuts, wounds in the selected area.

The cosmetologist should tell you about the rules of skin care after the procedure, as well as the rules of behavior in order to eliminate possible negative consequences.

Average number of units

Before administering Botox, it is necessary to conduct a consultation, during which it is necessary to inform the cosmetologist about the use of medications, the presence of diseases, and the characteristics of the body.

The specialist evaluates facial activity in the frontal region, which allows you to select the required amount of the drug. If the skin is sufficiently elastic and the wrinkles are not deep, then use a minimal amount of the drug. The client’s personal wishes are also taken into account, for example, at what distance to place the eyebrows, whether to remove all wrinkles or leave some. It is practiced to administer a minimal amount of the drug when performing a cosmetic procedure for the first time. Then, after 3-4 weeks, the dose is adjusted at a second session, and if necessary, an additional dose of the substance is administered.

Between the eyebrows

The required amount of Botox, which is injected between the eyebrows, ranges from 10-25 units. When the space between the eyebrows is filled, the outermost part of the eyebrow may rise slightly, which creates a defect in appearance. In this case, there is a need to perform injections in the frontal part.

When injecting Botox into the forehead to eliminate wrinkles, 10-50 units are injected. It all depends on the area where the wrinkles are located, if only on the forehead, then less than 10-30 units of the drug is needed, between the eyebrows and the frontal part, then 20-50 units.

The effect of Botox in the forehead area will be uniform if the injected drug is of the same volume. To avoid the drug falling onto the eyes, it is necessary to give injections at a distance of 2 cm from the arches of the eyebrows. When giving beauty injections, the fit of the eyebrows is taken into account. If they are low-set, which is often typical for men, then it is necessary to adjust the dose of the drug so as not to aggravate the peculiarity of facial features.

Worth paying attention! When planning cosmetic procedures, in order to avoid negative consequences, it is important to maintain order. Eyebrow tattooing is done after Botox injections.

We suggest looking at the behavioral features of the forehead injection procedure:


To obtain the desired result, it is necessary to carry out the procedure by professional cosmetologists. After the injection, the skin is smoothed, wrinkles are removed or become less noticeable. Water and salt balance improves, collagen and elastin production increases. The Botox procedure brings long-lasting results (from 4-6 months). After 2-4 days you can see the effectiveness of the procedure, and after 14-20 days the final effect of the drug is consolidated.

But in some cases it is necessary to contact a specialist again for correction. For certain reasons, instead of the desired result, negative consequences of Botox are observed that require correction. This may happen:

  1. distortion of facial features;
  2. accumulation of the drug in one place downwards or other unnatural changes.

The correction is carried out 3-4 weeks after the procedure itself.


Botox between the eyebrows lasts a long period, but exactly how long depends on the correctness of the client’s actions and on the individual characteristics of the body. Customer reviews indicate the effectiveness of the procedure for eliminating facial wrinkles on the forehead.

Many people note how their appearance improves, their skin becomes smoother, their eyebrows rise, and their eyes become more expressive. Even deep wrinkles become less noticeable. Despite the fact that in some cases women experience side effects (headaches, swelling), they are satisfied with the result and intend to continue further procedures.

Preserving the beauty and youth of the face has always been an important part of a person’s life, especially a woman’s – but only in our time have real effective means for this been developed. One of the most popular means of combating wrinkles – the main “symptom” of skin aging – is Botox or botulinum therapy. As you know, this method is used by millions of people around the world, including pop and cinema stars, whose photos of their ageless faces are probably the best advertisement for this type of procedure. One of the main areas of influence for Botox is the space between the eyebrows or between the eyebrows - this is where the array of facial muscles is located, the activity of which leads to the appearance of special wrinkles.

Eyebrow wrinkles

After about 30 years, and in some cases even earlier, certain lines of creases become noticeable on the surface of the facial skin, the formation of which is caused by the work of facial muscles. Such manifestations of facial aging are especially pronounced in its upper third - on the skin of the forehead, around the eyes and in the area between the eyebrows. Since the development of these manifestations is due to the facial muscles, its limited weakening by injecting a few units of botulinum toxin can significantly reduce tension and ultimately smooth the skin. But first, you need to figure out exactly what negative manifestations occur in the area between the eyebrows and what their cause is.

Compared to other areas of the upper third of the face, the space between the eyebrows is the most mobile - it reacts to emotions such as sadness, concentration and other reactions that cause frowning. It is easy to notice at any age that if a person frowns or concentrates on some task, then the skin between the eyebrows and on the bridge of the nose wrinkles into folds. After 30 years, wrinkles form at the site of such wrinkles, and in the presence of predisposing factors (low skin elasticity, hypertrophy of some areas of facial muscles), such wrinkles can appear even after 25 years. Visually, with a certain severity of such folds, they age a person’s face by 5-10 years, so combating them is an important part of any anti-aging complex, including Botox.

It is quite difficult to say how many muscle bundles are involved in the formation of such a picture of the area between the eyebrows - this area is a kind of “crossroads” on the face, which includes areas of many muscles. Typically, the facial skin of this area is affected by the following facial muscles and their parts:

  1. The medial portions of the frontalis muscle are practically the only facial muscle in the entire upper third of the face that lifts the skin (and the structures located on it) upward.
  2. The corrugator muscle causes the eyebrows to move closer together, causing the skin between them to form one or more vertical folds. It is its activity that cosmetologists struggle with in most cases. It is also called the “muscle of suffering”, since its action is often caused by negative emotions.
  3. The proud muscle is located in the bridge of the nose and pulls the skin between the eyebrows down. With the simultaneous contraction of this and the frontal muscles, several transverse, weakly expressed folds are formed between the eyebrows. The formation and expression of this muscle is a fairly individual indicator.
  4. The depressor brow muscle – in combination with the corrugator brow muscle, pulls the skin down and inward. The activity of this muscle also manifests itself when the eyes are closed.

Studying the static and dynamic structure of this area is an extremely necessary step before injecting the drug. After all, it is with such preparation that the cosmetologist determines how many units of Botox may be required for the procedure, how long the effect will approximately last after rejuvenation, and a number of other indicators. After careful preparation, there are practically no side effects or various complications.

Preparation and carrying out the procedure

After a patient contacts a doctor about botulinum therapy for the space between the eyebrows, the cosmetologist first determines the presence or absence of contraindications to this procedure. To do this, you need to interview the person, general laboratory tests and other clinical research methods are prescribed. And only after the results of this examination confirm that the patient will tolerate the injection of botulinum toxin well, they proceed to examining the area directly affected:

  1. The general picture of the area is examined - symmetry, how the eyebrows are positioned, whether there are hypertrophied areas of facial muscles visible to the naked eye. This is called a static inspection.
  2. After this, they proceed to a dynamic examination - to begin with, they ask the patient to raise his eyebrows up as much as possible. Thus, the work of the frontal muscle, its symmetry and the degree of opposition from other muscle formations are examined.
  3. The next most common request from a cosmetologist may be a request to frown as much as possible. It is frowning that in most cases most strongly stimulates the formation of wrinkles between the eyebrows - which is why a huge number of rejuvenation specialists recommend avoiding negative emotions.

At the same time, the specialist records the activity of the main muscle structures of the area and a number of other parameters. In the future, they will help him determine how many units of Botox should be used to treat the area and which specific muscle bundles are best to work on. Proper preparation can also facilitate the financial component of the procedure - after all, if you know exactly where to give the injection, you will need fewer units of the drug, the cost of which makes up a significant part of the entire procedure.

After determining the necessary points and other parameters of the procedure, the cosmetologist proceeds directly to the manipulation. The skin in the affected area is treated with an antiseptic solution; for the convenience of the specialist, markings can be made between the eyebrows indicating the injection points or the boundaries of muscle formations.

Traditionally, two or three units of the drug are injected into the area of ​​the muscles of the bridge of the nose (the corrugator muscle and a few horizontal bundles of the frontalis muscle). Also, several units (1-2) of “Botox” can be applied to other points on the back of the nose, the lower part of the forehead, and along the eyebrow line.

As already mentioned, here you need to completely rely on the cosmetologist, who determines all such requirements for manipulation as part of the preliminary examination. Usually, more than 10 units of Botox-type preparation are rarely used for one complete treatment of the skin of the space between the eyebrows - Dysport, which is also used for this purpose, and other similar products have a different division principle.

Contraindications and post-procedure recommendations

You need to understand that, despite the insignificant amounts of the administered drug, botulinum toxin solutions are quite serious drugs, the use of which has certain contraindications. In addition, the procedure itself, which includes injections into the facial skin, can in some cases pose a health risk. Negative reviews regarding botulinum therapy are due, to a lesser extent, to the negligence and little experience of cosmetologists and to a greater extent to the fact that a number of patients are able to hide their contraindications:

  1. Autoimmune diseases.
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the facial skin.
  4. Herpes viral infection in acute form.
  5. Hemostasis (blood clotting) disorders.
  6. Period of menstruation.
  7. Oncological diseases.
  8. Taking anticoagulants (heparin), antiplatelet agents (NSAIDs, drugs for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases).
  9. Tendency to keloid and hypertrophic scars.
  10. Neuromuscular pathologies (myasthenia gravis, etc.).
  11. Taking muscle relaxants and tranquilizers.
  12. Epilepsy and other diseases of the central nervous system.
  13. Myopia (myopia).

If you neglect these contraindications, then the risk of developing side effects (subcutaneous hematomas from injections, the development of edema, skin soreness after the procedure) increases significantly and there is a risk of complications. For example, facial asymmetry, eyelid spasm, impaired closure of the palpebral fissure, and other disorders may appear due to improper denervation of some facial muscle bundles.

In order to speed up the recovery process after the procedure and prevent the development of side effects (or reduce the severity of those that have already appeared), you need to follow a few fairly simple recommendations:

  1. two weeks after Botox injections, you should not visit saunas and steam baths - high temperatures destroy botulinum toxin, which can sharply reduce the effectiveness of the procedure;
  2. All sports and other forms of physical activity should be postponed for the same period - this accelerates blood circulation in the facial tissues, which speeds up the removal of toxins;
  3. Botulinum toxin and alcohol do not combine well - drinking such drinks should be avoided both a week before and after the procedure.

As a result of following these rules and a well-carried out procedure, a lasting anti-aging effect will occur in the form of smoothing wrinkles between the eyebrows, which will last at least 8 months.

Botox between the eyebrows: before and after photos and reasons for negative consequences

Botox is one of the most popular means of preserving youth. With its help, many women get rid of wrinkles in different areas of the skin and tighten it. Today we will look at how Botox is done between the eyebrows.

Indications for the use of Botox

Like all rejuvenation procedures, Botox has its indications and contraindications. When the product is injected into any area of ​​the face, you can feel and later see that the muscles relax, this leads to the smoothing of wrinkles and folds. It is worth noting that you cannot enlarge your lips with Botox, as many girls and cosmetologists say. Botox simply smoothes the areas where it is injected and tightens the skin a little, so visually the area appears to be slightly enlarged.

To inject Botox into the skin, it is necessary that there are problems on the face that correspond to the indications for the use of this product. For example, moderate wrinkles on the forehead or between the eyebrows, Botox can also smooth out wrinkles in the area around the eyes. If there are pronounced folds in the nasolabial part, this is an indication for the use of Botox.

When is the effect visible after injections?

It is worth noting that Botox injections take little time, so it is recommended for many girls who want to rejuvenate their skin and get rid of expression lines. Immediately after the procedure, the effect will not be visible, but after two weeks you will notice the maximum effect of muscle relaxation. To undergo the next injection session, to maintain the result, you must wait six months and use this drug again to improve the condition of the skin.

Every woman should know that Botox cannot remove wrinkles that are located in the deep layers of the skin, so Botox is used only for small facial wrinkles. If you need to smooth out deep wrinkles, cosmetologists use several products, one of which is Botox, and the other is any product based on hyaluronic acid.

Botox between the eyebrows: before and after photos

The most important rule for using Botox is not to use it at home. All injections must be carried out under sterile conditions and in compliance with all rules that only qualified cosmetologists know.

Are there any side effects from injecting Botox between the eyebrows?

When using Botox as a means of rejuvenation, you need to know that there will be no side effects from it. The consequences may manifest themselves in the form of worsening muscle contraction if injections are given very often. Due to the fact that the procedure is carried out by a specialist, he knows how to inject Botox correctly, at what angle and into which muscle, side effects are excluded. If a girl decides to undergo Botox injections at home, then she may be putting her health at risk.

When choosing a specialist who will perform Botox injections, you need to know whether he has such qualifications, whether he has a medical education and whether he has had experience in performing these procedures. Because if injections are given by a doctor without experience and education, the risk of poor quality of the procedure increases.

But still, like many other medical cosmetic drugs, Botox has some side effects if the injections are performed by an unqualified doctor. For example, when Botox is injected between the eyebrows, if the dosage is incorrect, drooping of the eyebrows can be observed. Of course, after a few months they will return to their natural position, but during these months something will have to be done to hide the side effect. Also, if Botox is administered incorrectly, you will experience headaches, pain in the injection sites, and bleeding.

Inexperienced doctors may allow the product to spread into the eye area (if injections are made against facial wrinkles), which will ultimately lead to deterioration of vision. And again, only after a few months, everything will pass.

You also need to know that two weeks before injections you should not take medications that contain components that thin the blood. Due to such components, hematomas may appear after Botox injections.

Who is contraindicated for Botox injections?

The injection procedure is also contraindicated for women who are pregnant (or have given birth) and nursing mothers.

Some experts say that alcohol reduces the effectiveness of Botox, but this has not yet been proven in clinical studies.

Botox is one of the most popular skin rejuvenation treatments, but it is worth remembering that the price of injections will be higher than average. There are also analogues of Botox, but you need to ask doctors about them, since they know better which drug is right for you.

Video on the topic of the article

Wrinkles appear between the eyebrows among the first. It's not just a matter of age. Vertical folds above the nose occur even in young people. Young girls and older women who take care of themselves and their appearance have a harder time with their appearance than others. When numerous cosmetic products are unable to cope with them, Botox comes to the rescue. What it is? How does the procedure affect your appearance? Why do women resort to Botox to eliminate wrinkles between the eyebrows? What problems do they encounter when performing botulinum therapy? Let's figure it out.

Why does a crease appear between the eyebrows and how to get rid of it

Wrinkles on the face are divided into two types:

  1. Static, which are noticeable even in a state of rest and relaxation.
  2. Dynamic. They appear only during facial movements of the facial muscles.

Thoughts in the head, bright light make certain groups of facial muscles tense and keep the skin in a given state. A preoccupied person, depressed by grief, or, on the contrary, a joyful one can always be distinguished in a crowd. Sometimes, by contracting, the muscles tighten the skin, resulting in folds. When this condition lasts for hours, wrinkles appear on the skin, demonstrating the person’s character traits. Even in ancient times, adherents of physiognomy noticed that calm, balanced, kind people always had fewer wrinkles.

Genetics also plays a significant role in the appearance of furrows on the face. It affects the amount of collagen and elastin - proteins that form connective tissue. Another factor influencing the production of proteins is nutrition, the presence of copper, iron, zinc, sulfur, vitamins and antioxidants in foods.

There is one more circumstance that is reflected on the face. These are chronic diseases of internal organs that destabilize the condition of the skin. Kidney diseases, liver diseases, diabetes, and other pathologies leave an indelible mark in the form of folds, color, and condition of the skin.

There are also a number of reasons related to habits and lifestyle.

  1. Alcohol and smoking greatly age the skin. Therefore, people who drink alcohol a lot and often always look older than their years.
  2. Addiction to low-calorie (especially low-protein) diets and sudden weight loss always lead to the formation of wrinkles on the face, the deepening of those folds that have already appeared, including on the forehead and between the eyebrows.
  3. Lack of sleep and overwork lead to tired skin. It loses moisture more intensely and becomes lethargic.

And, of course, age plays an important role. Over the years, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity, and the wrinkles between the eyebrows only become deeper.

Botox is effective for superficial wrinkles. Deep grooves on the face after the injection procedure become smaller, but remain.

How to get rid of eyebrow folds?

Creams, other cosmetics, cosmetic masks, and nutrition help maintain youthful and elastic skin. The advice to drink water in the morning, slightly acidified with malic or citric acid, is useful not only for burning fat, but also for maintaining optimal skin moisture. Liquid should enter it not only from the outside - in the form of lotions and creams, but also from the inside.

Finally, if a woman does not want to grow old, she should:

  1. monitor the condition of the facial muscles;
  2. control your thoughts and emotions;
  3. learn to relax and relax your facial muscles.

True, there comes a time when these remedies become insufficiently effective, and then she decides to go to a beauty salon, to specialists, where she will be offered massage, gymnastics, and other cosmetic procedures. Among them are Botox injections in the area between the eyebrows, a very effective procedure that lasts a long time (on average 4 months), aimed at removing wrinkles between the eyebrows.

How does Botox work between the eyebrows?

Botox injections begin to work in the first 1-3 days. They quickly relax the muscle tissue under the skin, thereby smoothing out wrinkles. The forehead and area around the eyes, in particular the area of ​​the face between the eyebrows, is a rather fertile area for Botox to work. The upper part of the face becomes smooth, looks younger, and its expression becomes more positive. There is also a psychological factor. A woman who is confident in her attractiveness has a more optimistic outlook on life and smiles more often, which makes her even more attractive to other people.

The rehabilitation period lasts from three days to a week, during which headaches, swelling, and hematomas sometimes appear.

For the first three days, and especially in the first few hours after the injections, you should try to work your facial muscles as much as possible: frown, squint, draw your eyebrows together. These simple exercises will allow the drug to penetrate deep into the tissues and distribute evenly. However, you should not massage or rub the injection sites.

Indications for botulinum therapy

The injection of botulinum toxin into the interglabellar muscles is indicated:

  1. When age-related and facial wrinkles appear between the eyebrows, on the forehead, around the eyes.
  2. With congenital or pathogenic asymmetry of the nose, eyebrows, incomplete opening of the eyes. Pathogenic asymmetry occurs when one or another facial nerve is damaged.

Botox can correct pronounced facial asymmetry. With proper injections, by stretching some muscles and weakening others, you can lift the corners of your eyes or mouth, adjust the shape of your brow ridges, and open your eyes wider.


Before the session, the facial skin is treated with an antiseptic. Since Botox acts on the muscle tissue of the face, to determine the desired muscles, the patient must frown and then move his eyebrows. A cosmetologist applies markings for injections with a marker. Anesthetic cream is applied to the marks.

Botox is diluted only with saline solution. Anesthetic substances like novocaine are not used for Botox. Injections are performed with an insulin syringe with a thin needle, and they are made between the folds, in the muscle tissue.

Botulinum therapy can be carried out in any position that is most convenient for the patient and the doctor: lying on the couch, sitting in a comfortable chair with a headrest, even in an upright position. This factor does not affect the quality of the procedure.

After the injections, it is not at all necessary to walk or sit upright. If desired, a person can go to bed after Botox. The doctor is obliged to warn his patient (or patient) about all prohibitions and restrictions at the first consultation.

Question price: how many units are needed for the eyebrow area?

Of course, you can limit yourself to injections only. Wrinkles will disappear, the skin will smooth out, but, most likely, the distance between the eyebrows will increase, and this will add surprise to the facial expression.

Experienced specialists always advise their patients to make several injections into the frontal muscles so that the face becomes more natural. Injections are performed at a distance of 1.5-2 cm above their growth line, 2 cm from each other.

To smooth out forehead wrinkles, 15–30 units of neurotoxin are needed. It costs approximately 5,000 rubles.

Ideally, along with the forehead and eyebrow folds, the “crow’s feet” in the corners of the eyes are also removed. The doctor warns the patient in advance about how many injections will be given. Complex botulinum therapy costs patients at beauty salons an average of up to 15 thousand rubles.

When calculating the number of units of the drug, the goals and objectives that the patient sets for the cosmetologist and the condition of his skin are taken into account.

Contraindications and restrictions for botulinum therapy

Botox injections, despite their apparent ease and painlessness, are a serious intervention in the body’s vital functions. And in order for its consequences to be minimal, you need to know that Botox cannot be injected:

  1. during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. during the course of infectious and exacerbation of chronic diseases; the drug is incompatible with most antibiotics;
  3. if you have chronic dermatological diseases, you can safely forget about Botox;
  4. if you are individually intolerant to botulinum toxin, you will have to look for other methods of rejuvenation, for example, the doctor may recommend fillers - injections of hyaluronic acid or other fillers;
  5. with myopia, forcing the patient to squint;
  6. in youth up to 18 years of age.

How to remove eyebrow wrinkles without Botox

You can get rid of facial wrinkles without Botox using fillers. Cosmetologists have developed several types of fillers based on various substances:

  1. human or porcine collagen;
  2. hyaluronic acid, the source of which is certain types of microorganisms;
  3. poly-L-lactic acid, an artificial, biocompatible polymer;
  4. calcium hydroxyapatite;
  5. polymethyl methacrylate microspheres.

Some fillers contain lidocaine. It helps remove wrinkles painlessly.

Another way to get rid of wrinkles is laser resurfacing. Thanks to the procedure, dead epithelium is removed and the depth of the creases is reduced. In addition, the action of the laser on the skin activates the production of proteins - collagen and elastin.

At home, creams containing hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, and peptides help remove wrinkles, which, when used, penetrate deep into the skin and help smooth them out.

Reviews from doctors and patients about the experience of injections in the eyebrow area

Anna, 37 years old, Rybinsk:

Anyone who says that Botox lasts for six months, or even a year, is shamelessly lying. I injected between the eyebrows, it lasted for 3 months. The girls I met at the clinic during a session say the same thing.

Yana, cosmetologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Moscow:

We inject botulinum toxin to prevent wrinkles. And if you started doing botulinum therapy at an age when the first expression and static wrinkles just appeared, then you have created a temporary head start for yourself. - Thus, you will slow down the process of wrinkle formation. Compared to a patient who does not do this, compared to your friends, you will always look several years younger. The botulinum therapy procedure is a rejuvenation procedure. Botulinum therapy is the prevention of aging. You need to start botulinum therapy at the age of 25. Until this age, the body grows and develops. The development of the body ends and the aging process begins. This technique is indicated at different ages. This technique is indicated for men and women. It should be carried out 2-3 times a year. The procedure is painless. But the effect is wonderful.

Nyuta, 42 years old, Volgograd:

Hello. I injected botulinum toxin into the eyebrow fold, it was a repeat injection, 4 months after the previous one. On the 11th day after the procedure, the eyelid of my left eye drooped (partial ptosis), the left eyebrow became higher than the right and moved towards the temple. My friend, a week after me, also received a Botox injection from the same cosmetologist. And the same thing happened to her on the 11th day. The cosmetologist disputes that this is the result of the procedure. Although I think that the technique of doing it is broken. It's very scary that things will remain like this.

Answers on questions

Doctors try not to talk about the negative effects of Botox. I would like to know more about the accompanying effects and defects that arise as a result of doctors’ mistakes, about the body’s immunity to the procedure.

Botox is a medical drug, and like any drug, it has side effects and limitations. Sometimes complications arise. These are hematomas at the injection sites, headache, weakness, and less commonly, nausea. Negative traces of botulinum injections disappear within 1-3 days.

Due to the uneven distribution of toxins within the muscles, facial asymmetry appears. It will persist for 3-4 months while the muscle tissue is paralyzed by Botox.

Drooping of the eyebrows or upper eyelid (ptosis) occurs when the dosage of the drug is incorrectly selected or the injection point is incorrectly selected. This unpleasant effect will last for 2-3 months. If the drug is administered close to the eyeball, you may feel dry, sandy in the eyes.

To avoid most of the described consequences, be more careful and strict in choosing a doctor. Make sure you have a certificate authorizing you to carry out such procedures.

What alternative to Botox is there?

Botox is made in America. With a similar effect, Dysport is produced in France, and Xeomin is produced in Germany. Substances differ from each other in the concentration of botulinum toxin. So, one unit of Botox corresponds to 3 units of Dysport. Xeomin contains even less botulinum toxins and is gentler.

Can a man get Botox if he wants to look younger?

Yes maybe. This procedure is recommended for everyone unless there are other contraindications.

Let's sum it up

Thus, Botox is an anti-aging procedure that does not take much time. Unlike surgical cosmetic surgery, it is painless and does not cause harm to health. The effect of Botox lasts 3-4 months. This also has its advantage. If you are not satisfied with the results, the toxins will disappear over time and the skin will regain its previous shape. And if you liked looking younger, you can always repeat the procedure.

We appeal to our readers with a request: if you have injected yourself with Botox, share your impressions of how the procedure went, what complications you encountered and whether you are satisfied with the effect. Tell us about which clinics performed the rejuvenating procedure and which doctors. We hope that your feedback will help other users avoid making mistakes in the future.