Botox for wrinkles around the eyes reviews

I am glad to welcome you again, my dear readers. Who doesn't dream of prolonging their youth? How you don’t want wrinkles to appear on your face. Unfortunately, this process is inevitable. But thank God, nowadays there are a lot of options for preserving youth. And one of them is Botox for the face, of course there are different reviews about this procedure. I can’t say that everything is super positive. So let's look at the pros and cons together.

What is Botox and how does it work?

It was discovered by American scientists in the 19th century. At that time, they were looking for the cause of botulism (an infection of the nervous system). As you understand, the substance was not initially studied for use in cosmetology. The word comes from the American botox, so it is correct to pronounce botox, not botex.

This is an A-type neurotoxin, its basis is a protein produced by the microorganism Clostridium botulinum

It is the causative agent of such a dangerous disease as botulism. At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists were able to isolate a toxin from this microbe. In animal testing, the toxin was noted to relieve muscle spasms and squints. When the toxin entered the muscles, it blocked their contraction. Simply put, it caused muscle paralysis.

In 1978, clinical trials of drugs based on this toxin began. Ten years later, the American company Allergan began producing drugs with Botox. They were used to treat strabismus and blepharospasm.

Scientists noticed that in patients receiving injections, facial wrinkles were smoothed out. It has been proven that the drug is absolutely safe in therapeutic doses. And for more than 30 years it has been successfully used in cosmetology.

Dysport is also used in cosmetology for these purposes. In essence, this is the same Botox, the only difference is the concentration of the toxin. There is less of it in Dysport and this drug is produced by the French company Ipsen.

Toxin injections are administered to areas of increased muscle tone. Botox is administered subcutaneously, intradermally and intramuscularly. The doctor decides exactly how to inject and in which area. Of course, many are interested in when Botox begins to work after injection. Visible changes occur within 3-4 days. The maximum result from the introduction of the toxin appears after 2-3 weeks.


Reviews about the procedure, as well as before and after photos

In order to understand how effective this rejuvenation method is, I collected reviews. And for a visual example, I have prepared a photo for you. Honestly, some of the photos are truly amazing. It feels like the person is 10 years younger 🙂

Lily: I constantly wrinkle my forehead and frown. As a result, glabellar and horizontal wrinkles appeared. I was injected with Botex in these places - my forehead is smooth, the effect is simply super! Hyaluronic acid can fill deep folds. But for facial expressions, Botox is still the answer.

Aster: Recently I was injected for facial wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes and in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose. There are no problems with facial expressions, but wrinkles do not appear. I liked it and will make it again.

Daisy: I was terribly afraid of these injections! Honestly... I almost fainted right at the doctor, I even sniffed ammonia. If you are afraid, calm down. the injection is similar to a mosquito bite. But it's worth it. I now have a very smooth forehead. I can wince, but no wrinkles form. Hurray, that's what I wanted))

Camilla: It is enough for me to inject myself once a year. I use it in the summer because I often wince in the sun. The effect lasts for a long time, maybe because I’m still 30 years old... I don’t think I’m old..))

Marina: I also injected it in the forehead area, the effect lasted for 6 months. Then all the wrinkles returned, it didn’t get any worse. just the way it was

Olesya: I was advised to inject Dysport between the eyebrows. I didn’t notice much difference with Botox. Now I can’t wrinkle my eyebrows and forehead. I really hope that the muscles will get used to not wrinkle when the effect of the drug wears off.

Margot: I was given injections into the forehead and eye area. I was delighted. somehow my whole face looked younger. They were afraid that it would be worse later, I don’t know... the action went away, everything returned as it was. The only drawback is that the effect lasted a little more than six months... although it was probably my own fault, I drank alcohol and a lot of water... The difference before and after is very noticeable, despite my 33 years. I will continue to inject

Where is Botox injected and how much does the injection cost?

Now let’s talk about where the toxin can be injected and what its effectiveness is, especially after 40 years. Typically, injections are administered into the forehead, eyebrows, nasolabial folds, lips, and under the eyes. You can also use the toxin to lift the tip of your nose and eyebrows.

Before the procedure, the amount of toxin is measured in units. How many units of Botox do you need? For each zone the number of units is different. It also depends on the condition of the skin and wrinkles, so the dosage is selected individually. I will give the average values.

Drug administration area Botox units Action of the toxin price, rub.


Forehead 15-30 units Botox injections into the forehead correct the eyebrow line and smooth out wrinkles. 5000 rubles Between eyebrows 10-20 units Vertical wrinkles are smoothed out. If they are not deep, then even after the toxin wears off, they do not appear for a long time. 4000–4500 rubles Nasolabial folds 10-20 units Botox in its pure form is rarely used, because there is a high risk of drooping corners of the mouth. Smoothing of deep nasolabial areas occurs with injections of Botox with collagen. And also with hyaluronic acid. 3000-8000 rubles Lip area 5-20 units Botox for lips allows you to eliminate asymmetry, lift the corners, and get rid of wrinkles. To enlarge lips, it is used together with hyaluronic acid. 800-8000 rubles Orbicularis oculi muscle 6-15 units “Crow’s feet” are smoothed out, deep skin creases become less noticeable. Also, an injection into this area allows you to raise your eyebrows.

4500-6000 rubles The transition zone of the nose to the upper lip is 2-4 units. Allows you to slightly raise the tip of the nose. 600-1600 rubles

Calculate the approximate cost of injections based on the price of 300-400 rubles per unit of toxin. Dysport is about half the price.

You can find these procedures at a good discount on Biglion and Groupon. I recommend looking at the options on these sites first. So it’s better to ask the price, and read the reviews of those who have already tried it.

Is Botox harmful for the face?

Now let's figure out why Botox is harmful to the face. Negative consequences usually occur when the drug is used incorrectly. It is very important to correctly calculate the dose and location for introducing the toxin. Professionalism depends on the cosmetologist, his experience and understanding of which points to inject. The most harmless complications are bruising, swelling and redness at the sites of botulinum toxin injection.

Other side effects may include:

  1. headache;
  2. pain in the injection area;
  3. waxy face (complete lack of facial expressions);
  4. penetration of botulinum toxin into neighboring muscles;
  5. nausea, double vision;
  6. Quincke's edema;
  7. flu symptoms;
  8. drooping eyelid or eyebrow.

Doctors often keep silent about the dangers of the drug. Of course, such complications occur extremely rarely. Basically, harm to health occurs due to the incompetence of the doctor. Or this may be due to the body’s individual reaction to the drug. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict this in advance.

The consequences of Botox - reviews

Of course, in addition to favorable assessments after the procedure, there are also negative consequences. In order to study this procedure from all sides, I collected negative results from injections.

Oksana: Unfortunately, I had a negative experience... I was injected with botulinum toxin in the forehead area. This is terrible... instead of smooth skin, I got drooping eyelids and eyebrows. I found another clinic, thank God they fixed everything. It turned out that the first time they injected me with the toxin in the wrong place. The moral is simple - look for a good specialist!

Lusi: My facial expression has changed... my look has become different, as if you were always walking around in surprise. Thank God the effect of the injection wore off and facial expressions were restored. I definitely won’t be getting any more injections.

Valyushka: I’m having trouble with these beauty injections... I wanted to get rid of the “crow’s feet” on the outer corners of my eyes. The specialist I went to was experienced and did everything correctly. The result was that after two days the bags under the eyes disappeared on the third day. And three weeks later I had Quincke’s edema ((I was admitted to the hospital, the immunologist told me that it was an individual intolerance.. that’s it..

Snezhana: I’m not allergic, but my experience with Botox is extraordinary. A couple of hours after the injections, I was taken away in an ambulance with Quincke's edema. no more injections((

Alenka: I was given injections in the bridge of my nose and eyebrows, it only lasts 4 months. Then it’s all over again, to be honest, it’s terrible to have to have injections three times a year. I completely abandoned this idea.

What not to do after the procedure - restrictions

In order to achieve maximum effect and the result to be visible for a long time, after injections it is necessary to observe some restrictions. In the first 4 hours after the procedure, it is necessary to maintain a strictly vertical position. You should not lower your head, this is important for the muscles. After all, after the injection of botulinum toxin, they relax and must take the correct position.

Under no circumstances should you touch the injection sites, massage them, or apply creams. It is important not to introduce infection to the injection sites. All sports are prohibited for at least 48 hours. Even measured fitness yoga and other types of physical activity are prohibited. The muscles should be at rest.

For at least 7 days, and preferably 10-14, any thermal procedures are prohibited. At this time you will have to forget about the solarium, sauna and even drying your hair with a hairdryer. The thing is that heat accelerates the removal of the drug from the body.

Swelling also nullifies the effect of Botox. For the first two weeks, try not to eat salty foods, smoked foods, or drink a lot of liquids.

As for alcohol, it is also prohibited for at least 14 days. Please take this limitation very seriously. Alcohol dilates blood vessels, in this situation botulinum toxin can be easily absorbed into the blood. This is a potentially dangerous situation for the body. Then you shouldn’t be surprised that you have complications. This also applies to blood thinners.

Botox - contraindications

Since botulinum toxin is essentially a poison, it naturally has a number of contraindications. Before listing them, I want to warn you against injections at home. Even an experienced doctor can miss the dose and injection site. What can we say about amateurs?

Trust your face only to an experienced specialist. Restoring facial expressions or, God forbid, treating angioedema will be more expensive. In what cases are Botox injections strictly contraindicated:

  1. chronic diseases of the lungs, liver and kidneys;
  2. hernia of the upper or lower eyelid;
  3. drooping upper eyelid;
  4. neuromuscular diseases of an autoimmune nature;
  5. severe myopia;
  6. poor blood clotting;
  7. oncology;
  8. predisposition to the formation of keloid and hypertrophic scars;
  9. individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

When planning, as well as in the early stages of pregnancy, it is better to avoid injections. Botox during pregnancy can negatively affect the fetus. This is confirmed by more than 40 recorded cases around the world. It is also worth holding off on injections during lactation. In Europe, a study of the toxin was conducted on pregnant rats. There was a negative effect on the fetus; many animals were born with pathologies of muscles and bones. Many pregnant females experienced miscarriages.

A temporary contraindication to beauty injections is fever. Exacerbation of chronic diseases, any infectious diseases, herpes. Recent facial surgery, menstruation period. Taking antibiotics, anticoagulants and anti-inflammatory drugs is also a temporary contraindication.

Well, we figured out why botulinum toxin is harmful. And also after what time you can expect maximum effect. Whether or not to resort to this method of rejuvenation is up to you to decide. If it makes you happy and gives you confidence, it's worth a try.

Yes, in addition to the facial procedure, there is also Botox for hair and Botox for eyelashes. And today I say goodbye to you, but new interesting topics await us ahead. So don't forget to subscribe for updates. Bye everyone!

Recently, more and more women have resorted to using Botox around the eyes in order to prolong their youth. This is not surprising, because the aging process is primarily reflected on the face. Botox injections have gained great popularity due to the simplicity of the procedure and the rapid achievement of the desired result. The anti-aging product allows you to get rid of both facial wrinkles and deep age wrinkles. A special advantage of the drug is that it can eliminate many other defects from the skin of the face, remove crow’s feet, dark circles and bags under the eyes.

What it is

Botox is a drug that is injected under the skin using a thin needle. The product has nerve paralytic properties. After its administration, temporary muscle paralysis occurs, due to which the skin at the injection sites is rejuvenated. Wrinkles gradually smooth out due to muscle relaxation.

Today, the use of Botox under the eyes is one of the most effective and safe anti-aging procedures. This method of getting rid of wrinkles is a worthy alternative to plastic surgery. The method is not so painful and allows you to achieve results in the shortest possible time, and the rehabilitation period lasts several times less than after plastic surgery.

Advantages and disadvantages

Just like any anti-aging procedure, the injection method has its pros and cons.

The benefits of using Botox include:

  1. No skin trauma. The procedure is carried out by administering an injection using a syringe with a very thin needle, which, unlike surgery, minimizes the likelihood of damage to the skin;
  2. Speed ​​of the procedure. The duration of the rejuvenating session is from 20 to 30 minutes. If, half an hour after the procedure, no negative consequences are observed, then the patient can go home;
  3. The ability to get rid of various types of wrinkles. The product helps eliminate both age-related and expression wrinkles;
  4. Short rehabilitation period. Already on the third day after the procedure, a positive result is noticeable. The total rehabilitation period lasts no more than 2 weeks;
  5. The ability to get rid of various facial defects. The use of Botox can eliminate the problem of strabismus and eye asymmetry.

Important: in addition to the above advantages, it should be noted that the client does not experience pain when administering the drug. Also, after using Botox, a person gradually loses the habit of squinting, which helps prevent the appearance of new wrinkles.

Despite the large number of advantages, the injection anti-aging procedure has certain disadvantages. These include:

  1. Short-term effect. The positive result obtained from the introduction of anti-aging injections can be observed from 10 to 12 months. After this period of time, the procedure will have to be repeated;
  2. A large list of contraindications. For many people, the drug is prohibited for health reasons or due to the presence of individual characteristics of the body. For example, in case of vision problems, Botox can provoke an exacerbation of the existing disease;
  3. Risk of side effects. Complications after anti-aging injections can arise if existing contraindications to the procedure were not taken into account, or the doctor made a mistake during its implementation.

Rejuvenation with Botox has many more advantages than disadvantages. And you can avoid unpleasant consequences by choosing a specialist responsibly and following all his recommendations.

Effect of the procedure

The first skin changes after Botox injection can be noticed after 2-3 days. Complete muscle relaxation occurs only 14 days after the procedure.

Using Botox around the eyes can achieve the following effects:

  1. elimination of crow's feet;
  2. skin lightening;
  3. eliminating bags under the eyes;
  4. smoothing age wrinkles;
  5. elimination of asymmetry of facial muscles;
  6. elimination of strabismus;
  7. removal of facial wrinkles.

The duration of the result obtained depends on the quality of the injection, the patient’s behavior during the rehabilitation period and the individual characteristics of the skin. In most cases, a positive effect can be observed for at least 10-12 months.

Indications and contraindications

The use of Botox around the eyes is indicated for the following problems:

  1. facial wrinkles;
  2. deep age wrinkles;
  3. "crow's feet" in the corners of the eyes;
  4. drooping upper eyelids;
  5. bags under the eyes.

In addition to the above indications, Botox may be recommended by a doctor for some forms of strabismus and asymmetry of the orbits. Also, after using the drug, women note that the skin becomes smoother and more elastic.

The Botox procedure around the eyes also has certain contraindications. Rejuvenation by injection should be abandoned in the following cases:

  1. during the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  2. in case of individual intolerance to the drug;
  3. if you have serious vision problems;
  4. during menstruation, during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  5. for diseases of the endocrine and nervous systems;
  6. for bleeding disorders;
  7. for colds and viral diseases;
  8. during the recovery period after surgery;
  9. for skin damage.

It is also worth rescheduling the date of the procedure if the person drank alcohol the day before. The optimal age for rejuvenation by injection is from 30 to 55 years.

Ignoring the above contraindications and using Botox for the skin around the eyes if they are present is fraught with many negative consequences, which is dangerous not only for health, but also for life.

Composition of drugs

The main active ingredient of Botox used for the skin around the eyes is botulinum toxin. It is this component that leads to blocking of nerve muscle fibers. It is important that botulinum toxin only temporarily blocks nerve activity, but does not damage it. In addition to the main component, the drug includes excipients albumin and sodium chloride. This combination helps to launch the process of rejuvenation and restoration of the dermis.

How many units do you need?

Of course, a person who has decided to undergo rejuvenation using the injection method is interested in how many units of Botox should be used to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes. Such information will allow you to calculate the cost of the anti-aging procedure.

You should know that the price of 1 unit of Botox averages from 400 to 600 rubles. When calculating the cost of the procedure, you should be guided by the following data:

  1. When injecting the drug into the area between the eyebrows, 4 to 15 units of Botox are used. The price of the service will be from 1600 to 9000 rubles;
  2. For injections above the eyes and in the area under the lower eyelids, it is necessary to use 10 to 25 units of the drug. The cost of the procedure will be from 4,000 to 15,000 rubles;
  3. To correct the shape of the eyebrows, you will need to use 3 to 5 units of Botox. The price of the service will be from 1200 to 300 rubles.

The required volume of the drug, taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin, will be determined by the doctor during the consultation before the procedure.

How it is done in salons

The rejuvenating procedure in specialized salons is carried out by a specialist in the following order:

  1. The face is cleansed of cosmetics and other contaminants and treated with an antiseptic solution;
  2. At the client’s request, a special anesthetic cream is applied to the skin to eliminate pain during Botox injection;
  3. The doctor identifies problem areas and marks the points where the drug will be injected;
  4. The specialist then determines how much Botox should be used and injects it into the muscles;
  5. The final stage is treating the skin with an antiseptic, then the doctor monitors the patient’s well-being for half an hour.

The whole process takes no more than 1 hour. A rejuvenating procedure using Botox helps not only remove expression wrinkles under the eyes, but also get rid of deep age-related folds.

Important: the procedure for administering the drug must be carried out only by a qualified specialist. Using Botox on your own can lead to unpredictable consequences, including death.

For wrinkles

The procedure for introducing Botox under the skin has the same algorithm of actions, regardless of what cosmetic problem needs to be solved. The only difference is in which area the drug will be injected. To eliminate wrinkles, Botox is injected into problem areas, and it is important that the doctor steps back at least 3 cm from the eyes and accurately hits the muscle.

To lift eyelids

In order to lift the upper eyelids, the doctor makes injections at points near the tips of the eyebrows. Botox is then injected into an area of ​​skin located a few millimeters from the outer corners of the eyes. Injecting the drug into these places allows not only to eliminate swelling of the lower eyelids, but also to get rid of crow's feet. Another point is located under the pupil at the level of the bone. An injection into this area helps eliminate bags under the eyes.

For the upper part of the face

Injections in the upper part of the face are given to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead and raise the eyebrows. The doctor, depending on where the skin needs to be smoothed, injects the drug into points near the tips of the eyebrows, a few millimeters above the bridge of the nose, or in the forehead area. Regardless of where the specialist injects, it is important that he correctly calculates the depth of injection. Otherwise, instead of the desired effect, the person will receive large bruises and lumps.

Side effects

It is important to know that, just like with any cosmetic procedure, when rejuvenating by administering Botox there is a risk of side effects. They may be the result of a doctor’s error or the body’s individual reaction to the drug. Therefore, before providing a service, a specialist must make sure whether it is possible to inject Botox around the eyes of his patient.

The most common side effects include:

  1. excessive muscle locking;
  2. drooping upper eyelids;
  3. allergic reaction in the form of itching, inflammation and swelling;
  4. presence of bruises and lumps;
  5. migraine and dizziness;
  6. irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, tearing and blurred vision.

The above consequences may occur if the doctor diluted the drug incorrectly, injected Botox into an area of ​​the skin that was not suitable for correction, or performed the procedure when there were contraindications. Also, one of the reasons for the occurrence of side effects is the patient’s violation of the cosmetologist’s recommendations during the rehabilitation period.

Rehabilitation period

The success of a cosmetic procedure depends not only on the professionalism of the doctor, but also on how the patient behaves after Botox injections. After receiving anti-aging injections, a person should adhere to the following rules:

  1. For 6-8 hours after the procedure, you only need to be in a vertical position, you cannot bend;
  2. For at least 2 days it is forbidden to touch your face with your hands and use various cosmetics;
  3. For 5-7 days you should sleep only on your back, avoiding contact of your face with the pillow;
  4. For 2 weeks after Botox injection, you should not drink alcoholic beverages, sunbathe, or visit the bathhouse or sauna.

Compliance with the above recommendations will avoid negative consequences and significantly prolong the effect of the procedure.

Repeated administration of the drug

Some people strive to regain their youth in the shortest possible time through regular injections. Experts advise not to abuse the injection method of rejuvenation, since after frequent Botox injections many negative consequences can occur.

Doctors recommend resorting to a rejuvenating procedure no more than 1-2 times a year. This amount will be enough to maintain the effect obtained and prevent the formation of new wrinkles.

Photos before and after

You can clearly see the results of using anti-aging injections by looking at the following photos:

Photos of patients' faces before and after the Botox injection procedure in the area around the eyes:

Reviews for Botox around the eyes

You can see the real results of facial rejuvenation using Botox injections by reading the following reviews:

«I tried Botox 4 years ago. I wanted to look younger, remove wrinkles under my eyes and on my forehead. I was satisfied with the result. The procedure is painless, the price is reasonable. Now I inject Botox consistently once a year. The procedure is always performed by the same master. Botox allows me to remain much younger than my age. There have never been any side effects, rehabilitation is always quick»

«I first used Botox 2 years ago. I went with my friend, but to different masters. I liked it all very much. After just 3 days I noticed that small wrinkles became less deep. And after 2 weeks, even large wrinkles smoothed out. The results lasted for 10 months. Now I do the procedure annually. My friend, on the contrary, didn’t like it. Apparently, the specialist who injected her with Botox did not have enough experience. Those who decide to undergo injections should always contact experienced doctors!”

«I agree that you should only contact professionals. The first time I had Botox injections, everything went well. Expression wrinkles disappeared and I did not experience any discomfort. The second time I went to another specialist, since the specialist I had contacted earlier had changed his place of residence. As a result, during the injection process, my facial nerve was hit. Because of this, I suffered from involuntary seizures for almost a year. Therefore, look for a qualified specialist


Thus, Botox is truly one of the most effective and safe ways to prolong the youth of the face. The main thing when choosing this method of rejuvenation is to contact only experienced doctors. Before deciding to have Botox injected into the area around the eyes, you should read patient reviews of the work of the chosen specialist. Also, after rejuvenating injections, you must strictly adhere to the recommendations of the master during the entire rehabilitation period. Then the result will exceed all expectations, and you can forget about wrinkles until the next planned procedure.

Botox around the eyes: features of the drug administration procedure

Botox around the eyes has not lost popularity for many years. The appearance of wrinkles is an inevitable process, because they appear as a result of the manifestation of emotions.

But with the help of some cosmetic procedures you can rejuvenate your face and reduce wrinkles, which are especially noticeable in the eye area. Injecting the botulinum toxin drug Botox can help get rid of wrinkles. What kind of procedure is this? What effect can you achieve?

For what reasons do wrinkles form?

Probably every woman dreams of eternal youth. But why do wrinkles appear on the skin as we age?

Their occurrence is influenced by the fact that over the years the body produces less collagen and other important substances. In addition, active human facial expressions provoke the appearance of folds, because every day we have to experience a variety of emotions.

At a young age, the skin is elastic, which protects it from unwanted wrinkles. Over the years, it becomes less elastic and elastic, so creases appear.

Botulinum toxin can reduce them. And you can achieve excellent results using Botox around the eyes, as evidenced by reviews with photos before and after the procedure.

Botox around the eyes and after effects

Botulinum toxin is a powerful poison. Preparations based on it contain a minimal dosage of this substance, so it does not harm human health. One such product is Botox from Allergan.

Botulinum toxin relaxes the orbicularis muscle in the eye area, causing mild paralysis. Neuromuscular transmission is blocked at the site where the injection was given. All this leads to the fact that the folds begin to smooth out.

Botox will help get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, which are called “crow’s feet,” as evidenced by numerous reviews. To do this, the drug is injected into the periorbital lateral area, close to the edge of the eye.

Botulinum toxin is not injected directly under the eyes, because in this area there are no muscles whose paralysis would lead to smoothing out the folds. The point at which the needle must be immersed to administer the drug is selected by the doctor individually for each person.

After the injection, wrinkles are smoothed out and skin condition improves. In addition, the following manipulations can be performed using botulinum toxin:

  1. raise your eyebrows;
  2. partially eliminate the problem of an overhanging eyelid.

The skin around the eyes is especially thin, which is the result of the rapid formation of wrinkles due to active facial expression of the orbicularis oculi muscle.

But only the lateral portion of the muscle is treated with botulinum toxin. Also, in some patients, injections of the orbicularis oculi muscle can be replaced by injections of the nasal muscles in order to avoid compensatory hyperactivity of the latter.

We take into account age (when you can inject Botox)

Surely many ladies have wondered when to start injecting a drug with botulinum toxin when it turns out to be useless. Indeed, doctors take into account the age of their patient:

  1. Up to 20 years old. This is too young an age for injections. But experts allow them after adulthood, although there are no special reasons for this.
  2. Up to 30 years old. At this age, injections will serve as prevention. If you do them regularly, a woman may lose the habit of squinting.
  3. From 30 to 55 years. This is the age that is considered the best for “beauty injections”, because wrinkles are already more noticeable.
  4. Over 55 years old. In this case, the procedure can only do harm. The fact is that at this age there is often a so-called “accordion” on the forehead and strong creases in the eye area. Botox injections will flatten it, which will lead to sagging of the skin.

Contraindications (5 prohibitions)

If you follow certain rules and take into account contraindications, you can reduce the risk of side effects.


  1. when a woman is carrying a fetus and is in the lactation period;
  2. if a person has encountered colds (this is especially true for diseases that provoke an increase in temperature);
  3. if chronic pathologies have worsened;
  4. if a person cannot tolerate the constituent components;
  5. if inflammation or skin disease appears in the injection area.

How is the injection procedure carried out?

Injections in the eye area are quite complex. A highly qualified doctor must carry out such a procedure, because the skin in this area is overly sensitive to various external influences.

If the doctor makes the wrong move, the patient may experience unpleasant side effects. Proof of this is the reviews of patients who experienced negative consequences due to doctor’s mistakes.

Often, specialists do not use anesthesia for such injections. The fact is that the needle that is inserted into the skin has a small diameter, so the procedure does not provoke severe pain.

If a person finds it difficult to bear even mild pain, then the doctor may use a numbing cream.

Stage Photo Peculiarities
Preparation Initially, the specialist determines
problem points. To help with this,
the patient needs to grimace a little.
Marking When the muscles that are
responsible for the appearance of folds, doctor
leaves marks on the skin with
special marker.
Carrying out The procedure itself lasts about half an hour.
After this, an experienced doctor must
Tell the patient about important recommendations.

To better understand how Botox is injected around the eyes and other areas of the face, it is recommended to watch this video:

Over the course of 1-2 weeks, the transmission of nerve impulses gradually ceases. As a result, muscle stretching and wrinkles are smoothed out. The peak effect of the product is observed after 2 weeks, and the effect lasts about 4-6 months.

The injection should be performed no more than twice a year. If the drug is abused, the immune system can produce antibodies that will block the action of botulinum toxin.

Rehabilitation period

The big advantage of the botulinum toxin injection procedure is that it has a short and easy recovery period. To get a good result, a person must follow these rules:

  1. For 4 hours you should not lie down, but remain in an upright position. Otherwise, the drug may be distributed unevenly.
  2. It's better not to drink alcohol. Drinking alcohol may reduce or enhance the effect of the drug.
  3. Do not touch the areas where the drug was injected.
  4. During the day it is better to forget about cosmetics. This also applies to various creams. The exception is antiseptic cosmetics prescribed by the doctor.
  5. It is prohibited to combine botulinum toxin with antibiotics and some other medications.
  6. It’s worth forgetting about the solarium, sauna, and visiting the pool for a while. High temperature and high humidity will not do any good.

Some consequences after the procedure

Each cosmetologist is obliged to warn his patient about possible side effects or complications that may appear after the injection.

Unfortunately, not all experts tell people about this. But, nevertheless, after the injection of botulinum toxin into the eye area, the following side effects may appear:

  1. slight swelling;
  2. the occurrence of tolerable pain;
  3. the skin turns red and acquires a bluish tint.

These effects are short-lived and disappear after a few days. The occurrence of side effects is directly related to the individual characteristics of the human body.

In some cases, more serious consequences appeared. After the procedure, patients complained of increased body temperature, headaches, nausea, and changes in heart rhythm, but these also disappear after a certain period of time.

Introducing the product into the eye area is a complex procedure that requires a highly qualified doctor.

If the technique is violated or the drug is administered incorrectly, then the patient may face complications. The following unpleasant cases have been recorded in medical practice:

  1. drooping upper eyelid or eyebrow area;
  2. the face was not symmetrical;
  3. facial expressions were disturbed;
  4. It became difficult for a person to close or open his eyes, which provokes severe tearing.

As reviews of the botulinum toxin drug for wrinkles around the eyes show, these serious consequences rarely occur, and the culprit for their occurrence is mainly the doctor who made a mistake during the procedure.

Myths about botulinum toxin

Many women are simply afraid to go for Botox injections, as they are afraid of various stories about this drug. But quite often they are a common myth. Here are some of them:

  1. If you inject the drug often, you can become like a doll. It is not true! On the contrary, doctors say that systematic administration of botulinum toxin improves the result. After that, you will need to go for a repeat procedure less often (after 8 months), since over time the person develops the habit of squinting less.
  2. After Botox my facial expressions will disappear. This is also a myth. Today, various methods of administering the product have been developed, after which facial expressions are preserved. For example, there is a technology called mesobotox.
  3. I will become addicted to Botox. The only thing that encourages you to go for a repeat procedure is the disappearance of the effect after a certain period. This is why ladies are going for injections again. This is not an addiction, but the usual maintenance of youth and beauty.

How often can Botox be injected around the eyes?

As mentioned above, after 4-6 months the effect will gradually disappear. As a result, wrinkles will appear on the skin again.

If you do the procedure regularly, then the period of action of Botox increases to 8 months. Therefore, you can go for a repeat procedure not so quickly.

But a second question arises: how often can Botox be injected around the eyes? Some ladies mistakenly believe that frequent “beauty injections” will lead to better results. But this is far from true.

Experts strongly advise not to inject Botox more than twice a year. If you do not heed this recommendation, you can provoke the appearance of antibodies in the human body to the botulinum toxin drug. As a result, they will not act. This applies to all products with this active ingredient, not just Botox.

Question answer

How much does such rejuvenation cost?

After the botulinum therapy procedure, I encountered severe swelling. Why did it happen?

For me the effect lasted less than 4 months. Why?

Alternative techniques

Many people are intimidated by the actual injection of Botox around the eyes. They are afraid of the negative effects of botulinum toxin. But these are unnecessary worries, since such drugs are harmless, the main thing is to choose a good specialist.

If a person categorically refuses to inject Botox, then it is worth paying attention to other alternative methods:

  1. Biorevitalization or mesotherapy. These procedures involve the introduction of a special cocktail of vitamins and products that contain hyaluronic acid. This leads to a reduction in wrinkles and improved skin condition.
  2. Peeling. It affects the dermis, provoking its regeneration. This leads to smoothing out wrinkles.
  3. RF lifting. The doctor acts on the deep layers of the dermis, which provokes the production of collagen and the reduction of wrinkles.
  4. Carboxytherapy. This is a procedure during which carbon dioxide is injected under the skin. After this, the epithelium is tightened and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  5. Cream with Botox effect. There are various means that promise results similar to the injection of botulinum toxin.
  6. Masks with Botox effect around the eyes. There are various home recipes that provide care for this area of ​​the face. They use natural ingredients that reduce wrinkles and improve the condition of the dermis. But the problem is that they are not able to provide such an amazing effect as botulinum toxin preparations, but they can be used at any age.

Creams with Botox effect

Initially, you need to understand that injections using botulinum toxin preparations and creams that have the effect of Botox are completely different things.

In the first case, a drug based on a strong poison is introduced. This procedure provokes mild paralysis, resulting in muscle relaxation and wrinkle smoothing.

Creams with the Botox effect do not contain botulinum toxin, so it is impossible to achieve such a pronounced and quick result from them as from an injection.

But they have no contraindications, they do not cause side effects, which is a big plus.

Cosmetics with this effect contain active ingredients - peptides. These substances provide an imitation of the action of botulinum toxin.

Peptides provoke a slowdown in the transition of impulses at neuromuscular endings. As a result, the muscles relax a little, which also leads to smoothing out the wrinkles.

Peptites are compounds of natural or synthetic origin. They are protein chains.

There is more than one product with peptides. Maghiali Eye Creme with Botox effect has gained particular popularity.

This is an innovative cosmetics that moisturizes the skin, has a positive effect on its appearance, and removes bags under the eyes.

The company Meitan has also proven itself well, which also produces a cream for the skin around the eyes with Botox effect, about which you can find many positive reviews.

This product provides a lifting effect, fights wrinkles, bruises and bags under the eyes. You can find many other creams with the Botox effect on sale.


It is recommended to read some reviews from people about the procedure for injecting Botox into the area around the eyes:


“I was afraid to get an injection with botulinum toxin, but still decided to try. I carefully chose a cosmetologist, studied information about Botox around the eyes, looked at the before and after photos.

The procedure was quick and almost painless. Already on days 5-6, the folds became noticeably smaller, and later the fine wrinkles disappeared completely.”


“I decided to please my mother. She is 54 years old. After the injection I looked 15 years younger. She tolerated the procedure well and couldn’t be happier with the results. Wrinkles have become almost invisible. Now mom has decided to go for a second session when the effect disappears.”

Expert opinion

Michelle Ellern

practicing cosmetologist-dermatologist

I would like to note that there are cases when there is no effect at all. This happens if the patient is not sensitive to the main substance (botulinum toxin type A). Alternatively, you can increase the dose. If in this case there is no effect, then you will have to look for an alternative to this rejuvenation method.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

Today, the introduction of Botox and other analogues is a popular rejuvenation procedure. The effect is wonderful. The main thing is that an immobilized face is a side effect that is already in the past. Today, experts have created various techniques that make it possible to obtain a face with normal facial expressions. The main thing is to go to highly qualified doctors.

The procedure for administering botulinum toxin to the area around the eyes can rejuvenate a person, remove crow’s feet, bags under the eyes, and drooping upper eyelids.

But before you decide to have an injection, you need to study the information about it in detail. It is also important to find a good specialist, because the future success of the procedure depends on him.