Boycheva Osteotomy

Boicheva osteotomy (*boicheva osteotomy*) is a surgical operation that involves cutting the bone to create a new path between the articular surfaces or to excise a sequester. This operation is a complex open intervention.

Operation technique. First of all, anesthesia must be administered. Under light anesthesia, the skin incision line is determined and access to the bone is made. Removal of an osteochondral fragment (excision of sequestrum) is carried out, as a rule, in such a way as to preserve the integrity of the tibia (part of the periosteum of the tibia and fibula with a skin flap is not cut off, and it is advisable not to injure the tibia). This leaves two skin flaps (half on the upper third of the leg and half on the lower third); Intramedullary limited epidural drainage is also left. All hematomas that occur resolve on their own. Then the blood vessels are ligated and the skin is sutured layer by layer with an aseptic dressing applied to the soft tissue area. To maintain muscle strength