Brad Manichean

Delirium minorii or Manicheanism is a misinterpretation of severe religious teachings and the manifestation of illogical conclusions from the messages of the Bible. It is related to ancient mines and formed in the 7th-12th centuries AD. under the influence of Christianity. The essence of religious teaching is connected with the idea of ​​universal Evil - against which God created the world, people and spiritual forces have a divine way of fighting evil. The teaching contains elements of Gnosticism and astrology. The ideological provisions of the system reflected the social contradictions of the early Middle Ages, especially aggravated by the rivalry of Christian rulers. The split in the church was the main defeat of the Manichaean cult. Extensive ritual traditions and canonical norms are generally characteristic of all religions, but they represent a more perfect system that has absorbed features of paganism, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, etc. Ceremonial practice, verbal formulas that take the form of prayers, chants, and sermons reflect the art of oratory. This knowledge and methods of influencing the inner world of a believer in the teachings of Manichhuism are elevated to the rank of specific techniques. Hence the difficulties in identifying the features of the Manichui creed and determining its sphere of influence in the early Middle Ages.