Bradycardia Relative

Does your brother have heart palpitations? It affects the entire area of ​​the heart, and can lead to serious consequences and even disability. As already mentioned in the title of your letter - bradycardia, silent heart, therefore, when the heart beats less than 60 beats per minute, this is bradycardia. We can also say that the cause of this condition is most often a decreased heart rate.

Relative bradycardia is a condition when the heart rate decreases noticeably, but it does not reach the level that is typical for a given organism at a given time. Bradycardia can occur both during exercise in healthy people and in disease states such as typhoid fever and meningitis. In this article we will look in more detail at the causes, symptoms and treatment of relative bradycardia.


One of the most common causes of bradycardia is a malfunction of the heart muscle or the conduction system of the heart. Other causes may include physical factors such as lack of oxygen or elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the blood, as well as external factors such as certain medications.


If you notice that you have the following symptoms of relative bradycardia:

Feeling of a slow or weak heartbeat Dizziness, fainting, and other symptoms of low blood pressure Shortness of breath, weakness, or nausea

It is recommended to consult a doctor at the first symptoms in order to establish an accurate diagnosis of relative bradycardia and prescribe appropriate treatment. Treatment

In most cases, relative bradycardia can be treated with lifestyle changes, giving up bad habits and taking vitamins and minerals. If bradycardia is caused by an illness, your doctor may prescribe medications to control symptoms and improve heart function. However, if symptoms become too severe, hospitalization is necessary.


Relative bradycardia means that the heart rate differs from the norm, but remains within acceptable values. This can be caused by a variety of reasons and is usually not life-threatening. Proper treatment and monitoring of the condition will help prevent the development of serious complications and improve the patient’s quality of life.