Brachy- (Brachy-)

Brachy- is a prefix that indicates pathological shortening of an organ or part of the body. It is often used in medicine and biology to refer to abnormalities associated with shortening.

One example of such shortening is brachydacty, which is the abnormal shortening of one or more fingers or toes. This pathology can be caused by various reasons, such as genetic mutations, injury, infection or disease.

Brachydactyly can be detected in childhood and can affect a child's development, physical activity and learning ability. Treatment for brachydactyly may include surgery, corrective procedures, and physical therapy.

Additionally, brachy- can be used to refer to other abnormalities, such as brachycephalic syndrome, which means a shortening of the head and neck, which can lead to various health problems such as difficulty breathing and problems swallowing.

In general, brachy-, as a prefix, indicates the presence of pathological shortening, and its use in medicine and science helps to better understand and diagnose various diseases and disorders.

Brachy- - (Brachy-) - a prefix indicating shortening in something.

For example, in medicine:

  1. brachycephalic - with a short head
  2. brachiodactyly - shortening of the limbs (usually fingers)
  3. brachyphagia - shortening of the neck
  4. brushing - reducing hair length
  5. brachycolon - short story
  6. brachia - shortening of the spine

Introduction Brachi- (short for Latin brāchi- “short, short”) is a literal translation from Greek, translated as “unwelcome.”

Definition of the term “brachi-” The prefix in ancient Greek is a diminutive, and in ophthalmology it is a distinctive sign of eye diseases. One of the most famous is myopia or myopia (translated from the Greek word “nearsightedness”, from the abbreviation “brocho”), but there are also other variations

Significance of the problem This terminalology is directly related to physiological problems; deviations usually become noticeable in the early stages of the body’s formation, causing discomfort and pain. In almost all cases, the pathology is detected immediately after the birth of the child or a little later. Myopic children begin to hold their heads late. In the case of dribtails, the head rises by only 20-25 degrees, but normally by 90-130 degrees. A sign of brachy may be short body height even with the growth of normal limbs. Strabismus is one of the symptoms of diseases

Brachioptic syndrome This complex term covers an absolute or relative physiological or physiological-genetic pathology of vision, when the condition of the visual organs requires the use of special treatment in the form of spectacle correction. The reason is a refractive error. Endocrine pathology may also have an effect. Brachydysipersia is a diastasis of the palpebral fissure; the palpebral fissure almost always remains half-open. Most people consider this condition normal and adapt to it over time.

Problems of the disease To identify the first signs of pathologies of the organs of the visual system, parents of newborns and children in the first months of life should note the following phenomena: * untimely raising of the head; * non-closure of the palpebral fissures for more than 3 seconds; * frequent blinking of the child; * squinting of eyes; * protrusion of the eyes outward due to weakness of the eye muscles; * small head size compared to