Branches To the Scrotum Posterior of the Internal Genital Artery (Rami Scrotales Posteriores, Pna)

Branches to the scrotum posterior internal pudendal artery (rami Scrotales Posterior, PNA) is one of the parts of the circulatory system of the human body. This system connects the heart to the organs and tissues of the body, including the scrotum. Within the system are various arteries, veins, and lymphatic vessels that transport nutrients, oxygen, and other materials to various parts of the body.

Branches to the scrotum, the posterior internal cava artery, or Rami Scrotale Posterior, is an important component of the circulatory system, which provides blood supply to the scrotum and organs in the lower abdomen. It includes many arteries, veins and lymphatic vessels that connect these organs to other parts of the body. The branches form large networks within the scrotum that distribute blood and other materials through the area.