Braun-Falco Intrafollicular Sebaceous-Glandular Mucophanerosis (O. Braun-Falco)

In modern medicine, more and more patients are turning to dermatologists with the problem of acne, acne, blackheads and other skin diseases. The reasons for the development of skin problems are numerous and varied, and therefore therapy is aimed at an individual approach, taking into account many factors.

One of the methods of prevention and control is hormonal therapy. Procedures can be carried out independently, without the intervention of doctors, but if available

*Brown-Falko Intrafollicular Sebaceous-Glandular Mukohaneroa (Vis Braue-Fapikoo Akulko Foligulierno Costo-Segeles Mioshkoealo) - a pathological change in the skin, expressed in its increased growth and the appearance of acne elements, abundant secretion of sebum and secretions of steroid glands, which is caused by hyperproduction of sebum and yeast.*

*Brown-Talc phenomenon, or mucotuporosis, is one of the forms of mucocele._ It mainly occurs in men, which is why it got its name. Distributed in Central Europe, rarely found in Asia, North America and Australia. Develops in people predominantly 40-50 years old._

_**Symptoms of Brown Falco***

_All signs of mucocoel are due to

Mucinous follicular dermatitis, also known as the intrafollicular form of sebaceous mucopharonosis, is a variant of sebaceous mucopharnosis of the skin. One of the manifestations of Barber's disease is alopecia. Inflammation of the follicles and blockage of the mouth with sebaceous plugs can lead to their sclerosis or cyst formation and the formation of an abscess or carbuncle. Further spread of inflammation to the papillary layer of the skin forms a bluish-red spot, framed by a ridge of increased pigmentation. Causes Mucinous dermatitis, considered an autoimmune disease, often occurs after taking penicillin drugs and with helminthic infestation, but it remains unknown how significant these factors are. Hereditary predisposition appears to be an important component of the pathogenesis of mucinosis. Fungal infection is sometimes accompanied by mucinus vulgaris. Symptoms The main symptom of the mucinous form of mastocytosis is the formation of blue dots (spots) that appear during puberty, adolescence and adulthood. The lesions can appear in different places on the body and can even occur on the lining of the mouth, external auditory canal and neck. Sometimes these formations take the form of single spots or small spots, sometimes they can be long, like parallel stripes. They may be accompanied by itching. Blue dots on the skin tend to appear not only as one spot, but also become a large lesion. The spots become red and begin to increase in size, then surrounded by a white halo, their center becomes yellow or orange. The rashes have no seasonality. Patients with mucinosis are distinguished by blooming skin with a pleasant peach complexion.