Breastfeeding will prevent breast cancer

Breastfeeding your baby for more than a year will reduce the risk of breast cancer by three times. This was stated by Canadian scientists from the Ontario Institute.

They conducted a study involving 6 thousand women, based on the results of which they concluded: in order not to get cancer, women with the BRCA1 gene must breastfeed. If a representative of the fair sex has the BRCA2 gene, feeding will not help her; the development of the disease must be prevented with medication.

Statistics show that women who suffered from breast cancer breastfed their babies for two to three months less than those who managed to avoid the disease. Breastfeeding for one year reduced the risk by 32%, and two - by 50%. In other words, each year of feeding reduced the risk by 19%.

Thus, the study shows that long-term breastfeeding can significantly reduce the risk of developing breast cancer in women with certain genetic predispositions. This is an important discovery that will help many women avoid this serious disease.