Bregma (Bregma)

Bregma (lat. Bregma) is an anthropometric point that is located on the top of the human skull. It corresponds to the junction of two sutures: the sagittal suture and the coronal suture. This suture is one of the most important and visible sutures on the skull, as this is where the main bones of the skull and brain are located.

In infants, this place contains the anterior fontanel, which is the junction of two skull bones - the frontal and parietal. The fontanel closes at approximately 18 months and remains open only in newborns.

Bregma is of great importance in human anatomy, as it is the reference point for many measurements of the head. For example, the distance between two points on the front of the head that are on a line through the bregma is called the orbital distance.

In addition, bregma is used in medicine to determine head size in newborns and infants, as well as to measure the size of the cranium in adults.

Bregma is an anthropometric point located on the roof of the skull. It corresponds to the junction of the sagittal suture with the coronal suture.

In infants, this place contains the anterior fontanel, which serves to strengthen the skull. As the child grows, the fontanel closes and the bregma remains in place.

Bregma is important in determining a person's age. Its size may vary depending on the growth and development of the body. In addition, bregma can be used to diagnose various diseases such as hydrocephalus or traumatic brain injury.

Overall, bregma is an important anthropometric point that can be used to assess human health and development.

The bregma point is the point of intersection of the sagittal suture in front and the coronal suture on the sides of the skull. This point is an important landmark during head surgery.

In infants, the suture junction is shaped like a circle and later becomes a pea-shaped area with a smooth, clean line between it and the brain.

Race and cultural norms play a large role in planning the future shape of an infant's skull. When Asian babies are born, their head shape is usually elongated and somewhat wedge-shaped. This type of head is called a racial head. And in newborns from Europe, the head shape is usually more rounded and short, called light