Brilldent Bi-Fluor

Brilldent Bi-fluor

Country of origin: Netherlands
Pharm-Group: Oral care products

Manufacturers: Royal Sanders (Netherlands)
International name: Toothpaste
Synonyms: Azu, Aquafresh, Aquafresh Multi-Active with fluoride, Aquafresh soft mint, Aquafresh refreshing mint, Aquafresh whitening, Aneta, Banamint, Baby Bonaro toothpaste, Binaka, Glitter, Hexodent forte, Helios super, Dentosept L, Children's toothpaste paste, Eltsemed, LAKALUT Active toothpaste, Forest Balm toothpaste, Vademecum toothpaste, Blend.A.Med toothpaste, PARODONTAX toothpaste, R.O.C.S. toothpaste, Pearl toothpaste, Health toothpaste, Colgate toothpaste, Laska toothpaste, Oral-B toothpaste, Rotokan toothpaste, Splat toothpaste, Toms toothpaste, Face toothpaste, Clean Line toothpaste