
Bronchoscopy and bronchography

Bronchoscopy and bronchodiagnostics are methods for diagnosing bronchi and bronchioles. Bronchoscopy is used to collect sputum from patients with pulmonary tuberculosis or pneumonia for testing for tuberculosis. There are external and endotracheal types of bronchoscopy. The external one is carried out using an endoscope with a light source, the internal one is carried out through an endoscope inserted into the patient’s trachea. During endoscopic manipulation, all large and small bronchi are examined. For microbiological examination, a special instrument is used - the pulmon. At the same time, the most affected areas are noted. At the same time, both forward and reverse photographs are taken. During endoscopy, the cytogram method can assess the condition of the respiratory tract and mucus collection. It is also possible to take a biopsy from the pathological site for further histological examination.

Tuberculin diagnostics and lung radiography

Tuberculin diagnostics is a screening test for the presence of tuberculosis. The tuberculin test got its name due to the content of antigens obtained from tuberculosis bacilli. During the procedure, the patient is injected subcutaneously with a special preparation made from Koch's bacilli, which has been heated to a certain temperature. This test allows you to determine infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT), and also helps to identify enlarged lymph nodes in the body. The patient's blood is taken for analysis 3 days after the administration of tuberculin, 7 days later and six weeks later. If the first reaction is more than 5 mm, the second is more than 14 mm, then the person is a carrier of tuberculosis and needs a thorough examination. Based on the results of the analyzes obtained, it is also possible to understand the extent of the prevalence of the process. There are three forms of tuberculosis: latent (hidden), subacute and open.

There are other methods for determining the disease, for example: - clinical method - examination of the patient’s chest by a doctor; - physical method - listening to the sound of breathing and voice; - methods that allow you to determine the density of lung tissue are radiography, CT and MRI; - examination of the composition of the microflora of the lungs using the endoscopic method.