
Bronchi are paired tubular organs of the respiratory system that are located in the lungs. They are responsible for transporting air from the atmosphere to the lungs and back. The bronchi have a diameter from 2 to 15 mm and a length from 3 to 10 cm.

Each bronchus begins at the root of the lung and ends at the end of the lung, where it divides into bronchioles, which in turn branch into smaller bronchioles and alveoli. Bronchioles are located in the lung tissue and serve as a site for gas exchange between blood and air. Alveoli are small air sacs that are found in the lungs and allow gas exchange between air and blood.

The bronchi and bronchioles are covered with a mucous membrane, which contains cilia and glands responsible for the production of mucus. This mucus serves to protect the bronchi from infections and mechanical damage.

Normally, the bronchi should be transparent and not have any visible changes. However, in the presence of diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia or lung cancer, the bronchi may become filled with mucus, blood or tumor formations. In such cases, medical attention may be required to diagnose and treat the disease.

Bronchi are tubular structures in the lungs that carry out the function of delivering air to the lungs for subsequent exchange of gases with the blood. Each bronchus has its own name and begins in the trachea. So, a person has right and left main bronchi, as well as smaller bronchi of a lower order.

The main function of the bronchi is to facilitate breathing and promote oxygenation of the blood in the lungs. The lungs have millions of small cubic structures called alveoli, each connected to a single bronchus. As air passes through the lungs, it passes through the first alveoli, where gases are exchanged between the blood and the inhaled air. This process is repeated as air moves to other alveoli.

In humans, in addition to the lungs and alveoli, there is another structure called the bronchial system. This is a collection of tubular structures responsible for drainage and separation of secretions from the respiratory tract. It consists of many bronchi, separated from each other by connective tissues. There are glands here that secrete secretions that help clear the airways.

Diseases affecting the bronchial system can lead to difficulty breathing, coughing and sputum production. Diseases such as bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), due to various causes, often affect the bronchial-alveolar system.