Bronchitis Obliterative

Bronchitis obliterans

Obliterating bronchitis is an inflammation of the distal parts of the bronchial tree with the replacement of cartilage tissue and the suppression of its regenerative properties by connective tissue elements.

In this case, without proper treatment, it can lead to pulmonary aspergillosis (along with fungal bronchitis), including the most aggressive type - pneumosclerosis. Pneumosclerosis in the presence of inflammation, that is, bronzitis, occurs in the vast majority of cases, however, in some cases, detachment of the lung tissue is possible with the development of destructive changes in the lungs - carnification. This leads to an increase in the amount of nonproductive cough and the appearance of inspiratory wheezing. Severe forms of the disease are characterized by the formation of cavities of decay of lung tissue, which can even lead to the appearance of dense purulent foci in the lung. Depending on the severity of the patient’s condition, symptoms such as constant weakening of the respiratory functions of the lungs and heart rhythm disturbances are identified.