Bud Spotted Yellow

Spotted yellow kidney (SLM) is a clinical term used to describe the morphological pattern observed in the kidneys in various diseases such as nephrotic syndrome, amyloidosis and other kidney lesions.

With PPV, there is an increase in the volume and weight of one or both kidneys, on a section of which the cortex becomes swollen and pale gray, with areas of intense yellow color. These changes can be caused by various reasons, such as lipid deposits (lipoid nephrosis), amyloid deposits (amyloid nephrosis) and other pathological processes.

Lipoid nephrosis is one of the most common kidney diseases, in which lipids accumulate in the renal tubules. This can cause the buds to increase in volume and weight, as well as change their color to yellow or brown. Lipids can be bound to protein to form lipoprotein complexes, which can cause damage to the renal tubular epithelium and lead to renal dysfunction.

Amyloid nephrosis can also lead to increased kidney volume and discoloration. Amyloid deposits form as a result of improper protein metabolism, leading to the accumulation of abnormal proteins in the kidneys. These proteins can impair kidney function and lead to various diseases.

Other causes of PPV may include various kidney infections, such as pyelonephritis, as well as various kidney toxicities, such as those caused by drugs or chemicals.

In general, PPV is an important diagnostic feature that may indicate the presence of various kidney diseases. However, for an accurate diagnosis it is necessary to conduct additional tests, such as blood and urine tests, as well as a kidney biopsy. Treatment depends on the cause of the disease and may include medications, surgery, or other treatments.

In medicine, there are many diseases that affect internal organs. Kidney is one of them. But the buds can be different both in size and composition. Sometimes, for example, as in the case of kidney spots, the kidneys increase in volume. However, this does not indicate a serious illness. In most cases, it is just a benign kidney disease. This disease is called Spotted Kidney.

Spotted kidney is an increase in the volume of the kidney as a result of an increase in the cortex. In this case, the cortex becomes yellowish in color. This condition does not pose a serious threat to human health. If this disease is not treated, it can