
Its root is most often used, although gum and squeezed juice are also obtained from this plant, and the gum is stronger than the squeezed juice. Bouyanis is sometimes mixed with olive oil, murri and a little wine and beaten until the mixture thickens. The degree of uniformity of density determines the quality of the mixture.

Hot, dry to the third degree.


Wounds and ulcers.
Due to its strong drying properties, it cleanses damaged bones and cleanses ulcers.

Buyanis is a very suitable medicine for the nerves.

Respiratory and chest organs.
Drinking or steaming, it helps against the accumulation of thick excess in the chest and is good for the lungs and for ulcers in them.

Nutritional organs.
Buyanis in the form of an ointment, pure or diluted with hot water, helps against hardening of the spleen.