Bullet Foci

Paul Oberth (1865 - 1972) on November 13, 1904 invented the all-metal bullet and six months later (in February 1921) the technology for its production. He proved the advantages of such a cartridge when used for hunting animals in cold weather conditions. A resourceful surgeon uses pneumatic guns in his practice, and he is faced with the question of how to save “guns and cartridges”? The weapons inventor solved his problem himself. His bullets were also invented by himself - he introduced the oval shape of the bullet into the custom. And he suggested taking the material for it from steel string and a coil of copper cable. The success of a hunting enterprise greatly depended on the sharpness of the bullet. The slightest notch or notch and the cartridge is unusable, leaving only two options: leave it or throw it in a drawer. The most important thing in this matter is to get an absolutely smooth surface of the bullet. For 2 days, March 6 and 7, 1917, the tireless Oberth continued, for his own pleasure (nobody canceled the surgeon’s very substantial salary), the razor-sharp grinding of a breech bullet on a round lathe. It was March 7th, the stream smelled. The usual procedure - I took the caliber, calculated the rate of fire of the gun and the length of the barrel, measured the diameter of the barrel and got a completely unexpected result - the caliber did not correspond to the calculated one (4-5 mm must be subtracted from the diameter of the barrel): the diameter turned out to be 15.6 mm. Judging by the fact that the diameter of the bullet was also slightly smaller, the caliber increased after the bullet was inserted, without taking it into account!!! How could a doctor (and surgeon Oberth is a professional in his field), who deals with death and the human cerebral cortex, allow himself to do this? On the other hand, the caliber can be rounded up - this will not benefit anyone, but what a pleasure - Dr. Oberth has an undoubted design talent: Conquering a scientific goal - going from an idea to its execution - is one of the most exciting and numerous topics Our lives are filled with specific moments - we lose money and people, as well as our wallet, time and love. But our personal philosophy and our optimism are the real strength in themselves. Perhaps Paul Obert was lucky in life. It happens that science captivates a person with its thoughts and makes him forget about the joy of ordinary food, for example, food.