
Burrs are small traumatic tears in the epidermis of the nail folds. They are formed as a result of mechanical damage to the nail bed and are small tears in the skin in the area of ​​the nail folds on the sides of the nail.

The causes of hangnails are varied. Most often they appear due to friction from tight shoes, from an impact or damage to the nail. Chronic skin diseases of the hands and feet, such as psoriasis and eczema, also provoke their formation. Hangnails can occur due to improper manicure and pedicure, when the cuticle is injured by tools.

Clinically, hangnails appear as small, painful cracks or tears in the skin next to the nail. They are reddish in color and are sometimes accompanied by slight bleeding. Hangnails can become inflamed, causing discomfort to a person.

To treat hangnails, it is recommended to treat the damaged areas with an antiseptic, then seal them with an adhesive plaster or apply a regenerating cream. It is useful to take baths with sea salt or a solution of potassium permanganate. In advanced cases, the use of antibiotics may be required.

Prevention of hangnails involves wearing comfortable shoes, careful manicure and hand skin care. Timely treatment of chronic dermatoses will also help avoid the occurrence of these traumatic injuries to the nail folds.

Hangnails: Small traumatic tears in the epidermis of the nail folds

Hangnails are a common problem that many of us face. They arise as a result of minor injuries to the epidermis of the nail folds, and although they usually do not pose a serious threat to health, they can cause discomfort and inconvenience.

Nail folds are soft tissues surrounding the base of the nail. They perform an important function, protecting the nail plate from infections and injuries. However, when excessive pressure is applied to them or injury occurs, hangnails can occur.

The most common cause of hangnails is improper nail cutting. If the nails are too short or their edges are too sharp, they can grow into the nail fold, causing the epidermis to rupture and form a hangnail. Also, some people may be predisposed to hangnails due to the anatomy of the nail folds or abnormal nail growth.

Symptoms of hangnails include pain, redness, and swelling around the base of the nail. Hangnails can be tender to the touch and cause discomfort when walking or wearing shoes. In some cases, infection can occur if germs get into the torn skin.

Treatment for hangnails usually involves taking several steps to relieve symptoms and prevent infection. Initially, it is recommended to soften the nail plate in warm water with sea salt or special nail products. You can then try to gently push the nail plate away from the nail fold using a soft tool such as a wooden stick. If the hangnail is accompanied by an infection, the use of antiseptic ointments or dressings may be required.

Prevention is an important aspect in nail care and preventing hangnails. Nails should be cut in straight lines, avoiding too short lengths or sharp angles. Regularly moisturizing and softening the nail plate will also help prevent it from growing into the nail fold. If you have any problems with your nail health, it is recommended to consult a specialist such as a dermatologist or chiropodist.

In conclusion, hangnails are small traumatic tears in the epidermis of the nail folds that can occur as a result of improper cutting of the nails or the anatomical features of the nail folds. Although hangnails are usually not a serious problem, they can cause discomfort and potentially lead to infection. Proper nail care and injury prevention will help prevent hangnails and maintain healthy nail folds.