Bureau of Health Statistics

The Bureau of Health Statistics is an institution under ministries or departments of health and is designed to provide medical and statistical data on the state of health of the population and the activities of medical institutions. This data helps governments and health professionals make decisions about improving public health and quality of care, and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.

The Bureau of Health Statistics collects information from various sources such as medical records, research results, questionnaires, etc. They then analyze this information and present it in the form of reports and graphs. This helps health professionals and policymakers make decisions based on objective data rather than biases or personal preferences.

The Bureau of Health Statistics is also developing and implementing new methods for collecting and analyzing health statistical data to improve the quality of information and make it more accessible to all interested parties.

The Sanitary Statistics Department performs the following tasks:

* Providing state and local government bodies, medical, pharmaceutical and chemical industries, organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form (form of ownership), with modern, up-to-date data of systematized statistical information;

* Development and implementation of systems for collecting, recording and analyzing statistical data relevant for the development of public policy in the field of public health;