Calibrometry of Retinal Vessels

Retinal vascular calibration is a diagnostic method that is used to measure the internal diameter of the blood vessels in the retina of the eye. This method can be useful in diagnosing various eye diseases, such as hypertensive retinal angiopathy and other vascular diseases.

Calibrometry of retinal vessels is carried out using ophthalmoscopy - a method of examining the fundus of the eye, in which measuring systems, such as coordinate grids, are projected onto the retina. In the process of calimetry, the internal diameter of blood vessels is measured, which makes it possible to assess their condition and identify possible diseases.

This diagnostic method is widely used in ophthalmology and can help determine the stage of the disease and select the optimal treatment. However, calimetry of retinal vessels is not the only diagnostic method, and in combination with other methods allows one to obtain a more complete picture of the condition of the fundus of the eye.

A retinal calibrometer is a measuring system that is used to measure the internal diameter of retinal vessels during ophthalmoscopy. This is a diagnostic method that allows you to assess the condition of the capillaries and vessels of the retina, as well as the effectiveness of treatment.

Retinal calibrometry involves the use of various measuring instruments that