Cancer Glandular

Glandular cancer is one of the most common human cancers. If a person could see exactly through his body, he would never be able to understand why sometimes microscopic cells join together to form a formation that looks like a large tumor. And this is because it is a small tumor, and it is this that is the beginning of this disease. In some cases, this type of cancer develops quickly, causing serious health problems and even premature death. But don't despair. For glandular cancer, there are several treatment options that can help shrink the tumor and prevent it from coming back. Even before a diagnosis of glandular tissue or adenoma is made, a number of examinations are needed to try to get a full picture of what is causing the pain. They will not only help identify adenomatosis, but also other possible causes of discomfort;

First of all, you need to contact a gynecologist/urologist and undergo a gynecological examination; The doctor will listen to complaints, collect anamnesis and examine the body. The latter will allow you to assess the extent of the disease, identify the presence of other pathologies, and also exclude the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. The examination includes palpation of the external genitalia, labia minora and majora, anus and rectum; In addition to examining the genital organs, the doctor will refer the patient for additional examination. After the results of the blood and urine tests, a hormonal test will be prescribed, with the help of which it will be possible to obtain a more accurate picture of what is happening in the body. This is necessary to identify changes in the functioning of the ovaries and adrenal glands, since their symptoms are similar; If the doctor identifies the need for a more detailed examination of the adenoma in gynecology or proctology, he may prescribe a number of additional procedures. We list the most common of them: Digital examination in gynecology – allows you to obtain the necessary data by inserting it into the cavity