
Capsicam: An effective remedy for relieving muscle and joint pain

Capsicam is a medicine produced by the Estonian pharmaceutical company Tallinn Pharmaceutical Plant. It belongs to the group of naturally occurring irritants and is an ointment that is widely used to treat muscle and joint pain, as well as to warm up muscles in athletes.

The composition of Kapsicam ointment includes several active components. 1 g of ointment contains 20 mg of benzyl nicotinate, 2 mg of vanillyl nonamide, 30 mg of racemic camphor, 30 mg of gum turpentine, 50 mg of dimethyl sulfoxide and up to 1 g of base. These ingredients interact synergistically, providing pain relief and inflammation.

Capsicam is used in the following cases: to relieve muscle and joint pain, as well as to warm up muscles in athletes. Due to its irritating properties, the ointment stimulates blood circulation and provides a feeling of warmth in the area of ​​application.

However, there are some contraindications to the use of Capsicam. It is not recommended if you are hypersensitive to its components, or if you have skin diseases. In addition, its use is not recommended during pregnancy, breastfeeding and in children.

Some side effects, including allergic reactions, may occur when using Capsicam. Interaction with other drugs has not yet been studied, and there is no data on the possibility of overdose.

It is important to remember that Capsicam ointment should be applied only to healthy skin and avoid contact with open wounds and mucous membranes.

In conclusion, Capsicam is an effective remedy for relieving muscle and joint pain. Its irritant properties help improve blood circulation and create a feeling of warmth, which helps relieve pain and inflammation. However, before using Capsicam, it is recommended to consult a doctor, especially if you have any contraindications or doubts regarding its use.

Please remember that this article is based on information from the 2004 Encyclopedia of Drugs and some information may be out of date. It is recommended that you consult more current sources or consult a medical professional.