Cataract Blue

Blue cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye. Causes discomfort - pain, fog or cloudiness before the eye. In this case, visual acuity decreases to a “floating” state near and the impossibility of viewing a distant object.

Why does this form of cataract occur? An infection may occur in the eye with subsequent accumulation of metabolic products. In this case, favorable conditions arise for the development of such turbidity. This disease can occur in people in middle age. Most often it affects men. Cataracts get their blue color from the substances deposited on the crystal inside the eyeball. May arise from Leukoma disease. Sometimes an element called zinc precipitates, which is what gives the color the color it does. Turbidity inside occurs as a result of protein (immunoglobulin) deposition, a violation of the protein composition. This rare disease tends to progress and can affect the entire lens. In children and young people, this phenomenon most often occurs when