

Cefekon is a medicine used to relieve pain and reduce body temperature. It is used to treat inflammatory conditions and pain conditions that cannot be relieved by traditional medications. Cefekon contains salicylamide, amidopine, and phenacetin, which are components that provide a combined analgesic and antipyretic effect. However, before using Cefekon, you should consult your doctor and follow the dosage to avoid unwanted consequences.

Cefekon is produced by the Russian company Nizhpharm. The release form of this drug is suppositories. From the instructions for Cefekon it follows that it should be used when other medications are not effective, or if it is necessary to quickly relieve pain and reduce high fever.

Contraindications to the use of Cefekon are increased excitability of the heart, insomnia and hypertension in the second or third stage, as well as some already known cardiovascular disorders. In addition, when using Cefekon, it is recommended to avoid children under 3 years of age. It is recommended to take the drug only as prescribed by a doctor, following the dosage and recommendations for duration of use. With long-term use of Cefekonom, side effects are possible, such as migraines or allergic manifestations associated with itching and pain in the rectal area. Interaction