

What is cellulite? Cellulite (the medical term is angioforming cellulite) is a chronic disease of human subcutaneous fat tissue, expressed in disruption of microcirculation and the structure of cellular elements with a predominance of cellular hypoxia and acidosis, which leads to the proliferation of connective tissue structures (elastic fibers, “cellular droplets”, septa) and excessive proliferation of skin fat cells (adipocytes), changes in lymph outflow from tissues, metabolic disorders [1], decreased trophism and destruction of collagen and elastic fibers [2][3]. There are static and dynamic flow options. It is characterized by a long course, subjective sensations associated with a feeling of swelling of the skin, increased pain, swelling of tissues at the site of localization [3], and sometimes painful nodes appear. According to its manifestations, cellulite refers to superficial lesions of the subcutaneous tissues. Occurs mainly in women with a tendency to be overweight, prolonged stay in a horizontal position or on their knees, and has a recurrent nature. The primary form of cellulite is distinguished as an independent pathology of connective tissue, secondary in systemic connective tissue diseases and hereditary. The course is usually progressive, and severe complications are not uncommon, accompanied by symptoms of local circulatory disorders and intoxication [4].