Operation Tsemnovicha

Cemnowitz surgery is a medical procedure performed to treat patients with prostate cancer or other malignant tumors in the pelvic area. During this operation, surgeons remove the tumor and its metastases, as well as other affected tissue.

The Zemnowitz procedure is one of the most common treatments for prostate cancer in the world. It was first proposed by American surgeon John Cemnovich in 1953. Since then, its popularity has increased significantly due to advances in surgery and anesthesia.

The essence of the Cemnowitz operation is that the surgeon makes an incision in the patient’s abdomen and removes the tumor through this incision. Then he performs additional operations to remove neighboring organs and tissues that may be affected by the tumor or metastases. At the end of the operation, the surgeon closes the incision and applies stitches.

Cemnowitz operations are performed under general anesthesia. Patients often undergo the procedure either in a hospital setting or in the operating room of a cancer center, where doctors are experienced with the procedure and are available to provide care if necessary. Cemnowitz operations may also be accompanied by risks for the patient. This may involve lengthy recovery time, risk of infections and complications.