Cerebral palsy


Sin: minor chorea, behavioral disorder in chronic cerebral pathology

Almost the only characteristic of such a movement disorder is a series of thoughtless movements, occurring in the form of attacks lasting from several seconds to several minutes and accompanied by difficulties in controlling muscle functions. Typically, both syndromes occur in the same age group, with the same or similar pathogenesis: scars of organic origin form in the area of ​​the frontal lobes of the brain. Cerebrasthenic symptoms tend to develop reversely.

Clinic. The severity of clinical symptoms determines the severity of the pathological process. The classification of symptoms is represented mainly by three conditions - choreic, dystonic, psychopathological.

The main symptom of cerebrasthesia is instability of gait or gait, gait is replaced by chorea: rapid, uncoordinated, irregular movements of the upper third of the body. The gait resembles a dance style; The rhythm of walking is disrupted, smooth movements develop into intermittent ones, performed without control over the movements of the upper body, laughing.

This is accompanied by changes that are usually reversible. Main questions

Cerebral syncapsia (neuropathy) is a neurological disease, one of the manifestations of which is parasthesia - unpleasant sensations on the skin of the body, localized over the entire surface or only in a small area. Considered one of the “36 standard diseases” according to ICD-10

Article about cerebrovascular disease

Cerebrovascular disease is a neurological diagnosis that describes problems with movement and coordination. It is caused by brain injuries or other neurological disorders.

Symptoms of cerebrastia include problems with vision, gait, balance and even speech. These may include headaches,