Cervical Cerclage

Cervical Cerclage is a method that helps prevent premature birth. It involves placing special sutures on the cervix to keep it closed. This reduces the likelihood of premature opening and rupture of the membranes.

This procedure can be recommended for women who have already had a history of premature birth or miscarriages, as well as those who have been diagnosed with isthmic-cervical insufficiency. The cerclage is performed under local anesthesia during pregnancy, usually between 12 and 14 weeks.

Sutures help prolong pregnancy to full term and reduce the risk of complications for mother and baby. However, cerclage does not guarantee the prevention of preterm birth, so careful monitoring of the pregnancy is required after the procedure.

Cervical cerclage is a method that helps prevent premature birth by placing sutures in the cervix. This method is used in cases where the cervix is ​​too thin or short, which can lead to premature dilatation and rupture of the membranes, which in turn can lead to premature labor.

Cervical cerclage involves making small incisions on the cervix through which sutures are then placed. The sutures keep the cervix closed, which reduces the likelihood of premature opening and rupture of the membranes. This method can be used both for the prevention of premature birth and for the treatment of preterm labor that has already begun.

However, it should be noted that cervical cerclage is an invasive procedure and may cause some complications such as infection, bleeding and pain. Therefore, before undergoing this procedure, you should carefully evaluate the risks and benefits, and consult your doctor.

In the modern world, most women face problems such as infertility and inability to get pregnant. One of the main reasons for this is the thin virgin septum between the spine and the wall of the uterus, which can be perforated by various prenatal factors, which can lead to premature birth.

Cervical cerclage is a method of preventing premature birth, which consists of forming a scar around the cervix using suture threads based on a synthetic polymer. This procedure is widely used in obstetric practice when a woman has indications for early delivery. Stitching of the cervix must be performed in the lower third, where the greatest degree of closure of the entrance to the uterus is observed.

During pregnancy and when the first symptoms of a woman’s readiness to go to the delivery room appear, a medical examination is carried out using ultrasound. During the procedure, the doctor determines the degree of the cervix, as well as the shape and length of the cervix. For this purpose, knowledge about the age of the expectant mother, puberty, as well as the development of nodes in the uterus or prematurity of the fetus is necessary. Abnormalities in the position of the placenta, premature termination of labor in the previous 2 times, suspicion of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, multiple pregnancy - these and other factors influence the decision to choose the method of cervical cerclage.