Cervical Tooth Caries

Cervical dental caries is one of the types of dental caries. It is characterized by the presence of carious damage near the neck of the tooth, which can lead to serious complications. In this article we will talk about the causes of cervical dental caries, its symptoms and treatment methods.

Buccal dental caries occurs as a result of exposure to bacteria that live in the mouth. Bacteria produce acid, which gradually destroys tooth enamel. The most vulnerable areas are the areas near the neck of the teeth, as there is no enamel for protection.

Symptoms of dental caries may include plaque on the teeth, pain when chewing, and discoloration of the teeth at the root. However, symptoms may not be noticeable in the initial stages. Therefore, it is very important to visit your dentist regularly to examine your teeth and identify possible problems. If the dentist notices the presence of caries in the cervical area, he will prescribe treatment.

Treatments for this type of caries may include treating the teeth with a special compound that kills bacteria and protects the teeth from further decay. It may also be recommended to use toothpastes and rinses that contain fluoride, which strengthens teeth. However, if the caries is too advanced, the damaged tooth may need to be removed.

Overall, cervical caries is a serious problem that needs to be treated early. Regular visits to the dentist and proper hygiene