Chapter 13 Envy Black And White

Envy is a feeling that accompanies successful and problem-free people. It can appear even among those who seem friendly and close to you. If you decide to declare yourself a prosperous and successful woman, then be prepared for the fact that there will be someone who will envy you.

However, you should not immediately see only enemies around you. Some of your friends will be happy for you and will support you in difficult times. The main thing is not to forget that you are strong and able to cope with your life.

Many people cannot simply be happy for others and believe that their success is their failure. Such people will try to ruin your mood and make sarcastic remarks under your breath. But most importantly, don’t let it affect you. You can smile and pretend that you don't notice their pathetic attempts.

If you are already irritated and feel that you will not be able to hold on, then you should not lash out at them. Better go up to such a person and ask what he said. If he starts being sarcastic and insulting you, then tell him that you don't believe that he really is such an evil person.

But remember that this is a “force” method. It can work if you have already mastered it and it has become your organic skill. At first, you may not have the courage or determination to use it. However, in my experience, often the enemy will give up after he senses your superior strength.

Don't be afraid to be happier and luckier than others. Envy is always black, but this is not a reason to stop there. If you are inclined to believe psychics and superstitions, then install energy protection against envy and the evil eye. This will help rid you of unnecessary doubts in your soul and give more courage and confidence to your words and actions.

In the future, we will talk in more detail about how to take the blow and what other options there are to fight envy. Remember that you are strong and capable of handling your life. Don't let envy influence you and enjoy your successes!