Why is HPV type 6 dangerous and how to treat it?

The content of the article:
  1. What you need to know about papillomavirus type 6
  2. Routes of infection with HPV type 6
  3. Main manifestations
  4. Diagnostic features
  5. Treatment options for HPV type 6
    1. Surgical removal
    2. Medicines
  6. Prevention of HPV type 6

Human papillomavirus type 6 is a strain that does not belong to the oncogenic group, but at the same time is capable of causing the appearance of condylomas on the genitals, which in turn cause serious discomfort to patients and require the attention of doctors.

What you need to know about papillomavirus type 6?

In official statistics you can find information that 80% of people on the planet have one or another strain of HPV (Human Papillomavirus). If the human papillomavirus is present in the body, then it is not at all necessary that any external symptoms will appear or the general physical condition of the person will change.

If we talk about human papillomavirus type 6, then only in 40% of cases the pathogen manifests itself, emerging from a state of suspended animation. For signs of its harmful activities to appear, a weakened immune system is sufficient. A healthy body copes with the manifestations of infection quite independently.

Immunity can be weakened due to a number of reasons:

  1. Constant stress;
  2. Smoking and drinking alcohol;
  3. Prolonged therapy with antibiotics;
  4. Hormonal imbalances due to age-related changes or pregnancy.
If papillomavirus type 6 is activated, the patient experiences the formation of growths on the genitals. This process is associated with improper division of epithelial cells caused by the presence of a pathological microorganism in the body.

Mostly, men are carriers of this strain of HPV, but human papillomavirus type 6 appears more often in women due to the structural features of the reproductive organs. Growths can appear on the labia and even the vagina, and in men - on the head of the penis and near the anus. When neglected, such formations look like cauliflower and cause a lot of inconvenience to their owners.

That is why girls and women are advised to undergo regular gynecological examinations to detect type 6 papillomavirus, and men are advised to undergo regular examinations by a urologist.

The growths can be small endophytic, that is, with a flat base, and barely noticeable even when examined by a doctor, or they can reach enormous sizes, such as Buschke-Levenstein condylomas. Regardless of the size of the formations, they must be examined and treated immediately.

Routes of infection with HPV type 6

Like other strains, human papillomavirus type 6 can be infected in several ways:

  1. Sexually. Regardless of the type of intercourse and contraceptive methods used, infection occurs from an infected partner.
  2. Bytovym. Due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules or performing salon procedures (manicure, pedicure) with non-sterile instruments, infection occurs through damaged skin.
  3. Vertical. While the child is passing through the birth canal. No cases of uterine infection were recorded.

Despite the wide variety of routes of infection, in the international classification papilloma type 6 is classified as a sexually transmitted disease, since the likelihood of infection by other means exists, but is still very small.

Note! Contraceptives do not provide a complete guarantee of protection against this virus. Even when using a condom, pathogenic microorganisms can pass from the partner through contact with unprotected areas of the skin or through micropores in the material.

Main manifestations of papillomavirus 6 strain

While HPV 6 strain is in a latent state, its presence in the body can only be detected by undergoing a special examination; there will be no external signs. But as the disease progresses, the patient begins to develop growths on the skin and mucous membranes. Their color is pink or flesh-colored. The size of such a formation is small at first - up to 5 mm, but the longer the patient does not pay attention to it, the more the disease progresses.

With human papillomavirus type 6 in women, such neoplasms appear on the cervix, in the labia and near the anus; in particularly advanced cases, the genitourinary canal is affected.

The photo shows type 6 papillomas in a man

A man will notice new growths on the penis, including the head and frenulum, in the area of ​​the coronary sulcus and anus.

It is important to know! The formation of condylomas in the intimate area of ​​men and women can be a sign of various diseases, so it is extremely important to consult a doctor to correctly diagnose the strain. To form a complete and objective clinical picture, examinations can be prescribed not only by a gynecologist, urologist, but also by a therapist, proctologist, infectious disease specialist and oncologist.
  1. Read this if you have papillomas in your intimate area during pregnancy.

Features of diagnosing HPV type 6

Testing for the presence of papillomavirus type 6 takes place in several stages. First, the gynecologist conducts a thorough examination of the cavity, and after detecting formations, he prescribes a number of additional tests:

  1. PCR analysis — allows you to detect a live virus in the body and determine its concentration;
  2. Digen test - the most modern pathology analysis allows you to determine the strain and its degree of development, the risk of developing cancer;
  3. Cytological examination - carried out to study the composition of cells of formations;
  4. Colposcopy - for a more thorough inspection.
Important! Men may also have a urethroscopy to look for tumors in the urethra.

In order for analyzes and test results to show the most objective result, it is enough to follow a number of simple recommendations:

  1. Do not have sex 2-3 days before taking smears.
  2. For women, stop using intravaginal products 2 days before the examination.
  3. Go to the toilet 2-3 hours before the examination.
  4. Warn the doctor about taking antibiotics and other medications, if any were used a month before the procedure.
  5. The most favorable time for examination for women is considered to be the 7-10th day of the cycle, at this time the concentration of type 6 papillomavirus in the blood increases. https://dermatologys.ru/narodnoe/66-nastoyka-polyni-ot-papillom-kak-prinimat -otzyvy.html
Important! It is mandatory to undergo all examinations recommended by the attending physician. An objective clinical picture will allow us to exclude the presence of oncogenic factors and prescribe the most effective treatment for a given strain.
  1. Read about the drug Condilina for genital warts.

Treatment options for HPV type 6

Human papillomavirus type 6 cannot be eliminated from the body. Therapy in this case will be aimed at reducing or removing its external signs, supporting the immune system and fighting the pathogen, as well as preventing relapses. The main role in the fight against the 6th strain is played by the patient’s own immunity. Therefore, for comprehensive treatment it is necessary to monitor your general health, eat right, and consume additional vitamins and minerals. You should also stop being promiscuous and undergo therapy with your partner.

Surgical removal of type 6 papillomas

Despite the fact that type 6 papillomas cannot cause cancer, their appearance on the genitals of men and women causes a lot of inconvenience. We are talking not only about the physical, but also the psychological discomfort of the patient.

In order to remove formations, one of the types of destruction may be prescribed:

  1. Laser. The innovative method removes condyloma layer by layer, at the end of the procedure there is not even a scar left, and the likelihood of relapse is extremely low. Due to the use of modern equipment, the cost of laser surgery reaches 600 hryvnia in Ukraine and 2000 rubles in Russia.
  2. A liquid nitrogen. Used to remove small formations. They are rejected after the influence of liquid nitrogen on them, but healthy tissues can also be affected, since the operation is not targeted. The cost of the procedure is from 300 hryvnia in Ukraine and 900 rubles in Russia.
  3. Electricity. One of the traditional methods of destruction, such treatment is extremely painful and does not exclude the possibility of relapses, but it is very affordable in price - from 300 Ukrainian hryvnia, 700 Russian rubles.
  4. Surgical intervention. Used for excision of large tumors, the operation is performed by an experienced surgeon. The price of the procedure is determined individually.

The method of excision of type 6 papilloma is selected based on the general condition of the patient, the size of the destructive area, the doctor’s recommendations and the wishes of the patient.

Treatment of type 6 papillomas with medications

In the photo Viferon for the treatment of HPV type 6

Drug treatment is aimed at stopping the virus, stimulating the immune system, and maintaining the patient’s general health. At the moment, there is simply no single drug that would destroy papillomavirus type 6 in medicine, so the patient is prescribed a whole range of medications:

  1. Antiviral. Groprinosin and its analogues - Panavir, Allokin-Alfa. Their main task is to stop the spread of the virus in the body and stop the disease. The cost of such drugs depends on the manufacturer and the final composition, but on average starts from 200 rubles (100 hryvnia). Antiviral drugs can be produced in the form of tablets, injections, as well as ointments and suspensions for external use.
  2. Immunomodulatory. Interferon and its analogues - Viferon, Genferon, Kipferon, Grippferon. Strengthen the immune system, stimulate the patient’s internal fight against papillomavirus type 6. The price of such drugs is also low, starting from 300 rubles or 120 hryvnia in Ukraine, but can reach several thousand depending on the composition.

Prevention of HPV type 6

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Human papillomavirus type 6 is no exception. To date, a vaccine has been developed against this genotype. However, vaccination is unfortunately not effective for those who are already infected. Therefore, this preventive measure is aimed mainly at young people under 16 years of age. The immunity acquired at this age is more durable. In many countries, such preventive measures are mandatory for high school students.

Vaccination is carried out with Gardasil in 3 stages:

  1. First dose of the drug;
  2. The second exactly 60 days after the first injection;
  3. 6 months after the second vaccination.

The effect of the procedures performed for papillomavirus type 6 lasts on average 15-18 years. If one of the stages of vaccination is missed, doctors do not guarantee its effectiveness.

You can purchase the vaccine yourself. The price of Gardasil is 3000 hryvnia and from 6000 Russian rubles.

What is HPV type 6 - watch the video:

The sixth genotype of papillomavirus, although it does not pose a critical health hazard, still requires careful attention from the patient. If you detect the first signs of activity of the human papillomavirus type 6, you should consult a doctor, because in the future, without appropriate treatment, the formations will increase and cause discomfort.

  1. Read how to use wormwood to remove papillomas.