Skull Clinocephalic

The clinocephalic skull (clinocephalicum) is a type of skull that is characterized by a wedge-shaped shape. The wedge-shaped skull has a narrow and elongated profile, which gives the impression that the head is tilted forward.

The clinocephalic type skull is found in people with certain genetic characteristics or diseases, such as Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, Marfan syndrome and others. These diseases can lead to changes in the shape and size of the skull, as well as other physical and mental abnormalities.

A wedge-shaped skull may be a sign of genetic disorders such as Down syndrome or Turner syndrome. It can also occur as a result of injury or disease such as osteomyelitis or tuberculosis.

However, a wedge-shaped skull is not a sign of mental retardation or other mental disorders. A wedge-shaped skull can be associated with a variety of factors, including genetics, physical injury, and disease.

The clinocephalic skull is a type of clinosomal skull. The classic type of clinocephalic skulls is a skull from the rook culture (or Warringer I, or otherwise Take IV). Bone and stone tools were discovered in the culture itself. Swedish archaeologist Günther Staub found seven bone objects at the site of skeleton skeletons with a clinocephalic type of skull, namely: five fragments of overlays on the frontal bone, two fragments of a bone tool with a side notch for attaching a handle between them, and a bone handle with slots for storage. The finds may indicate the presence of individual cultural elements associated with the use of bone products in everyday life.

Distinctive features of skulls of the sphenocephalic type are, in addition to the inclined-posterior forehead, longitudinally expanded to the poles (sometimes even flattened), the back of the head is laterally compressed, the large size of the braincase, the protruding ridges of the parietal tubercles, the jaw arch is usually low, and the scales of the temporal bones are wide. Thus, the clinosm skull, which belongs to the Caucasoid race and is found among Chalcolithic farmers of the forested Black Sea region, has the most deviated bases of the occipital condyles, low mastoid fossae and relatively long transverse upper temporal and zygomatic arches.