Cherkes-Zadeh Tire

Cherkes-Zade Shina is a Soviet and Russian trauma surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Sheena was born in 1930 in Dagestan. After graduating from the Faculty of Medicine of Dagestan State University, she began her career as a surgeon.

In 1956, Shina defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Features of the course of purulent osteomyelitis of long bones.” In 1972 - doctoral dissertation “Diagnostics and treatment of gunshot fractures and their consequences.”

Throughout her career, Sheena has studied and treated musculoskeletal injuries, including gunshot wounds, fractures, and joint injuries. She has developed and introduced a number of new treatment methods that speed up the recovery process for patients.

Shina is considered one of the leading specialists in the field of traumatology and orthopedics in Russia. Her scientific work has been published in journals and collections and has received international recognition.

In addition, Sheena is actively involved in social activities and is a member of various scientific and medical societies. She also gives lectures and seminars to students and doctors to share her experience and knowledge.

Thus, Cherkes-Zade Shina is one of the most famous and respected trauma surgeons in Russia and beyond. Her scientific achievements and contribution to the development of medicine were highly appreciated not only in our country, but also abroad.

Cherkes-Zada Shina - Soviet general practitioner, trauma surgeon. Specialist in hand surgery and reconstructive microsurgery. His professional experience as a doctor includes operations on the wrist joints, proximal humerus, upper jaw and other organs. From 20