Childbirth: Pain, Stress or Joy?

Childbirth, like first love, remains in a woman’s memory forever. Despite the stressful situation, they are based on a plus sign - the most dear and necessary person in life, with whom the woman was connected for nine months, is born. And no matter how much you yourself prepare for this moment, no matter what soothing or scary stories you hear from your grandmother, mother and girlfriends, no matter how the doctors prepare you, all the same, both the moment of the onset of labor and the birth itself are an individual matter, and the memories they leave behind are unique.

Today, the science of childbirth has undergone major changes towards attention to the woman in labor, facilitating this natural, but rather painful process. This is exactly the topic of our conversation with Lyudmila Yasinskaya, the head of maternity hospital No. 1.

Lyudmila Vasilyevna spoke about modern methods of labor pain relief, including epidural anesthesia. She noted that complete pain relief is only possible with epidural anesthesia, which is performed by a highly qualified anesthesiologist.

We also discussed the indications and features of a cesarean section. Lyudmila Vasilyevna emphasized that this is a serious operation, which is carried out according to strict medical indications.

We touched upon the topic of psychological preparation for childbirth, the importance of psychological support for the woman in labor and her partner.

In conclusion, Lyudmila Vasilievna expressed the opinion that pregnancy really gives a woman special beauty and peace.

Thus, despite the inevitable stress, childbirth is, first of all, the joy of motherhood, which overcomes all difficulties. Modern medicine helps make this process as comfortable as possible for the woman and child.