Chilibukha Ignatia

Chilibukha ignatia is classified as a mystical drug, but in fact it has long been reliably used in healing practice as one of the most powerful means of helping to restore human health. Its pronounced detoxifying effect is especially useful when the body is clogged or intoxicated (general symptoms of poisoning that appear when consuming chemicals). In such a situation, a test must be done before using any medicine.

Two types of ignatia chilibuja (Strychnos ignatii or Ignatia) are used in medicine: 1. Round-leaved (berry-bearing) - a single-seeded fruit of a bright yellow hue containing steroids and alkaloids that enhance blood circulation. A tincture is made from the seeds. And in a number of countries, multicomponent medicinal preparations (lozenges) are prepared from the fruits. 2. Slonnetsnaya (sterile) - with black berry-like fruits without seeds, which do not contain toxins, but contain healthy plant components in large quantities. You cannot prepare medicine from it yourself unless you have special medical education. It is used only externally: in the form of tinctures and compresses.

Another important area of ​​application for ignatia roundel is massage. In this case, the drug is not taken orally, but is applied to the skin to improve blood circulation, increase elasticity and remove toxins from the lower extremities, and eliminate cellulite.