Chin Area

The chin area or regio mentalis (rna, bna, zh) is a small area on the face located between the upper part of the mouth and the lower jaw. This area is one of the most sensitive to pain, and some rejuvenation treatments such as Botox injections, fillers or surgical procedures can cause discomfort in this area. It is important to understand that the chin area is not only an aesthetic component of appearance, but also a very important function of the face. It helps us keep our head in the correct position while walking and speaking, and also helps us pronounce sounds correctly. Without proper functioning of this area, problems with speech, chewing and facial expressions may occur. An example is when a patient after neck surgery has to relearn how to speak to compensate for the loss of chin support. Thus, the choice of facial rejuvenation strategy should be based on the individual condition of the specific individualized area and the importance of factors such as etiology and nature of the work. There are several ways to improve the appearance of the chin area. Some of these include massage, neck and chin exercises, cosmetics or implants. However, the choice of strategy should be approached only after consultation with