Chocolate Cyst

Shalmovaya cyst is a tumor-like formation of a benign nature that occurs in the pelvic organs and is the result of filling the capsule of the cystic cavity with a tumor. This disease most often affects women 25-50 years old. This pathology is very often confused by clinicians and patients with other forms of uterine cystic formations, which makes its timely recognition difficult. For cystoma, it is very difficult to select adequate treatment due to the low effectiveness of the operation. That is why there is a need to carry out clinical observation with a gynecologist every six months, to be able to detect relapses.

According to medical statistics, this disease is diagnosed in women mostly during their reproductive years; ovarian cysts are often also found in men and even children. More often, this pathology occurs in females (more than 90% of cases). In 83%, a cystoma of the left ovary is detected, in 6% (right) - the pathology affects both ovaries. It is necessary to take into account that because of this disease, in 35-40 patients the incidence of uterine cysts is considered primary, and for the rest, more than 50% of patients had cases of neoplasms of cysts even earlier.