Cholangiography Intraoperative

CholangiographAndI is a medical imaging method in which a contrast agent is injected into the bile ducts and an X-ray or ultrasound examination is performed to diagnose diseases of the bile ducts and biliary tract.

CholangiographAndI'm an intraoperativeAndonnaya is a method of examining the bile ducts during surgery, which is carried out to diagnose and treat diseases of the bile ducts.

CholangiographAndI'm a suboperAndonnaya (cholangiographAndI'm an internal operatorAndonnaya) is a method of diagnosing and treating bile ducts, which is performed during surgery.

This is one of the most accurate methods for diagnosing bile ducts in surgery. It allows you to determine the cause of the disease, identify the presence of stones, tumors and other pathologies, and also evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment.

When performing a cholangiographAndand suboperationsAndIt uses special tools and equipment that allow you to get a clear image of the bile ducts on the monitor screen.

Main advantages cholangiographAndand intraoperative are:

  1. high diagnostic accuracy;
  2. possibility of examination during surgery;
  3. the ability to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment;
  4. minimal number of complications.

In addition, the cholangiographAndThis intraoperative procedure can be performed not only for surgical operations on the biliary tract, but also for other diseases, such as pancreatitis, cholecystitis, etc.

Thus, the cholangiographAndI intraoperative is an important method of diagnosis and treatment in surgery, which allows you to obtain accurate results and improve the quality of life of patients.

Cholangiography (cholangiocholecystography) is an X-ray examination of the bile ducts, gallbladder and bile. Unlike ultrasound examination of the liver, it allows visualization of the intrahepatic ducts in detail and with maximum accuracy. Information content and image quality depend