Cholera Glasses

Cholera is an acute infectious disease that is accompanied by symptoms of diarrhea and other health problems. This disease manifests itself in rapid dehydration of the entire body. One of the first symptoms of cholera is pronounced swelling around the eyes, which gives the impression that a person’s “cholera glasses” have become ill.

Cholera glasses

Description of the phenomenon Cholera glasses (cyanotic glasses) are a visual manifestation of severe dehydration, especially characteristic of cholera patients and observed in the final stages of the disease. The extreme form of cholera points is loss of consciousness due to severe dehydration of the brain. Characterized by a combination of characteristics:

* Sharply expressed cyanosis around the eyes against the background of general pallor of the skin. * Retraction of the eyeballs into the sockets. * In the final stages, signs of general weakness, convulsions and fainting appear.

Cholera: fight and victory over a severe infection. reflections

Cholera glasses are an amazing invention created to protect human eyes from the harmful effects of cholera toxins. The history of this device dates back more than 200 years. Scientists from different countries searched for a cure for cholera, conducted research and believed that it was impossible to find such a remedy. And then came the “Great French Epidemic” of cholera in 1817, which killed over 1.5 million people. And just a few months later, a new product was presented in Paris - miraculous glasses for patients, called by the same name. The discovery was the merit of the French military medic Frederic Rieser. But this remedy gained real popularity when the world was swept by a global cholera epidemic, as a result of which the death toll was in the hundreds of thousands. The first copy of this wonderful novelty was a pair of Richard-Rouger glasses, consisting of a frame and lenses. The material for the latter was a blue glass plate about four millimeters thick. The surface of this glass was clouded by chlorine, which was part of a special type of composition. This made it possible to delay infections of various diseases in the human body and prevent them from penetrating into the eyes. According to data from those years, the effectiveness of such a remedy was more than 90%. Nowadays, the use of cholera glasses is mainly for wearing in hospitals, where patients are not being treated, but are receiving maintenance therapy after recovery during outbreaks of cholera and diphtheria. This remedy improves the patient’s quality of life and increases the chances of a full recovery. Based on the materials in the article, cholera glasses are a special device in the form of glasses that prevent toxins from entering people’s eyes and significantly reduce the likelihood of infection.

Cholera glasses are a condition of severe dehydration that is characterized by redness in the whites of the eyes—red blood cells—and sunken eyeballs. This phenomenon is most often observed in patients with cholera, but there may be other causes of the disease.

The cause of this condition is dehydration, so the diagnosis of “cholera glasses” should cause concern and the need for immediate treatment. Cholera is an infectious disease caused by viruses of the parahemolytic group. It is characterized by a rapid course and causes complications in the form of damage to the kidneys, heart, and nervous system. If measures are not taken to control the infection, the disease can be fatal. At the same time, first aid is mandatory rehydration using saline solutions.

In order to prevent cholera eyes, it is necessary to follow good hygiene. It is important to wash your hands before eating and after visiting public places where you can easily become infected with the disease. We also need to monitor the purity of the water we drink and use only boiled water. It should be remembered that you should not drink water from unknown sources, which may contain pathogenic microflora that pose a threat to health.

If you become infected with cholera and the first symptoms are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will prescribe treatment for cholera, including antibiotics, restorative therapy and drugs to replenish fluid loss in the body. You should not self-medicate, as this will lead to a worsening of the condition and can cause serious consequences. It is important to stay in bed and take medications prescribed by your doctor.

Evolution of infectious diseases and infectious diseases and the complications they cause (ICD). Currently, in the population of any region there are carriers of both clinical forms of infection and asymptomatic carriers of pathogens. Since natural conditions are subject to anthropogenic pressure, and the natural human microbiota is reduced under the influence of wars, market globalization processes and the chronic stress of living in megacities, we can expect an increase or spread of chronic infections. These include HIV infection, viral hepatitis B, C, D, HCV infection, etc. Modern data have accumulated indicating the possibility of infection during various periods of the epidemic process not only due to HIV-infected women (maternal person), but also men, regardless of immunity status.

Consequently, the spread of ICB