Excessive lust

Great lust with a strong and full-blooded body, a healthy nature, youth and the ability to copulate without subsequent weakness does not require that it be treated by calming, for calming lust weakens the nature and exhausts strength without extreme necessity. Know that the abundant generation of semen strengthens the heart and body, and its meager generation spoils the complexion and weakens memory and intelligence. If such people are affected by looseness of the body and rapid sweating, they should engage in restorative physical exercise and, if possible, bathe in cold water. Lust should be calmed only when it occurs from excessive overflow due to warmth or moisture - in this case it is moderated by evacuation. Sometimes the reason for this is the sharpness of the semen or its abundance when the body is weak, due to the strength of the seminal vessels, which attract the matter of the semen to themselves, even if the body is in need of strength, as happens when some organs are created stronger than others, and after that there is a feeling of lightness. Or excessive lust comes from itching and pimples in the seminal vessels. Thus, women experience itching at the mouth of the uterus and their passion for copulation does not calm down, or this happens due to large bloating, so sometimes a strong erection occurs from rumbling, which does not cause pain. The erection also increases in a person suffering from a spill of black bile. In men, erections increase in cold countries, in cold air and in cold seasons, because their strength accumulates, but in women the opposite happens, because this dissipates their frozen forces and their very cold seed. Sleeping on your back is one of the positions that promotes erection.

Signs. The signs of the health of the body and the signs of overflow belong to what is no longer hidden from you, and the signs of the severity of the semen are when the semen comes out quickly, with pain and burning, and when urinating, a burning sensation appears, and after the semen comes out, weakness occurs. A sign of excessive lust, depending only on one seed, is that there is no significant strength and abundance of blood in the body. In this case, there is often weakness, but there is a lot of semen, and involuntary discharge of semen occurs frequently; what comes out with them is abundant, and they weaken the body. Signs of lust from itching are that copulation only increases lust and often the lust is strong, but there is no seed, and copulation is accompanied by pain. Signs of bloating are a strong erection, previous consumption of bloating foods and a bloating nature, for example, black gall.

Treatment. What comes from hot overflow is treated with bloodletting, lighter food and taking cooling substances, and what comes from wet overflow is treated with hot remedies that dry out the semen, which we will list together with drugs that stimulate lust, so that the drying substances reach to the seminal vessels. What comes from the pungency of the seed is treated by balancing the juices and cooling them with techniques, for example, lettuce, purslane and its seed, chicory, pumpkin, kiss, fruits and fresh coriander, as well as medicinal dressings, for example, from water lily or duckweed, or wax ointments prepared from cold oils. They also use squeezed juice of fresh cane and camphor, in a drink or in an ointment, and put lead plates on their backs. It is also useful to drink cold water, sleep on linen bedding, and the like. Food for such patients is lentils, purslane, and for people with strong digestion - brown bird stomachs. What occurs from the abundant generation of semen is also treated by cooling the seminal vessels with the help of the cooling substances we have mentioned, and what occurs from itching and pimples is benefited by bleeding, removing hot matter from below, balancing the nature and using the mentioned cooling ointments. Sometimes numbing agents and lubrication, such as hemlock or hemlock leaves, are needed, as well as immersing the patient in very cold water. What comes from bloating substances is treated with cooling drugs, if the heat is very significant, in order to extinguish the bloating heat, and also with strong drying and wind-dispersing medicines, if the bloating is accompanied by significant coldness. If the patients are black bile, then black bile is removed from them.

Cold means that dry the seed. These are lentils and their decoction, especially lentils boiled with Indian hemp, although the hemp is hot, as well as water lily, coriander, purslane seeds, squeezed juice of fresh cane, very sour whey from dug, acorn flour, vinegar, Indian hemp and lettuce seed ; if taken too much, it sometimes destroys lust. And from oils - olive oil reduces the amount of semen; medicinal dressings with duckweed, dry hemlock stems and similar substances also work; bandages are placed on the testicles and anus. Applying cakes of washed lead white, lead oxide, Kimolos clay and vinegar also helps. Here is another cooling compound medicine: take lettuce seeds, henbane seeds, cucumber seeds, chicory seeds, uncrushed plantain, dry coriander and dried water lily, pound everything except plantain, and prepare powders from it. One of the remedies that experienced doctors tested was walking barefoot - it causes a decrease in the passion for copulation.

Hot medicines that dry out the seed. These are nigella - fried and unfried, dill seeds, rue seeds, prutnyak seeds, mint seeds, furbillun, clover, jellyfish, white horehound, cumin. Of the complex Medicines, Kammuni greatly dries out the seed; if the patient has a hot nature, then he is given vinegar to drink.

Good complex medicine. They take roasted, peeled pine and bdelium nuts - ten dirhams each, pomegranate and rose flowers - five dirhams each, rue seeds - seven dirhams, twig seeds - five dirhams. All this is crushed and sifted through a sieve and taken in powder form as much as the doctor finds necessary. The addition of pine nuts is intended to carry out other medicines, and they are fried to reduce their ability to increase lust. Another medicine. They take dill seeds - three dirhams, lettuce seeds, purslane seeds - four dirhams each, and drink with lentil juice.

Also: beaver stream, rue seeds, henbane seeds are taken in equal parts and drunk at a time with dilute wine. Also: take rue seeds - dirhams, anise - dirhams, beaver stream, white henbane seeds - two dirhams each, roses, pomegranate flowers - three dirhams each, pound, sift through a sieve and drink two dirhams at a time with cold water or diluted wine. Also: take iris root - two dirhams, rue seeds - three dirhams, pomegranate flower - five dirhams, and take two dirhams with an arc. Also: they take lettuce seeds - three and a half dirhams and rue seeds - two and a half dirhams; They drink it for two dirhams with sikan-jubiyom. Also: they take rue seeds - two dirhams, pomegranate flowers - two dirhams and twig seeds - dirhams; This is drunk at one time.

Here is another hot Complex medicine: take the roots of dry reed, mountain basil, myrrh - two dirhams each, furbiyun - half a dirham, rue seeds, urchin, twig, marjoram - each dirham; they all tie it up and drink one dirham at a time. Also: take the root of a plant called dog yatras and wild Indian hemp seeds - eight misqals each, roasted twig seeds - two misqals, water cabbage seeds - misqal. At a time they drink all this one misqal with black astringent wine; This medicine is praised by the ancients.