Excessive urination

Excessive urination manifests itself in different forms - sometimes it is like in diabetes, but this is not the case when the patient is simply thirsty, but one in which the thirst is insatiable and the water comes out as soon as it is drunk. And sometimes the thirst is insatiable, but the disease does not have the quality of diabetes and its strength; It also happens that there is no significant thirst. If a burning or stinging sensation is felt, then the reason for this, as you know, is the sharpness of urine or ulcers, and if this is not the case, then there are causes of cold urinary incontinence; urine is often expelled by substances that strengthen the nature and warm the inside of the body. Those who have abundant and liquid feces have little urine, and those who have dry feces have a lot of urine. What is connected with this disease has already been taught in the previous one, and the treatment of all this is stated above. Now we will also mention measures for treating excess urine caused by cold, and say that all lust-inducing drugs help those who have copious urine due to cold. Slurping soft-boiled eggs on an empty stomach is also beneficial, as is drinking boiled milk. Such patients also benefit from a decoction of myrtle berries, dry pears and khairun dates - two uqiyas every day on an empty stomach. Myrrh is one of the good cures for this, as well as Magaleb cherry, syth and also incense, galangal, iron oxide and coriander.

Prescription of the medicine: take myrrh, beaver stream, bitter bush, thyme, the inner skin of the acorn and saliva - in equal parts, and prepare pills from this with the juice of fresh myrtle; They drink one dirham at a time before going to bed. An enema, which is good in this case and strengthens the kidneys: take the squeezed juice of Tribulus, the bone marrow of a ram and its testicles, boiled until strong, as well as the fat of goat kidneys, from which the foam has been skimmed - all this equally, and tied up; then they take fresh milk, ghee, fat tail fat and green seed oil - in equal parts, and in total as much as you took the substance for the first time, mix it all together and do an enema.