What to do in case of Ascorutin poisoning?

An overdose of Ascorutin, a vitamin preparation, can cause serious disruptions in the functioning of the body. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to take the medicine strictly following the instructions. If the victim has severe intoxication, poisoning with Ascorutin, then he needs to be provided with emergency assistance.

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Basic information

Ascorutin is a drug consisting of ascorbic acid and vitamin P (rutin). The latter enhances the antioxidant effect of vitamin C and promotes its accumulation in the body. Both components are active participants in all metabolic processes, reduce capillary fragility, vascular wall permeability, increase microcirculation, and stimulate the production of hormones.

The benefits of Ascorutin are that it increases local and general immunity, blocks local inflammatory reactions in blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on heart function, and inhibits the development of diabetic retinopathy. Harm from Ascorutin can only occur if the recommended dose is exceeded and used without taking into account contraindications.

In what cases is the drug prescribed?

Ascorutin is recommended for the treatment and prevention of hypovitaminosis C and P, correction of microcirculatory lesions. In addition, the drug is used in the complex treatment of diseases accompanied by impaired permeability of the vascular wall, hemorrhages in the retina and frequent nosebleeds:

  1. thrombocytopenic purpura;
  2. radiation sickness;
  3. The simultaneous use of Ascorutin and medications containing ethyl alcohol is not recommended by the vast majority of specialists. To avoid a possible threat to your health, it is better to abstain from alcohol for the entire period of treatment.

    Side effects of Ascorutin

    The list of negative consequences of taking Ascorutin is relatively small:

    1. allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes;
    2. dyspeptic syndrome (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea);
    3. increased blood pressure;
    4. insomnia.

    Other manifestations are purely individual and occur very rarely.

    Dosage regimen and course duration

    Tablets are taken orally, 1 piece. 2–3 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of clinical signs, on average 1 month.

    What happens if you eat a lot of Ascorutin? The drug should not be abused, since ascorbic acid damages tooth enamel. In this regard, the tablets should be swallowed whole, without chewing, and washed down with a sufficient amount of water.

    With a single use of 10 or more tablets, an overdose of Ascorutin may develop, requiring urgent medical intervention. The condition is associated with dysfunction of the pancreas and kidneys, and a sharp rise in blood pressure.

    Symptoms of Ascorutin poisoning

    An alarming clinical picture appears literally in the first hours after taking a critical dose. This:

    1. acute epigastric pain (in the stomach area);
    2. nausea and vomiting;
    3. loose stools, diarrhea;
    4. hives;
    5. dizziness and headache;
    6. tachycardia (fast pulse);
    7. a sharp increase in pressure;
    8. excitement and irritability, subsequently turning into drowsiness and apathy.

    First aid for an overdose of Ascorutin

    1. The speed of providing emergency assistance to the victim depends on his health and life. Therefore, first of all you need to call a doctor. Before his arrival, a number of emergency measures should be taken:
    2. Gastric lavage. The victim needs to drink 2-3 glasses of water at room temperature and induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue. The procedure for cleansing the stomach is carried out several times until clean rinsing water appears.
    3. Application of sorbents. Such drugs bind and remove toxic metabolic products. Most often used:
    1. ;In case of Ascorutin poisoning, it is best to drink alkaline mineral water, because it neutralizes ascorbic acid, which means it alleviates the severity of the victim’s condition.


      A specific antidote (antidote) for Ascorutin poisoning has not been developed. To some extent, alkaline mineral water is an antidote. To eliminate the clinical manifestations of overdose, symptomatic therapy is used.

      In some cases, when the patient’s condition gives rise to serious concerns, detoxification of the body is carried out - infusion of a large volume of liquids. Antihistamines are prescribed to treat allergic manifestations of overdose. If they are ineffective, steroid (hormonal) therapy is indicated.

      To eliminate negative gastrointestinal symptoms, enterosorbents, antispasmodics, antiemetics and antidiarrheals are recommended for use.

      Why is Ascorutin dangerous?

      Acute poisoning (use of more than 3 g of the drug per day) leads to severe impairment of kidney function (acute failure), the development of acidosis and hemolytic anemia.


      The most common cause of an overdose of Ascorutin is uncontrolled use. In adults, clinical signs of poisoning develop due to multiple excesses of the daily norm. An overdose of Ascorutin in children occurs for the same reason. The pleasant taste of the tablets provokes the child to eat too many of them. Therefore, the medicine must be stored out of the reach of children and its irrational use must be prevented.

      Despite the fact that Ascorutin is freely available in pharmacies, consultation with a specialist before using it is strictly required. Following your doctor's recommendations will help you avoid an overdose of any drug.