What can you buy at the pharmacy for warts?

What to buy at the pharmacy for warts

Effective pharmaceutical products to combat warts. Review of medications to help you make the right choice.

The content of the article:
  1. Salicylic ointment
  2. Salipod
  3. Collomak
  4. Solcoderm
  5. lapis pencil
  6. Super clean
  7. Cryopharma
  8. Panavir
  9. Epigen intimate

Buying a remedy for warts in a pharmacy is not difficult; the modern pharmaceutical industry offers us a wide range of different ointments, patches and sprays for literally any occasion. However, it is the wealth of choice that can confuse a person who is far from medicine, so you need to understand what the effect of a particular drug is based on and on what parts of the body it can be used.

Salicylic ointment for warts

Salicylic ointment for warts

If you ask a pharmacy for an ointment for warts, they will most likely recommend salicylic ointment, and they will be absolutely right. This is one of the most popular keratolytics, the action of which is to gradually exfoliate particles of epithelial tissue that form skin growths. Salicylic acid is included in many preparations for the destruction of warts, as well as papillomas, calluses and corns, but is also sold as an independent remedy.

The affected area of ​​skin is washed with soap and water, dried with a towel and ointment is applied. It is recommended to cover the treated area with a sterile bandage to prevent accidental abrasion of the product. There is no need to wear a bandage all the time, but before the next procedure, the wart will need to be carefully wiped with a cotton swab soaked in an antiseptic, removing dead particles. If the lesion is large and you have to repeat the above steps more than once, it is better to immediately purchase a remedy for warts at the pharmacy and purchase an alcohol-free antiseptic so as not to provoke dryness and flaking of the skin. Treatment takes from 5 to 10 days depending on the size of the growth.

Salicylic acid is not suitable for the treatment of warts located near the mucous membrane (corner of the mouth, eyes, genitals). It should not be used for kidney disease, during pregnancy and lactation, in childhood and in case of individual intolerance.

Salipod for warts

Salipod for warts

This is one of the most powerful and at the same time safest products that can be bought at a pharmacy to remove warts. The main active ingredient here is the same salicylic acid, applied to the non-woven base of the patch in a concentration of 33%. For comparison, the acid content in the ointment of the same name is 2-5%, so the patches are used to remove warts mainly on the feet.

Salipod is glued to a clean and dry area of ​​the body with a wart, sometimes fixing it on top with a regular plaster for greater reliability, and left for 48 hours. They remove it very carefully, without sudden movements. Before use, it is advisable to cut the patch so that it covers the wart, extending minimally beyond it - this will protect healthy skin from burns. For small defects, a single application is sufficient. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

A contraindication for the use of Salipod is individual intolerance.

Collomak for warts

Collomak for warts

Another enhanced-action keratolytic, which contains lactic acid along with traditional salicylic acid. The effect of their use can be so strong because the third active ingredient in the solution is the anesthetic polycanol or its analogues.

The solution is applied strictly to the wart 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days in a row. If this is not enough, the course is repeated after a break of the same duration.

Collomac should not be used on the face and delicate skin in the genital area. In addition, it is not recommended for people with individual intolerance and small children. Pregnant and lactating women can use the product with caution.

Solcoderm for warts

Solcoderm for warts

Many people believe that a drug for warts purchased at a pharmacy is safe by default, because it does not require a prescription. However, it is not. For example, necrotizing agents that cause tissue death contain extremely harsh substances that can cause serious damage if handled carelessly. This is, for example, Solcoderm, the formula of which contains 4 types of acid: nitric, lactic, acetic and oxalic.

To avoid painful burns, before using it, the skin around the perimeter of the growth should be treated with Vaseline, which will create a protective layer. You can also use a high-fat cosmetic cream. After this, the solution is applied once to the wart with a cotton swab. After 3-5 days, the skin growth darkens and turns into a scab, which disappears on its own in 7-8 days. The small wound remaining in its place is treated with any antiseptic.

Solcoderm is not recommended for pregnant women. The drug is used to treat plantar warts in children, but due to the risk of burns, it is better to entrust this procedure to a medical professional.

Lapis pencil for warts

Lapis pencil for warts

If you are afraid of dealing with the solution, try buying a wart pencil at the pharmacy - you may find it more convenient. The role of a necrotizing substance in it is silver nitrate, which also has antiseptic properties: thus, when treating a skin growth, you will simultaneously cauterize and disinfect it. This is convenient because silver nitrate is incompatible with other antiseptics.

The pencil is used three times a day; there is no need to apply a bandage. Small warts disappear no later than 1-2 days, large ones require longer treatment. A slight burning sensation and redness of the skin is a normal reaction, but you need to act very carefully so as not to affect healthy tissue.

Contraindication is individual intolerance.

Super cleanser for warts

Super cleanser for warts

The herb with its acrid yellow juice, which leaves brown spots everywhere, is widely used in folk medicine to cleanse keratinized skin, warts, papillomas, superficial and deep calluses. However, herbal treatment takes a lot of time, and its effect is sometimes barely noticeable, so for those who want to make their skin smooth in the shortest possible time, it is wiser to go looking for celandine for warts at the pharmacy.

It is enough to apply a transparent liquid with a very aggressive effect to the wart once a day, generously lubricating the skin around it with baby cream, in order to see the result within 3 days.

The alkaline drug is prohibited for use on children, pregnant and lactating women.

Cryopharma for warts

Cryopharma for warts

Exposure of the skin to cold through inert nitrogen gas is very popular in cosmetology, including for getting rid of minor skin imperfections. You will hardly be able to purchase the gas in its pure form, but the drug Cryopharma - “liquid nitrogen” for warts - will not be difficult to buy at the pharmacy. Its secret lies in the demethyl ether and propane contained inside the aerosol can, which freeze tissues, causing them to die.

Applicators with a holder are sold complete with the aerosol. The applicator is soaked with icy liquid from a balloon and pressed against the wart for 10-20 seconds. In the vast majority of cases, a single application is enough to remove the unwanted growth from the body, but you will have to be patient, since the wart finally disappears 10-12 days after treatment. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated, but not earlier than after 2 weeks.

Keep in mind: although Kryofarm for warts is sold freely in pharmacies, it is a serious remedy that can leave a scar if you press the applicator to the skin for too long or apply it to delicate areas of the body - face, neck, armpits. It is prohibited to freeze warts for children under 4 years of age. Do not use the aerosol near an open flame!

Panavir for warts

Panavir for warts

A plant-based gel with an antiviral effect and an immunomodulatory effect is valuable because it not only eliminates symptoms, but fights their root cause. The biologically active polysaccharide included in its composition strengthens the immune system, causing it to more effectively resist bacteria and viruses.

The gel is applied to areas affected by warts, including the face, chest and other areas of the body, but avoiding mucous membranes. The procedure is repeated 2-5 times a day for up to 5 days. If the effect is not expressed, treatment can be extended up to 10 days.

The gel is not recommended for children under 12 years of age, as well as for patients with kidney or spleen damage. Pregnant and lactating women must be given permission to use the product by the doctor supervising the woman.

Epigen intimate for warts

Epigen intimate for warts

When HPV affects the intimate area, the question of what to buy at the pharmacy for warts becomes especially delicate, because neither keratolytics, nor necrotizing agents, nor cryogenic preparations are suitable here. However, drug manufacturers have taken care of this not so simple case. An antiviral immunostimulating drug with an anti-inflammatory effect, Epigen Intim is available in the form of a gel and spray and, due to its mild effect, can be used to combat warts and condylomas on the genitals, and also act as a preventive measure.

The affected areas are treated 3-5 times a day for 10 days or until complete recovery.

The drug has virtually no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance.

What to buy at the pharmacy for warts - watch the video:

Remember that to prevent relapses, it is not enough to remove the wart with a drug from the pharmacy. It is necessary to restore the immune system so that the body can successfully suppress the HPV that has settled in its blood and keep your skin smooth and clean, so visit a doctor for a detailed consultation and prescription of an immunomodulatory drug. For example, Isoprinosine can play this role, but the dosage and course of treatment should be prescribed by your attending physician.