Sensitivity Temperature

Temperature sensitivity (s. thermoestheticia) is a person’s ability to sense and perceive changes in environmental temperature. It is one of the key factors determining comfort and quality of life in various climatic conditions.

Temperature sensitivity can be high or low depending on the individual characteristics of the organism and its adaptation to the environment. People with high sensitivity can sense changes in temperature much more than those with low sensitivity. This can lead to discomfort and even pain with sudden changes in temperature.

In addition, temperature sensitivity can affect our mood and emotional state. For example, people with high sensitivity to temperature changes may experience increased anxiety and stress in hot or cold environments, which can lead to a decrease in quality of life.

Various methods can be used to reduce sensitivity to temperature changes. For example, you can wear clothes made from natural materials that allow air to pass through better and retain heat, and also use special means to protect against cold or heat. You can also learn how to properly regulate your body temperature, for example through proper breathing and muscle relaxation.

It is important to understand that temperature sensitivity is an individual feature of each person, and it cannot be changed completely. However, with the right approach and the use of various methods, you can significantly improve your well-being and comfort in various climatic conditions.