Development Cycle

The development cycle is the totality of all successively successive stages of the development of an organism from the moment of its inception to the end of life. The stages of the development cycle may vary for different organisms, but in general several main stages can be distinguished:

  1. Fertilization and the fertilized egg is the first stage at which the fusion of male and female reproductive cells occurs. As a result of this process, a zygote is formed, which begins to divide and develop.

  2. The embryonic period is the period that begins after fertilization and continues until the embryo emerges from the mother's oviduct. During this period, the development of organs and systems of the body, as well as the formation of tissues and organs, occurs.

  3. The fetal period is the period of development of the fetus inside the mother's uterus. This period begins after the embryo leaves the oviduct and continues until birth. During the fetal period, further development of the organs and systems of the fetus occurs, as well as preparation for birth.

  4. The postpartum period is the stage that begins immediately after birth and ends approximately one year after birth. During this period, the body adapts to the environment, as well as the growth and development of the body.

  5. Adulthood is the stage of life after birth that continues until the death of the organism. During this period, the growth and development of organs and systems continues, as well as adaptation to environmental conditions.

Each stage of the development cycle has its own characteristics and requires certain conditions for the normal development of the body. For example, the embryonic period requires special care from the mother to ensure proper development of the fetus. The postpartum period also requires special attention, since the newborn’s body needs nutrition and care. The adult period also requires attention, since during this period the body can be exposed to various diseases and stress.

Thus, the developmental cycle is an important stage in the life of an organism and requires special attention at each stage.

Development cycle is the sequence of changes in the form and function of an object. A development cycle is a set of all changing stages of one process (ontogenesis).

Complete 15 sentences about the development cycle

1. In biology and sociology, the concepts “development cycle” and “life cycle” are used synonymously. 2. The life cycle describes the life course of an individual. 3. Developmental cycles can be repeated in another person, subject to conception and pregnancy. That is, the egg will develop further according to a certain development cycle. 4. The cycle of individual development during meiosis consists of two phases - prophase and metaphase. Sometimes it is divided into the chronophases of gametopathy and germplastic embryogenesis. 5. The chronophase of blastopathy ends with the formation of the morula, so for a short period the cycle stops, and then the stages of blastogenesis and microscopic development begin. 6. The microscopic stage of embryo formation is very important, because during this period all the main structures and organs of the embryo are formed. Knowledge of the features of this stage is necessary for successful further development of the fetus.